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Unclickable region on Screen

There seems to be a small region in the upper right quadrant of the screen that is not clickable when UI scaling is turned on.

I noticed this when leveling up Imoen and I was trying to apply her thief skill points. I also noticed it when I was on the map and trying to click a door. I had to scroll the map such that the door was in a different spot before I could click it.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a solution other than turning off UI scaling?



  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    I haven't experienced it myself but I've seen other people post about it. It's apparently an issue with some versions of Windows. There's some widget or some nonsense in that section of the screen that's locking up, so it thinks you're clicking on the widget.

    Rebooting the computer apparently fixes the problem.
  • GaldragoGaldrago Member Posts: 2
    I've noticed a problem recently with clicking on the 6th character portrait, the cursor turns into the windows cursor. As the game starts up there's a notification for the windows xbox game bar that pops up in that location. Alt-Tabbing out of the game and waiting for that notification to disappear then going back to the game makes the problem with the cursor disappear. I don't know if this is all part of the same problem.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    It's a general issue with programs that Windows gives priority to - clicking with the mouse at a location where a notification from that program exists will select that rather than BG. You can usually deal with the problem by minimizing other programs or moving them as far off the screen as possible.
  • Monkeyboy888888Monkeyboy888888 Member Posts: 10
    I get this issue when I have the steam window maximised behind BG. if I minimise the steam window it goes away.
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