Is the -2 reputation penalty for having Vicona in your party rather than Jaheira?

I ask mainly ask because I read that there are extra quests the higher your reputation is. The parties reputation was 20 until saving and taking in Vicona into my party and now my reputation is 18 which is a problem because I want all of them but if I get a reputation higher than 18 Vicona will leave the party.
I recall that if you try to steal from a salesperson and it fails your reputarion drops (if you need to, do it indoors to avoid mobs and guards, also don't kill the salesperson just get out) . If you need to raise it just donate to temples.
It isn't possible to raise your reputations with temple donations if it is at 18 already. So you don't think that it matters if I only have an 18 reputation? (By the way, the shop discounts don't matter I am quite rich right now).
now your problem is not to loose quests, as there are no quests you loose, is to lower intentionally your rep before triggering any quest related rise in rep. drop and take back viki just before it happens.
Right thanks!