Heck, worshipping and actively serving the only goddess in the settign who not only wants to wipe out ALL LIFE IN THE UNVERSE and has make attempts to do so in the past, makes Viconia more evil than almost anyone else on its own. Full stop.
You had some pretty strong words to say about Viconia in the other thread. You don't think serving the Apocalypse God ranks a little higher than some random demon?
Korgon is bascally a do what it takes merc.
Hexxat is a crook doing what comes natural to survive as a vamp.
Edwin is a power hungry self serving bureaucratic mage.
Viconia and the spoiler guy can both
(Saervok) change alignments for the better
But Dorn, well he just loves killing and bloodshed. Even in BG1 he talks about slaughtering innocent women and children. I think even Korgan would draw the line there. I mean, where does that get fun. Plus he's got the whole serving a demon thing going on.
Even Shar has a group in her church called the Darkcloaks, rare neutral aligned priests going out to ease suffering in order to bring in more worshipers. Vic also had the guts to say enough was enough when it came to a certain killing in the Underdark.
Korgon is bascally a do what it takes merc.
Hexxat is a crook doing what comes natural to survive as a vamp.
Edwin is a power hungry self serving bureaucratic mage.
Viconia and the spoiler guy can both
(Saervok) change alignments for the better
But Dorn, well he just loves killing and bloodshed. Even in BG1 he talks about slaughtering innocent women and children. I think even Korgan would draw the line there. I mean, where does that get fun. Plus he's got the whole serving a demon thing going on.
Even Shar has a group in her church called the Nightcloaks, rare neutral aligned priests going out to ease suffering in order to bring in more worshipers. Vic also had the guts to say enough was enough when it came to a certain killing in the Underdark.
I haven't done Dorn's BG2 questline, but from what I understand like Viconia you can free him from his evil master so to say.
But unlike Viconia he remains very evil after you do so. He's just free to be evil on his own terms.
Simple distinctions:
Evil as in having the least sympathy for the suffering of others/compunction about hurting others/second guesses:
Dorn > Korgan/Edwin > Hexxat > Spoiler > Viconia
Evil as in going out of your way to do bad things to other people:
Dorn > Viconia (praying to Shar counts)/Hexxat > Korgan/Spoiler > Edwin
Evil as in having a natural inclination towards Evil:
Hexxat > Spoiler (arguably)/Viconia > Dorn > Korgan > Edwin
Evil as in having wrought calamity already (based on guesswork):
Dorn/Spoiler > Viconia > Korgan/Hexxat > Edwin
Evil as in being the least willing to adapt to the ethics of the party leader and not do evil while accompanying <CHARNAME>:
This would be one of the more important points because it is the main requirement for a moral person to be able to justify recruiting them.
Hexxat (she needs to feed)/Viconia (only in regards to her faith)/Dorn > Edwin/Korgan/Viconia > Spoiler
Feel free to correct me.
As there is only a single category that Dorn does not lead, apparently I consider him to be the most evil.
Heck, worshipping and actively serving the only goddess in the settign who not only wants to wipe out ALL LIFE IN THE UNVERSE and has make attempts to do so in the past, makes Viconia more evil than almost anyone else on its own. Full stop.
You had some pretty strong words to say about Viconia in the other thread. You don't think serving the Apocalypse God ranks a little higher than some random demon?
Sure, the literal goddess of evil and darkness is pretty impossible to top. I think the tipping point for me, is that Dorn is REALLY GOOD at follow HIS evil patron's orders, even enjoys it. Viconia's religious philosophy is definitely magnitude's worse than Dorn's, but Viconia doesn't really ACT on it much. She is more evil than the vanilla bg2 npcs, actively encouraging acts of callousness and evil, her actions do not hold a candle to Dorn or Hexxat, who both intentional spread as much misery around as possible. Hexxat is an active serial killer who makes excuses for what she does. Dorn is outright sadistic and thouroughly enjoys killing as many people as possible without a hint of remorse, not even sparing women and children. Not even Korgan is that violent or spiteful. At the end of the day, Dorn's actions spread more death and misery than any philosophy.
HAH, looks like we have one undisputed winner for this poll, save for the lone dissenting voice of Balrog99 over there. *sends Dorn over to 'correct' that*
But yeah, the fact that you can shift both Viconia and Sarevok's alignments to Neutral immediately takes them out of the running. Korgan appears to simply be a "whatever it takes to get the job done" mercenary who perhaps enjoys his work a little too much if things go south (he reminds me a lot of Black Whirlwind from Jade Empire). Edwin is a typical megalomaniacal Red Wizard, but while the Red Wizards are indeed responsible for a LOT of suffering in the Realms, Edwin's own hands appear to be fairly clean (aside from him wanting Dynaheir dead in BG1, something which he doesn't seem all too bothered about failing to perform in BG2) since we never see him actually perform something truly objectionable in our company, while we also never really run into any victims of his schemes (if any of them even came to fruition).
I've yet to play around with Hexxat, so I'll have to reserve my judgement on her. But Dorn... Here we have a blackguard who is literally killing people and sending their souls to the Abyss so they can be devoured by his demonic patron. (This is not actually an ability Blackguards normally get, so I must presume that Dorn received some sort of special hidden ability that allows him to do so.) If you have at any time killed Neutral or even Good characters with Dorn in your party, you have also condemned them to this horrific fate. When good characters like Ajantis or Yeslick steadfastly refuse to even allow Dorn in the party, they are actually in the right; only the most vile or depraved of mortals would even consider accepting such a character among their company.
yep, there maybe there is some chance that someone does not "win the elections" with a so totalitarian margin.
EDIT: i don't vote here cause i was never able to play with dorn, hexxat and edwin, i suspect that doing it i would vote dorn.
about viconia i agree with @ThacoBell about her serving possibly the greatest of the evils, even if shar and selune are 2 faces of a coin, somewhat the existence of one imply the existence of the other.
but the evilness of a power or the evilness of who serve it are separate things.
i agree with @Zaxares , the fact that both viki and mr tob can change alignment make them less evil then the other possible choices. for viki to do it mean to unlearn almost all what has been learned from the society she has born and grown into, to switch from lolith to shar can be a needed step in the path that make her change from evil into something other.
i find that also minsc and aerie are good contenders, he is much more naive and she is much less militant, is not a soldier, an agent of goodness, but it seems to me that their alignment is as rooted in goodness as the one of mazzy. also keldorn and nalia are possible contenders.
I never got why Korgan is chaotic evil. Shouldn't chaotic neutral make more sense? He doesn't kill people for the joy of watching them suffer, but for hard cash. Even Shagbag.
to assume that your wallet is so important that you can happily kill people to fill it is quite an evil thing imho. i would say that a professional killer or someone that works for some kind of mafia or other criminal organization is not exactly an agent of goodness, even if he does not have necessarily to be sadistic, to find pleasure in killing or harassing people.
he has his own ethic, he certainly disapprove slavery, while edwin is working for an organization that promotes slavery, the red wizards of thay, and killing children, but probably is still on the evil side. his disapproving such things seem to me more to have a moral code of honor as fighter then to be good or even neutral oriented.
i usually can not force myself in having evil toons in the party, he is probably the only exception, together with the 2 that can change alignment, he is clear about his work and ask me money to do it with me, he has some honor code and as i pay him i know that he will work for my cause that is a good one, i always play good oriented, even when charname is technically neutral.
Korgan is Chaotic Evil largely because he takes pleasure in the act of violence and slaughter itself. He talks quite a bit about enjoying the bloodshed and carnage, of seeing fear in the eyes of his enemies as he tears them apart. These are not the motivations of a Good or even Neutral character. He does seem to have certain limits on who exactly is deserving of his violence (as gorgonzola points out, he seems to dislike killing people who have no real way to fight back, although he also seems to have no qualms about butchering foes who clearly have no way of matching his skill, just as long as they can lift a weapon in defense), but make no mistake. He's definitely Evil.
I never got why Korgan is chaotic evil. Shouldn't chaotic neutral make more sense? He doesn't kill people for the joy of watching them suffer, but for hard cash. Even Shagbag.
the tweak pack has a component that makes korgan ne.
I too would argue that CN makes more sense given that as a mercenary you are just as likely to be fighting for the good guys as the bad guys, and either side will happily work with you as long as you are doing what they're paying you to do.
I voted Edwin
The way I see it Dorn is most certainly evil. He enjoys the carnage for sure - and tells about it every second.
But Dorn is a 10 int half orc who made a deal with the devil/demon. I am not excusing him, but I dont think he would know better even he tried.
Edwin is pure evil, because he knows better. 18 int is gives you options, bit what does he do. He is free from the clutches of the red wizards, but he just wants power and luxeries.
He wants to travel with the most powerfull people and become even more powerfull - and for no good reason than power it self. And if your rep gets too high, Edwin leaves: you cant become powerfull and do good things at the same time?
And if you take both Edwin and Dorn along, you will have a true evil party: a 10 int madman with a great sword and the 18 int mage who will stand next to him and fling fireballs. Edwin will never stop the carnage or try to advance a lawfull way: he will only complain when you do too many good acts and down right leave if your rep reaches 19.
Some might excuse Edwin because he has low wis. That may be true, but many of you have tried giving him a potion of insight for the wish spells. Pray tell me if he changes his ways? He is just the scum he has been all along i’d reckon.
Edwin has the biggest potential and does nothing but advance him self and evil ways. I’d say that the biggest lich prospect in Faerun is Edwin. The Nether scrolls and Edwin must be the sure path for lichdom.
Some of the evil npc’s have their moments:
Korgan and the child slaves,
Vicky can change her ways,
Mister spoiler can change his ways,
Some can be excused, because of prior choices:
Hexxat is a vampire,
Dorn is a half orc with a demon pact.
But Edwin doesnt have his moments and have no excuses.
I voted Edwin
The way I see it Dorn is most certainly evil. He enjoys the carnage for sure - and tells about it every second.
But Dorn is a 10 int half orc who made a deal with the devil/demon. I am not excusing him, but I dont think he would know better even he tried.
Dorn has 15 wisdom, which puts him above the average. What he's incapable of (thanks to his low intelligence) is learning from his mistakes, e.g. he doesn't like being beholden to his patron, but still considers the deal of another, even though it would put him in exactly the same situation.
Eddie's high intelligence means he learns easily, but even then, with his low wisdom he lacks the common sense to apply that in practice, e.g. to not to repeat mistakes (as evidenced by his epilogue).
It's booksmarts vs. streetsmarts, but either of these characters is capable of 'knowing better'.
Worth noting too, that while 10 is "low" for an adventurer, it's average intelligence in the general sense. It's what you could expect of any rando out in the street.
He's not stupid or anything. His Intelligence just isn't one of the strengths that allow him to slay dragons and such.
In order for me, Dorn, Hexxat, Mr. ToB, Edwin, Viconia, and Korgan. Notably, I see no way for even neutral parties to justify the first two, and even the most stalwart paladin could justify the latter 4.
Korgan has its own limits according to his banters, does not kill children or use slaves.
Viconia can be turned TN with the power of love. Even though she can be cruel when justified she still did not agree to sacrifice a human babe to Lloth which caused her exile.
Edwin is egocentric and power hungry, but is like a comic relief most of the time.
Hexxat is the second evilest I think,
she used and discarded a lot of femal thieves like Clara in order to get out of her tomb. Still she is not as evil as a pure vampire could be. She is almost apologetic when bantering with Aerie or Mazzy.
You had some pretty strong words to say about Viconia in the other thread. You don't think serving the Apocalypse God ranks a little higher than some random demon?
Korgon is bascally a do what it takes merc.
Hexxat is a crook doing what comes natural to survive as a vamp.
Edwin is a power hungry self serving bureaucratic mage.
Viconia and the spoiler guy can both
Even Shar has a group in her church called the Darkcloaks, rare neutral aligned priests going out to ease suffering in order to bring in more worshipers. Vic also had the guts to say enough was enough when it came to a certain killing in the Underdark.
I haven't done Dorn's BG2 questline, but from what I understand like Viconia you can free him from his evil master so to say.
But unlike Viconia he remains very evil after you do so. He's just free to be evil on his own terms.
Evil as in having the least sympathy for the suffering of others/compunction about hurting others/second guesses:
Dorn > Korgan/Edwin > Hexxat > Spoiler > Viconia
Evil as in going out of your way to do bad things to other people:
Dorn > Viconia (praying to Shar counts)/Hexxat > Korgan/Spoiler > Edwin
Evil as in having a natural inclination towards Evil:
Hexxat > Spoiler (arguably)/Viconia > Dorn > Korgan > Edwin
Evil as in having wrought calamity already (based on guesswork):
Dorn/Spoiler > Viconia > Korgan/Hexxat > Edwin
Evil as in being the least willing to adapt to the ethics of the party leader and not do evil while accompanying <CHARNAME>:
This would be one of the more important points because it is the main requirement for a moral person to be able to justify recruiting them.
Hexxat (she needs to feed)/Viconia (only in regards to her faith)/Dorn > Edwin/Korgan/Viconia > Spoiler
Feel free to correct me.
As there is only a single category that Dorn does not lead, apparently I consider him to be the most evil.
Sure, the literal goddess of evil and darkness is pretty impossible to top. I think the tipping point for me, is that Dorn is REALLY GOOD at follow HIS evil patron's orders, even enjoys it. Viconia's religious philosophy is definitely magnitude's worse than Dorn's, but Viconia doesn't really ACT on it much. She is more evil than the vanilla bg2 npcs, actively encouraging acts of callousness and evil, her actions do not hold a candle to Dorn or Hexxat, who both intentional spread as much misery around as possible. Hexxat is an active serial killer who makes excuses for what she does. Dorn is outright sadistic and thouroughly enjoys killing as many people as possible without a hint of remorse, not even sparing women and children. Not even Korgan is that violent or spiteful. At the end of the day, Dorn's actions spread more death and misery than any philosophy.
But yeah, the fact that you can shift both Viconia and Sarevok's alignments to Neutral immediately takes them out of the running. Korgan appears to simply be a "whatever it takes to get the job done" mercenary who perhaps enjoys his work a little too much if things go south (he reminds me a lot of Black Whirlwind from Jade Empire). Edwin is a typical megalomaniacal Red Wizard, but while the Red Wizards are indeed responsible for a LOT of suffering in the Realms, Edwin's own hands appear to be fairly clean (aside from him wanting Dynaheir dead in BG1, something which he doesn't seem all too bothered about failing to perform in BG2) since we never see him actually perform something truly objectionable in our company, while we also never really run into any victims of his schemes (if any of them even came to fruition).
I've yet to play around with Hexxat, so I'll have to reserve my judgement on her. But Dorn... Here we have a blackguard who is literally killing people and sending their souls to the Abyss so they can be devoured by his demonic patron. (This is not actually an ability Blackguards normally get, so I must presume that Dorn received some sort of special hidden ability that allows him to do so.) If you have at any time killed Neutral or even Good characters with Dorn in your party, you have also condemned them to this horrific fate. When good characters like Ajantis or Yeslick steadfastly refuse to even allow Dorn in the party, they are actually in the right; only the most vile or depraved of mortals would even consider accepting such a character among their company.
Korgan is evil lite, he just yearns for the love of a good halfling lass
EDIT: i don't vote here cause i was never able to play with dorn, hexxat and edwin, i suspect that doing it i would vote dorn.
about viconia i agree with @ThacoBell about her serving possibly the greatest of the evils, even if shar and selune are 2 faces of a coin, somewhat the existence of one imply the existence of the other.
but the evilness of a power or the evilness of who serve it are separate things.
i agree with @Zaxares , the fact that both viki and mr tob can change alignment make them less evil then the other possible choices. for viki to do it mean to unlearn almost all what has been learned from the society she has born and grown into, to switch from lolith to shar can be a needed step in the path that make her change from evil into something other.
Mazzy. Full stop.
he has his own ethic, he certainly disapprove slavery, while edwin is working for an organization that promotes slavery, the red wizards of thay, and killing children, but probably is still on the evil side. his disapproving such things seem to me more to have a moral code of honor as fighter then to be good or even neutral oriented.
i usually can not force myself in having evil toons in the party, he is probably the only exception, together with the 2 that can change alignment, he is clear about his work and ask me money to do it with me, he has some honor code and as i pay him i know that he will work for my cause that is a good one, i always play good oriented, even when charname is technically neutral.
the tweak pack has a component that makes korgan ne.
The way I see it Dorn is most certainly evil. He enjoys the carnage for sure - and tells about it every second.
But Dorn is a 10 int half orc who made a deal with the devil/demon. I am not excusing him, but I dont think he would know better even he tried.
Edwin is pure evil, because he knows better. 18 int is gives you options, bit what does he do. He is free from the clutches of the red wizards, but he just wants power and luxeries.
He wants to travel with the most powerfull people and become even more powerfull - and for no good reason than power it self. And if your rep gets too high, Edwin leaves: you cant become powerfull and do good things at the same time?
And if you take both Edwin and Dorn along, you will have a true evil party: a 10 int madman with a great sword and the 18 int mage who will stand next to him and fling fireballs. Edwin will never stop the carnage or try to advance a lawfull way: he will only complain when you do too many good acts and down right leave if your rep reaches 19.
Some might excuse Edwin because he has low wis. That may be true, but many of you have tried giving him a potion of insight for the wish spells. Pray tell me if he changes his ways? He is just the scum he has been all along i’d reckon.
Edwin has the biggest potential and does nothing but advance him self and evil ways. I’d say that the biggest lich prospect in Faerun is Edwin. The Nether scrolls and Edwin must be the sure path for lichdom.
Some of the evil npc’s have their moments:
Korgan and the child slaves,
Vicky can change her ways,
Mister spoiler can change his ways,
Some can be excused, because of prior choices:
Hexxat is a vampire,
Dorn is a half orc with a demon pact.
But Edwin doesnt have his moments and have no excuses.
Worth noting too, that while 10 is "low" for an adventurer, it's average intelligence in the general sense. It's what you could expect of any rando out in the street.
He's not stupid or anything. His Intelligence just isn't one of the strengths that allow him to slay dragons and such.
Viconia can be turned TN with the power of love. Even though she can be cruel when justified she still did not agree to sacrifice a human babe to Lloth which caused her exile.
Edwin is egocentric and power hungry, but is like a comic relief most of the time.
Hexxat is the second evilest I think,