If it was the Baldur's Gate world, that spear proficiency wouldn't do you a lick of good as soon as you had "cleric" in your job description. All spears would magically refuse to go into your hands. If you tried to wield one, it would just pop right out of your hands and fall to the ground.
Maybe that little tidbit belongs in "Baldur's Gate Logic".
If it was the Baldur's Gate world, that spear proficiency wouldn't do you a lick of good as soon as you had "cleric" in your job description. All spears would magically refuse to go into your hands. If you tried to wield one, it would just pop right out of your hands and fall to the ground.
Maybe that little tidbit belongs in "Baldur's Gate Logic".
Not to worry. I was merely - compairing myself with Anomen.
Anomen also has 2 proficiency points in spears, and still made the dual (and a wisdom score of 12). Actually bayonet fighting resembles halberd fighting more than spear fighting: the sharp edge of the bayonet can be used for slashing attacks as well.
yep, but the cleric is prevented from using both piercing and slashing weapons.
about anomen and the spear pips there are 3 possible explanations.
.1 low wis lead to bad choices
.2 as 12 is not a bad wis after all, is an over the average one, he did chose the spear proficiency cause he started as fighter, then he decided to become a cleric, but at that point he could not undo a choice that in his original plan was a sound one, the spear is really effective on the battlefield and many warriors, like the greek oplite, used it as main weapon. much more in rl then in the movies and novels where the sword seems to rule.
those are rp reasons.
.3 as he is an illegal dual and a super strong npc, basically cast like a single class cleric, but can have the apr and grand maestry of a fighter, fighting when buffed as well if not better then a pure fighter, the devs decided to balance it wasting 2 pips in something that he can not use.
Well, I suppose I could tell you about the signature weapon of my headcanon Bhallspawn, Tresset. He is a half-elf Berserker/Shadowdancer multi-class, and his signature weapon is a sword named Shadowcaster. It allows him to create shadows anywhere so that he is never caught lacking shadows to hide in or use for his Shadowdancer abilities.
lets see, if i was someone who popped into the fantasy world and was using an armor and weapon i would choose...
for armor.... some sort of mithril/sylvan chainmail, nice and strong and very flexible and light weight, helps to deflect blows and move around, even for someone my size i am very agile and quick, and usually when it comes to battle, speed is of utmost importance
for weapon... im going to choose warmace, despite the fact in NWN i use scythes and bg i like two handed swords, aesthetically the warmace is my favourite and i would be messin baddies up, i would have no equal in the fantasy world i was in when it came to wielding the warmace, even if it really put me at a disadvantage i would still do it, if nothing for pure spite and prowess
although, realistically if i was in that type of setting i would be a monk, so coincidentally no weapons or armor there, i would find a way to harness my ki "dragonball z" style and kick some butt that way
Gambeson with a stylish hat with a feather (as mentioned before) with an Estoc and Buckler. I like the Estoc because you could two hand or half sword it for greater range. Plus it looks cool. Also a lute. Because Bard aesthetic.
Chainmail, helmet, and two-handed battle-axe. Have I mentioned we've traced the family tree back to Anglo-Saxon warriors who served under Harold Godwin?
Maybe that little tidbit belongs in "Baldur's Gate Logic".
Not to worry. I was merely - compairing myself with Anomen.
Anomen also has 2 proficiency points in spears, and still made the dual (and a wisdom score of 12). Actually bayonet fighting resembles halberd fighting more than spear fighting: the sharp edge of the bayonet can be used for slashing attacks as well.
about anomen and the spear pips there are 3 possible explanations.
.1 low wis lead to bad choices
.2 as 12 is not a bad wis after all, is an over the average one, he did chose the spear proficiency cause he started as fighter, then he decided to become a cleric, but at that point he could not undo a choice that in his original plan was a sound one, the spear is really effective on the battlefield and many warriors, like the greek oplite, used it as main weapon. much more in rl then in the movies and novels where the sword seems to rule.
those are rp reasons.
.3 as he is an illegal dual and a super strong npc, basically cast like a single class cleric, but can have the apr and grand maestry of a fighter, fighting when buffed as well if not better then a pure fighter, the devs decided to balance it wasting 2 pips in something that he can not use.
for armor.... some sort of mithril/sylvan chainmail, nice and strong and very flexible and light weight, helps to deflect blows and move around, even for someone my size i am very agile and quick, and usually when it comes to battle, speed is of utmost importance
for weapon... im going to choose warmace, despite the fact in NWN i use scythes and bg i like two handed swords, aesthetically the warmace is my favourite and i would be messin baddies up, i would have no equal in the fantasy world i was in when it came to wielding the warmace, even if it really put me at a disadvantage i would still do it, if nothing for pure spite and prowess
although, realistically if i was in that type of setting i would be a monk, so coincidentally no weapons or armor there, i would find a way to harness my ki "dragonball z" style and kick some butt that way
But when I do, I bring at least one of these swords with me:
In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legend (two-handed style):
In Aurora engine (dual-wielded):
PD: I also used to play clerics or druids in classic, so i think... sling?