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BG2EE Mod NPC recommendations with female PC romance

Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
edited April 2019 in BGII:EE Mods
Hi all, I was not sure if someone else has asked this before or not, so I thought I would make a discussion post to ask.

I am currently planning a BG2EE-only run with a female PC and am looking for female mod NPCs with a romance component that is either for females only or is available to females as well as males. I am aware of the Sarah NPC mod and if I am correct both Sirene and Isra are available to both male and female PCs, but I am looking for others. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited April 2019
    Xan is a great NPC mod for female npcs of elven heritage. There's also Ajantis and Valygar or Haer D'Alis (the npc's aren't new but the romances are unnoficial mods)
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
    edited April 2019
    Darn. Thanks for the reply @DJKajuru , but I should have clarified in the original post that i am looking for female mod NPCs who either only romance a female PC or romance romance both a male and female PC.

    EDIT: There, updated original post, hope that clarifies things.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    isra can romance both.
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
    I know about Isra. Looking for others.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    edited April 2019
    The sorcereress Valerie for BG1- though this is more of a friendship track. No BG2 mod where the friendship would have blossomed into romance sadly.

    Edit: Sorry, missed BG2 only.
  • SeeweadSeewead Member Posts: 16
    @saber83: I give you two examples, I used to like:

    You could check out Auren Aseph. Look here:
    Go for version 10, BG2EE (even EET) supported. She gives a quite interesting opportunity, here is a quote from the website:

    "She will join your party, offer you her friendship, and will romance Nalia if she is in your party."

    And you could also go for Chloe. Look here:
    The official version should be version 1.5 (from 2010). But you can find an (BG2EE / EET) version in this thread: . As well, this mod gives you interesting opportunities; here is a quote from the website:

    "She is romanceable by human, elven, and half-elven females (although Imoen must be in the party for the romance to succeed). If the PC is male or not interested in a romance or Chloe is not interested in a romance with the PC and Imoen is in the party, she will romance Imoen."

    Hope I could help, LuftAtmer
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,882
    You should check mods by @AionZ:

    There is Sirene (BGEE, SoD, BG2EE) as well as Aura (BGEE, SoD - BG2EE in-progress). Aura probably won't be ready before you start your game, but perhaps you should keep an eye on that mod.
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions, it seems that most of the mods mentioned, I already have, or have played before recently.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 578
    There is also Sarah, but she's a bit bland to be honest. Imoen Romance works very naturally for both genders, and there's a Viconia Friendship specifically for female Charnames which basically includes most of the Romance content where appropriate. Some Tweak mods include a cheat which allows the vanilla romances to ignore gender restrictions, and while this is silly for Aerie and Viconia, it works perfectly fine with the Jaheira Romance (I think there's only one or two instances where Charname's gender is referenced at most). There's also a Neera romance mod removing the gender restriction from her romance over at SHS.
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