BG:EE - Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC) = How do I install it?

in BG:EE Mods
I'm looking but I cant find the WeiDU .exe in the zip file anywhere. Is there another method for installing this file?
Worse the ReadMe.MD file I can't seem to open regardless of what I try. Notepad, Notepad ++, and MS Word do not even recognize the file.
It is in Weidu format. To install, unzip the zip file to your game folder and double-click on Setup-NTotSC.exe.
Which sounds great...except I can't find the exe it is referring to. Now I'm admittedly new to modding BG:EE (or any other Infinity Engine games) however I would not have thought it would be this difficult. I'm looking all over the place and simply can not find the executable.
Alternatively, just take any setup-xxx.exe from another mod, make a copy, rename it to setup-ntotsc.exe and it will do the trick.
But I use 7-zip and it opens and extracts the mod folder + exe just fine.