Please, BeamDog, do not change the dlg state numbers with updates!

From game version to, I see the following changes in state numbering in bddosia.dlg and bdkhalid.dlg:
I can only assume that there are more. As much as I appreciate that new reply options / NPC reactions are added and the game is still actively being worked on - doing it this way that dlg states are inserted somewhere in the middle is not a good way to do it. To say it politely.
Not only that this generates unnecessary work for us modders to keep our mods compatible. There is also a great chance we don't even know about these changes. I hope we all agree that it is not realistic to expect that we search through all dialogues after a patch to see whether our mods still interject into the right dlg states. This is not feasible.
Especially since this is not necessary at all - you could have just added the states at the end of the file, leaving all others as they were.
Please do not change dialogues like this.
--All other states numbers are increased by 2.
BEGIN ~BDDOSIA~ ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING: this file contains non-trivial WEIGHTs ////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF WEIGHT #1 /* Triggers after states #: 29 even though they appear after this state */ ~ AreaCheck("bd4300") ~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from: SAY #65666 /* ~Could I have a moment to describe the countless ecstasies to be found suffering in Ilmater's name...? No? Another time, then.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF WEIGHT #2 /* Triggers after states #: 29 even though they appear after this state */ ~ AreaCheck("bd3000") GlobalLT("bd_plot","global",395) ~ THEN BEGIN 1 // from: SAY #48131 /* ~I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. There are many I must tend to.~ */v2.5.17.0:
BEGIN ~BDDOSIA~ ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING: this file contains non-trivial WEIGHTs ////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF WEIGHT #1 /* Triggers after states #: 31 even though they appear after this state */ ~ AreaCheck("bd4300") ~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from: SAY #65666 /* ~Could I have a moment to describe the countless ecstasies to be found suffering in Ilmater's name...? No? Another time, then.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 1 // from: 0.0 SAY #65023 /* ~How can I help you, hero?~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #65024 /* ~I have need of your healing services.~ */ GOTO 2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 // from: 1.0 SAY #65032 /* ~Of course. I'll assist however I can.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("bddosia",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) ~ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #2 /* Triggers after states #: 31 even though they appear after this state */ ~ AreaCheck("bd3000") GlobalLT("bd_plot","global",395) ~ THEN BEGIN 3 // from: SAY #48131 /* ~I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. There are many I must tend to.~ */
--All other states numbers are increased by 2.
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 111 // from: SAY #64967 /* ~When you s-say "you," you mean us, yes?~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~BDJAHEIR~ 92 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 112 // from: SAY #64972 /* ~Good. Th-that's good.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~BDJAHEIR~ 93 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 113 // from: SAY #64975 /* ~Where to find US. Farewell, <CHARNAME>.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~ OR(2) AreaCheck("BD0120") AreaCheck("BD0130") Global("bd_joined","locals",0) ~ THEN BEGIN 114 // from: SAY #66305 /* ~Well met, <CHARNAME>. How goes the crypt crawl?~ [BD66305] */v2.5.17.0:
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 111 // from: SAY #39777 /* ~B-but who?~ [BD39777] */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~BDIMOEN~ 127 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 112 // from: SAY #64967 /* ~When you s-say "you," you mean us, yes?~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~BDJAHEIR~ 93 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 113 // from: SAY #64972 /* ~Good. Th-that's good.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~BDJAHEIR~ 94 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 114 // from: SAY #64975 /* ~Where to find US. Farewell, <CHARNAME>.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~ OR(2) AreaCheck("BD0120") AreaCheck("BD0130") Global("bd_joined","locals",0) ~ THEN BEGIN 115 // from: SAY #66305 /* ~Well met, <CHARNAME>. How goes the crypt crawl?~ [BD66305] */All following state numbers are increased by 1.
I can only assume that there are more. As much as I appreciate that new reply options / NPC reactions are added and the game is still actively being worked on - doing it this way that dlg states are inserted somewhere in the middle is not a good way to do it. To say it politely.
Not only that this generates unnecessary work for us modders to keep our mods compatible. There is also a great chance we don't even know about these changes. I hope we all agree that it is not realistic to expect that we search through all dialogues after a patch to see whether our mods still interject into the right dlg states. This is not feasible.
Especially since this is not necessary at all - you could have just added the states at the end of the file, leaving all others as they were.
Please do not change dialogues like this.
I'll go through the file history and make a complete list of changes to the state order. And thanks for a reminder... that was awkward, to say the least.
Please also remember for the coming 2.6 patch!