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Mod or way to chose simulacrum spells?

They way it is currently set up, the game puts your spells in your known spell slots in alphabetical order. This makes it so I can't chose which spells my simulacrum will know, which is quite annoying. It didn't used to be like this in original version.

Anyone know how I can get around this?


  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    One extremely kludgy thing you could try would be editing the spell names in NearInfinity. And then have your clone cast Aatime Stop :p
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  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    i posted a feature request in the redmine asking the change of the behavior of the simulacrum, as the order the spells are memorized is already recorded and used if the original mage is level drained to know which spells he will loose.
    to use the same already existing data also for the simulacrum should be a quick and easy fix for the developers, so maybe in the next patches the thing will change.

    more information in this poll thread:
    and don't forget to vote there, maybe it can help. ;)
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