Is there any bonus to getting thieving skills above 100?

I was under the impression that a thief skill of 100 was 100% so it doesn't matter where I put additional ones once they are all at 100, is this true?
Move Silently and Hide in Shadows are penalized when you're not actually in a shadow; dropped to half or a third. Values over 100, then, are useful if you want to do something like hide in broad daylight.
Pick Pockets effectively subtracts the values of whoever you're trying to steal from. Some of those are quite high; for example, if you're trying to shoplift from Bernard at the Copper Coronet, a PP score of 100 isn't enough to have even a chance of success. You actually need about 230 points to guarantee success against him.
Also, some applications of thief skills are subject to critical failure, and will have a small chance of failing no matter what your scores are.
Thanks for the info.
i don't know any better source then that to answer.
Not actually true for Open locks and find traps. There are a small handful of locks and traps (maybe 4-5) That require scores around 110 to unlock/disarm. So really, set traps and detect illusion are the ONLY skills who cap out at 100.