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Game slows down and eventually crashes

KiliyanKiliyan Member Posts: 6
I have a weird issue with the Steam release of BG 2 EE.

It seems the longer I play the game, the more it slows down. I don't mean playing w/o pauses or anything, just progressing in the game really. I recently restarted after a fresh install and throwing out a ton of mods making sure none of them were the culprit for the slow downs and now it just started again for no reason that I could make out.

As soon as I got Hexxat in my party, the game starts behaving weirdly. I got small lags in the menus, like sorting through bags and stuff. The game sorta freezes for a second or two and then resumes. That is annoying in itself when you have to wait 3 sec just to move some stuff around for every goddamn item, but it also eventually just crashes the game. Everything worked perfectly fine just before Hexxat joined, though perhaps Aerie already added some stutter as both were acquired in rapid succession.

The only thing beyond the main game I have installed is Tweaks anthology, a bunch of portraits in the override folder and the paper.wav file to remove that goddamn rustling sound of the UI. I know the Drow disintegration option is supposed to be a slowdown somehow, but I didn't install that one.

Turning off all mods, clean install and loading a save game with the issue already present also does nothing.
I'm running the game on a i7 930 with a gtx 760 on Win 7 Pro. I tried moving the install out of program files folder because TA had a message saying there might be conflicts on Win 7 with that install directory. No change either.

Also, what happens when I start the game and click the movies away or press load game etc. and the movie starts playing - the sound in the game stutters like the game would crash, but then just continues on. But it always does that and never crashed at that point, it's just somewhat similar to the in game issue.

It also never seems to lag when I do stuff outside of the UI. Runs just fine then. But click on a portrait, move an item in the bag and apparently this is just asking way too much and has to be punished with freeze frames and crashes. I have no idea what else to try (and I've also tried the other rendering option already). I really want to play the game, but the game does not seem to share that sentiment.

If anyone has any idea what else I could try, that would be greatly appreciated. I've ran out of ideas.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    edited May 2019
    Hello! Can you please to to Options - Graphics - and choose another renderer, save the setting, close the game, and open it again.
  • KiliyanKiliyan Member Posts: 6
    yes, I have tried it already. I managed to lessen the issue though. I've deleted most of the portraits in the override folder that I've had there previously and now the game does not slow down when I switch characters (at least it does so to a significantly lesser degree and on very rare occasions only). It still behaves weirdly when I drag and pick items. Is there a problem with BG 2 EE installations on SSD drives perhaps?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    Do you have an updated version of the game (2.5)? 2.3 had an issue with moving items/freezing in Multiplayer.
  • KiliyanKiliyan Member Posts: 6
    I think so, I just bought i on Steam like a week ago and it should've auto updated to the newest version.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    Can you try the same method explained here for another freezing/lagging issue?
  • KiliyanKiliyan Member Posts: 6
    If the issue arises again, I will try. It was the portraits though afaik. I don't know why, but removing the plethora of portraits from the override folder fixed the problem. I don't get why - since most portraits aren't used at the same time - but it screwed the game up somehow. But thank you for the tips!
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