I deleted this f*cked-up-not-working DogDownloader crap, with all the 1,8 GM game pre-downloaded, and started again with the direct installer. That is working at least, very slow, but working. I don't think it will finish today. I don't understand why it can't detect the data what is already there, why I have to download it all again. Oh, I understand it off course: because it is "Enhanced". Thanks for not answering me in two days, too.
@Nathan I've mistakenly found a very odd solution to my problems...For some reason, when my itunes is loaded (not even playing a song) Baldurs Gate EE works. But when Itunes is not loaded, Baldurs Gate wont start....I'm so confused. But...I think I will disappear for a little while and play this game.
Over here is a stupid fool who pre-loaded but didn't stop to check it had completed. Went to boot it up this morning only to find I've still got 500mb to go and a d/l rate of 230 b/s. *sigh*
Last night and today, the downloader (of which i thought preloading of course would have preloaded everything, apparently not, bad communication on their parts) will download, painfully slow, lock up, then once restarted, have to start all over again. So it will go up from 1.3gb to 1.7gb, freeze, and ill have to restart, and it will begin again from 1.3gb. As of right now, i do not see me being able to play this game for the next few days due to this delay, bug, whatever you want to call it.
Unfortunately not, i am trying to redownload everything via the Beamdog client now, but it is very slow. Normal download speeds for my internet is 1-2 mb/s this is going at on avg 60 kb/s. Says another 7 hours until complete. Even though i had already preloaded (or so i thought) everything, have to do it all over again and i hope to god this one doesnt lock up like the other download did and make me redownload everything all over again.
First: you're all awesome for sticking it out, and thank you so very much for your support and demand. .... Second: A sincere apology from us to you that this day did not go as smoothly as we would have liked. We could not possibly have guessed that the demand would outstrip our resources as far as it did. .... I'm still stuck in pre-loading / my download is absolutely crawling. What's going on? If you're still stuck in pre-loading or your download is very slow, there's a few possibilities. The first is to restart your client to make sure you're getting the most recent server information. You only should need to do this once. If it's still crawling, is using P2P enabled? If so, are you behind a router or firewall that may be limiting it? You need to forward port 52138 and 56274 to your computer. You can check http://www.portforward.com/ if you're not sure how to go about doing this.
Whatever. Sending people to portforward.com to make them pay another $30 is really pathetic advice for something we all pre-paid for to begin with. Lame of you guys to dump the process of getting hosted files onto the consumer, so unprofessional and unkind. You're not the only ones that learned a lesson.
Finally got it to download and run properly using the beamdog means, and the download speed was very slow to begin. Either traffic is lighter now and that is why it sped up, or something was fixed on your end.
Though, now comes to fun of dealing with the integrated graphics card issue...
@dimsdale whoa, whoa - portforward is not a mandatory $30 fee. They're trying to sell you a thing, but, the advice on there is available for free if you close the initial window thing. I've updated my original post to reflect that.
Our download method is identical to what Blizzard uses (namely, torrent style P2P augmented by dedicated servers). You can disable the P2P component if it doesn't work for you in the stand-alone installer.
I'm not sure what you're expecting here, because if you buy anything digitally.. that's.. a consumer going through the process of getting hosted files?
Look, I understand you're frustrated with the process. If you can detail more about what's going on, perhaps we can help you out.
@Sese79 if you were using the beamdog client and then switched over to the stand-alone installer, the data's in a different location. If you'd pointed the stand-alone installer to the same directory where the Beamdog client is, it *should* have resumed where you left off.
That's kind of a moot point now, I'm afraid, and flat out: I'm sorry you had to go through that.
As far as not answering in 2 days, I've only just now managed to work through my backlog of messages - all I can do is apologize. The response has been great, but, we haven't farmed our customer service out to somewhere else to take care of the support issues - it's just us Overhaul devs at the helm trying to get people up and running.
If anyone has any graphics issues or game slowness issues, I ask you to a) update your drivers, and b) visit the intel/nvidia slowness threads. Some people have found there are solutions there that make life better.
@Allen63 I'm glad you finally got the game - we'll look at ways to make the downloading experience a little more smooth in the future, so thank you for your feedback. R.e. the thing that offended you, yes it was in jest and I thought that was quite clear, considering the overall nature/tone of the post - sorry it offended you. I urge you to try to not take such things quite so seriously - the internet is a wide, dark place full of people far more offensive than I. I would know! Some of them have e-mailed me.
@GypsySocks you got the game running with iTunes on and I got it eorking only by installing it directly on the desktop, no other folder worked, my friends and I call this "cyber vodoo"! No explanation but it works!
@Nathan: I could download my 2nd game too for my wife, from 21:00 - until 23:50. So it is RAGE OFF for me, and sorry for my Trollish behavior. Still I think this remains a BG: Fail Edition, until it has major bugs as removed movies, missing movies, not being able to sleep in Inns and the Mine, not able to correctly control your characters (NPCs) because AI overriding the orders given to them, failed character sheet (THACO). This bugs make this version "not playable", as mentioned on many of the fan-sites and Torrent sites too. This major bugs should be fixed in days. This game come out really unfinished, please try to finish it ASAP since we paid it to You, as we believed the BG:EE will be able doing what was promised and advertised. Thanks all.
@GypsySocks you got the game running with iTunes on and I got it eorking only by installing it directly on the desktop, no other folder worked, my friends and I call this "cyber vodoo"! No explanation but it works!
What's up Bro!? I'll do the samething u did! thanks for the advise!
@Nathan no, you got it wrong, I said that, like some people are saying that with iTunes on the game starts ok, I could only play by installing it directly at the desktop (c:\user\desktop), and that is called by my friends and I "Cyber vodoo", it has no explanation, but it works! LoL
@Nathan I am posting this here just incase it may be of some help for someone. I have personally had trouble downloading the game when having my free "Avira" Antivirus running. The client would suddenly stop, not start downloading,... Beamdogs client tells me I have poor connectivity and so on... but does not give me a reason. With Avira turned on I was downloading 0Kb, with Avira turned off I am currently downloading at 900kb/s I have not personally blocked the client in anyway on my Firewall, but Avira does not seem to like Beamdogs Client. Hope this may help someone.
Okay, so when I download it, my computer downloads the first 1.3 gigs like a champ (I'm talking around 10 MB/ second, here). Once it gets that far,though, it grinds to a halt. That is, like 3 B/second, and attempting to connect. Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions for how to deal with it? I'm a patient person, so if the answer is to wait a while for the poor servers to pull themselves together, that's fine, but I imagine there's something a little odder than that going on, here.
First day I've had Internet since it came out and couldn't download the game cuz it takes to damn long and the place closes at 11 i need Internet bad...
@ohmigosh Yes. Read the post that I linked in the other thread you created earlier today; there's information about refunds at the bottom of Phil's first post.
The beta testers had a variety of different setups, but obviously not every conceivable PC configuration was tested.
More to the point, there have been three patches in the last forty-eight hours, all of which attempting to address compatibility issues and other game-crashing problems.
Try to be patient. They're working as hard as they can to get the game working for as many people as possible. If you don't want to wait, you can always contact support@beamdog.com and ask for a refund. Nothing wrong with that.
This is really poor.
@Splot @Guanerick - did you guys forward the ports as mentioned, and/or enable UPnP on your routers?
Whatever. Sending people to portforward.com to make them pay another $30 is really pathetic advice for something we all pre-paid for to begin with. Lame of you guys to dump the process of getting hosted files onto the consumer, so unprofessional and unkind. You're not the only ones that learned a lesson.
Though, now comes to fun of dealing with the integrated graphics card issue...
Our download method is identical to what Blizzard uses (namely, torrent style P2P augmented by dedicated servers). You can disable the P2P component if it doesn't work for you in the stand-alone installer.
I'm not sure what you're expecting here, because if you buy anything digitally.. that's.. a consumer going through the process of getting hosted files?
Look, I understand you're frustrated with the process. If you can detail more about what's going on, perhaps we can help you out.
That's kind of a moot point now, I'm afraid, and flat out: I'm sorry you had to go through that.
As far as not answering in 2 days, I've only just now managed to work through my backlog of messages - all I can do is apologize. The response has been great, but, we haven't farmed our customer service out to somewhere else to take care of the support issues - it's just us Overhaul devs at the helm trying to get people up and running.
If anyone has any graphics issues or game slowness issues, I ask you to a) update your drivers, and b) visit the intel/nvidia slowness threads. Some people have found there are solutions there that make life better.
@Allen63 I'm glad you finally got the game - we'll look at ways to make the downloading experience a little more smooth in the future, so thank you for your feedback. R.e. the thing that offended you, yes it was in jest and I thought that was quite clear, considering the overall nature/tone of the post - sorry it offended you. I urge you to try to not take such things quite so seriously - the internet is a wide, dark place full of people far more offensive than I. I would know! Some of them have e-mailed me.
Edit: Whoops, looks like you have to be signed in at beamdog.com before the torrent file will work. Heads up to anyone else trying this route!
I'll do the samething u did! thanks for the advise!
I am posting this here just incase it may be of some help for someone.
I have personally had trouble downloading the game when having my free "Avira" Antivirus running. The client would suddenly stop, not start downloading,... Beamdogs client tells me I have poor connectivity and so on... but does not give me a reason.
With Avira turned on I was downloading 0Kb, with Avira turned off I am currently downloading at 900kb/s
I have not personally blocked the client in anyway on my Firewall, but Avira does not seem to like Beamdogs Client.
Hope this may help someone.
Any ideas?
Yes. Read the post that I linked in the other thread you created earlier today; there's information about refunds at the bottom of Phil's first post.
More to the point, there have been three patches in the last forty-eight hours, all of which attempting to address compatibility issues and other game-crashing problems.
Try to be patient. They're working as hard as they can to get the game working for as many people as possible. If you don't want to wait, you can always contact support@beamdog.com and ask for a refund. Nothing wrong with that.