*REGARDING Slow downloads, stuck in pre-loading, etc.*

Hi everyone,
First: you're all awesome for sticking it out, and thank you so very much for your support and demand. That means a lot to us - a pretty small company, despite the big names involved in this project - that the work we've done has been (in general) so well received.
Second: A sincere apology from us to you that this day did not go as smoothly as we would have liked. We could not possibly have guessed that the demand would outstrip our resources as far as it did. Vanilla had to migrate our forums to a beefier server simply because of the major demand you put on them. Needless to say, our distribution servers are still picking up the pieces as best they can.
How did this happen?
The same way it happened to Valve when Steam first came out, Blizzard when releasing their more recent titles (Diablo 3, Starcraft 2). We did the math, we prepared as best we could - it wasn't enough. For this, we apologize. At 12:57 MST, all our servers blew up and it took about an hour and change to wrestle everything back under control.
I'm still stuck in pre-loading / my download is absolutely crawling. What's going on?
If you're still stuck in pre-loading or your download is very slow, there's a few possibilities. The first is to restart your client to make sure you're getting the most recent server information. You only should need to do this once. If it's still crawling, is using P2P enabled? If so, are you behind a router or firewall that may be limiting it? You need to forward port 52138 and 56274 to your computer. You can check http://www.portforward.com/ if you're not sure how to go about doing this.
edit: NOTE: when you visit their website, they're trying to sell you a product for $30 called PF Config or something. That's up to you as to whether or not you want to purchase it, but it is NOT necessary to get the information about how to forward ports on your router. Just close the window and continue on your merry way.
Will this happen again?
I can't predict the future, but I can tell you that we're certainly going to take the lessons we've learned forward with regards to this, and prepare a proportionate amount of hosting ahead of time.
I'm still SUPER unhappy!
Please e-mail support@beamdog.com if you'd like to discuss the situation with us directly. Posting about it here on the forum doesn't help anything, and I'll be closing those threads if I see them with a simple request to e-mail us so we can talk it out.
So, thank you thank you thank you,
and we're very very sorry.
If you're having other problems with the game after having downloaded it, please visit the Windows PC Support Forum where you can check to see if someone else has found a solution/where I'll be trying my best to help people out.
First: you're all awesome for sticking it out, and thank you so very much for your support and demand. That means a lot to us - a pretty small company, despite the big names involved in this project - that the work we've done has been (in general) so well received.
Second: A sincere apology from us to you that this day did not go as smoothly as we would have liked. We could not possibly have guessed that the demand would outstrip our resources as far as it did. Vanilla had to migrate our forums to a beefier server simply because of the major demand you put on them. Needless to say, our distribution servers are still picking up the pieces as best they can.
How did this happen?
The same way it happened to Valve when Steam first came out, Blizzard when releasing their more recent titles (Diablo 3, Starcraft 2). We did the math, we prepared as best we could - it wasn't enough. For this, we apologize. At 12:57 MST, all our servers blew up and it took about an hour and change to wrestle everything back under control.
I'm still stuck in pre-loading / my download is absolutely crawling. What's going on?
If you're still stuck in pre-loading or your download is very slow, there's a few possibilities. The first is to restart your client to make sure you're getting the most recent server information. You only should need to do this once. If it's still crawling, is using P2P enabled? If so, are you behind a router or firewall that may be limiting it? You need to forward port 52138 and 56274 to your computer. You can check http://www.portforward.com/ if you're not sure how to go about doing this.
edit: NOTE: when you visit their website, they're trying to sell you a product for $30 called PF Config or something. That's up to you as to whether or not you want to purchase it, but it is NOT necessary to get the information about how to forward ports on your router. Just close the window and continue on your merry way.
Will this happen again?
I can't predict the future, but I can tell you that we're certainly going to take the lessons we've learned forward with regards to this, and prepare a proportionate amount of hosting ahead of time.
I'm still SUPER unhappy!
Please e-mail support@beamdog.com if you'd like to discuss the situation with us directly. Posting about it here on the forum doesn't help anything, and I'll be closing those threads if I see them with a simple request to e-mail us so we can talk it out.
So, thank you thank you thank you,
and we're very very sorry.
If you're having other problems with the game after having downloaded it, please visit the Windows PC Support Forum where you can check to see if someone else has found a solution/where I'll be trying my best to help people out.
Post edited by Nathan on
I'm just grateful that you guys really did this, and if I have to wait another day or so, I'm not going to cry myself to sleep.
Good job!
Click your download bar people... Especially if you see a reading of 1 b/s... Like I did for most of the night...
This is the answer I got:
We're writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (support) may not exist, or you may not have permission to post messages to the group. A few more details on why you weren't able to post:
* You might have spelled or formatted the group name incorrectly.
* The owner of the group may have removed this group.
* You may need to join the group before receiving permission to post.
* This group may not be open to posting.
If you have questions related to this or any other Google Group, visit the Help Center at http://support.google.com/a/beamdog.com/bin/topic.py?hl=en-US&topic=25838.
beamdog.com admins
When I go to that web link, Google says there is no group named beamdog. Where can I send my support request mail?
I downloaded and preloaded BGEE through its own installer. Yesterday,
after the game released I run my installer. It still said preload
complete. When I clicked on the bar "preload complete" it said
checking files. Then the installer crashed (before completing the
checking files step). From then on the installer crashes every time I
run it. It never completes the checking files procedure.
My OS is Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium.
Maybe your servers crashed because of high demand and when the
installer tries to connect your servers to activate BGEE it crashes I
do not know. Currently the game is preloaded but I can't activate and
play the game I purchased.
I would like your help.
There should have been a large button saying, in effect, "click here to finish".
P.S. Don't ever say "No YOU suck" -- even in jest -- VERY poor form. The FIRST thing I've seen/experienced truly negative about the product or experience. The rest was "expected" -- so to speak.
I can't see the introduction video either ... I'm clueless atm... So I need some advice ...
same problem as some of you guys, after launching baldur.exe (from data folder) nothing happens.
I tried changing compability modes, run as admin, etc. no luck.
I even re-downloaded the game, still nothing.
drivers are up to date. I have ATI mobility Radeon 5870
I have NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
BGEE has worked fine and its enjoyable -- zero issues once I got the final piece downloaded.
Thanks. And what a great game it (still) is!