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What does "better part of valor" told by Khalid mean?

I can't find any informations on google or if it is a reference.

I never heard it being pronounced by anyone as well. What does it mean?


  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Which is a reference to his tendency to flee the battle.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    The phrase basically translates to "Be brave, but don't be foolish".

    You hear a lot of stories told about Men of Great Valor, but even those men only lived long enough for the stories to take place because they knew when to make a hasty retreat. If you're aspiring to be the modern Beowulf or whatever you have to keep that in mind.

    Now of course, some might argue that Khalid is perhaps a tad too hasty with the retreat. He might think a little highly of himself if he claims to be embodying the spirit of those Tales of Men of Great Valor. Of course, despite his apparent cowardice he's chosen to live a life of battle and has a long adventuring career to show for it, so maybe if he stutters that's not the end of the world.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    @Chronicler Understood. Honestly I think that Khalid is the most human npc in Baldur's gate. Everyone likes to power fantasy a strong charname and so on, but Khalid is actually the embodiment of a real human

    Beside, Charname would be undoubtlessly be a coward in baldur's gate. But this point is overlooked and that's the issue people have with Khalid
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