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Harbor Master hostile

DimoxDimox Member Posts: 2
The Harbor Master turns hostile when I try to deliver Duke Eltan's body too him. This is probably due to an old Charm cast since I wanted to see his dialogue. How do I resolve this so I can finish the quest? Is there a way to reset his state?

Game Version: v2.5.17.0
System Information: Probably doesn't have an impact
Mod information: No mods


  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,265
    Here you go. I changed him back to neutral. Enjoy the rest of your game!
  • DimoxDimox Member Posts: 2
    Thank you for you work, Tresset! Now I can continue my adventure (visited the Planescape while waiting)!
    Have a nice summer solstice.
  • Majzner13Majzner13 Member Posts: 3
    I have the same problem can someone help me?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,265
    @Majzner13 Upload your save and I will have a look at it.
  • Majzner13Majzner13 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2023
    Post edited by Majzner13 on
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,265
    @Majzner13 Sorry about the delay. I fixed your save. Have fun.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 212
    Would you kindly tell how you fix these saves? So I could do it myself too :P
  • Majzner13Majzner13 Member Posts: 3
    @Tresset Thank You for the help!
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,265
    Ulkesh wrote: »
    Would you kindly tell how you fix these saves? So I could do it myself too :P

    It is a somewhat complicated procedure involving use of NI. I do not recommend people tying this on their own because it is quite easy to screw things up if you don't know what you are doing.
  • jlhazletjlhazlet Member Posts: 3
    I’m playing this on the PlayStation and am having the same issue. I charmed him earlier in the game.

    Am I just SOL and can’t finish the duke Elton quest? Or is there a work around. I tried charming him again but he doesn’t come up with conversation prompts
  • jlhazletjlhazlet Member Posts: 3
    I’m playing this on the PlayStation and am having the same issue. I charmed him earlier in the game.

    Am I just SOL and can’t finish the duke Elton quest? Or is there a work around. I tried charming him again but he doesn’t come up with conversation prompts
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