Charisma reaction adjustment... actually do anything?

I guess I've never played with a low-Charisma party leader, but it seems to me the game basically wouldn't work if NPCs were uncooperative.
Has anyone noticed the effects, if any?
Has anyone noticed the effects, if any?
Also, some NPCs you can recruit don't like each other and WILL kill each other. Having a high CHA party leader helps delay/prevent this.
3 -5
4 -4
5 -3
6 -2
7 -1
8-12 0
13 +1
14 +2
15 +3
18 +5
19 +8
20 +9
21 +10
22 +11
23 +12
24 +13
25 +14
Seems like the enhanced edition is just as weird to understand as the original...
Added or subtracted from the to-hit roll when using a ranged weapon. A positive number makes the opponent easier to hit.
Reaction adjustment on the other hand is given when one has a high reputation, and when one has a high charisma. What the difference in my sheet between reaction and reaction adjustment is, I don't know, but I cant figure the numbers quite out...
EDIT: I might be wrong. I shall have to test it more.
Has this really happened?
Because i can get stats that go like this:
If i just dump Charisma if i can use a different character to lead...
Of course Dexterity also has an affect on AC and missile attack to hit, as well as thieving abilities. Very useful stat!
Penalties to Reaction start occurring from 9 Charisma and below, so your smart phone app is incorrect, but that's because the manual is incorrect as well.
Long story short, a combination of sufficiently high Charisma and high Reputation for the leader (which combine to calculate a stat called "Reaction" which is just above the Resistances on your character sheet) will net you the following benefits.
1. Better store prices.
2. Some quest rewards are better.
3. Joinable NPCs always offer to join your party.
4. Some NPC dialogues change to accommodate for the better impression you make.
5. Some of own dialogue options change to accommodate for you being more diplomatic and articulate.
6. It is also alleged that it helps party members keep their morale, and that it lowers the chance certain party members will fight each other, but I cannot confirm that.
Out of curiosity, what are you getting when you constantly dump cha to 3?
Wisdom does nothing for non clerics and druids, int does nothing for non mages and bards, con beyond 16 does nothing for non warriors, there is no need to ever dump a stat to 3.
I really wish games would actually take extremely low and high stats into account a bit more in future incarnations, having a 3 cha is exceedingly low and leaves no room for interpretation as to why it is, an actual character with 3 cha would get a negative reaction from almost anyone and many people would pick fights with them simply for being near them.
Its not like having a cha that is in the middle somewhere, where you have the flexibility to define why your cha is semi low or semi high, it could be attractiveness, self confidence, a winning personality or a number of other things for semi high for instance, or one of those could be lacking for semi low, but with a 3 your character would be repulsive in every way imaginable.
It's just peace of mind when i get the stats to what i want.
I haven't looked into any of the stats to know at what point they do what.
I just know that Charisma is usually the most useless stat in every game and i assume that every other stat would do something if i upped it.
I couldn't even tell you what Wisdom does, not even sure what Intelligence does, something to do with amount of Spells castable per day? lol
If i did research into it, or if someone told me the optimum stats for a Mage (Conjurer specifically), then i'd probably have different Stats.
EDIT: So a character with 3 Charisma would be someone like Noober by your example hahaha.
CHA has a separate derived attribute called "Reaction". It is not the same as the DEX-derived "Reaction Adjustment". Yes, this is confusing.
Also, some non-mage/bard classes (and/or races) can have relatively high minimum stats for Int/Wis. Gnomes, Halflings and Dwarves gain con-based save bonuses for high int, though 15 Con gives +4 and you need to have 18 Con to get the +5 to saves, which isn't usually worth it for a non-fighter.
I must admit, though, that I don't like extreme min-maxing, though my elf fighter/mage does currently only have 6 Wis (though will raise to at least 7 with a tome, to reduce to lore penalty a bit and I don't like having such a low Wis from a RP perspective)