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Anyone knows of a good Neverwinter Nights expert playthrough/let's play?

leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
Heya all!

As the title says, I've been looking for a good playthrough to watch of NWN, of someone that really knows the game and plays it up to its max potential. Extra points if it starts with the OC! Doesn't matter if it has commentary or not.

I've watched some normal let's plays, or first time players LPs, already... but I never could find really experts players showcasing good builds, and showing off the game, as they are for other games, like Baldur's Gate and such.

I've tried to play the game myself several times... never was able to reach chapter 3 OC, and found the encounter design leads to tedious combat stints that never end and is wave after wave of enemies, that take ages to kill... so I'd like to watch someone who knows the game really well play and learn from it first, rather than keep playing the game on an unoptimized build...

Of course, I've already watched mynameisnotlilly's original campaign playthrough in full and loved it, which is the closer I could find to an expert playthrough by myself on YT, but it's not finished and the actual gameplay only reaches up to the end of CH1 or at most start of CH2, IIRC.

There are several really good expert playthroughs for Baldur's Gate on YT, it's strange that's so hard to find a good one for NWN... but perhaps I don't know where to look for :/

Thank you for any recommendations and best regards o/
Post edited by leeux on


  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    If someone really knew NWN well and was an expert player as you say then I don't see why they would be playing the OC.
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2019
    Well, that's why I said it would be "bonus points" :) Not totally required to cover the OC.

    As for your question: I guess to show the game to others? Most people that make good playthroughs for games they love, enjoy showing the game to others that might not know much about it.

    Or, at least that's how it works for other games for which I watch Let's Plays or general Play-throughs, and the really really good ones are rare and quite a pleasure to watch.... at least for me.

    But yeah, you might have a point, in general... Probably, most of the appeal of NWN for many people playing it is custom campaigns and persistent worlds, right?

    There's a great channel on YT dedicated to show off NWN mods and third party content, and the dude really knows the game... but he sadly never played any of the game's standard campaigns on camera :disappointed:

    Oh well... maybe one day someone who knows the game will finally get to it :)

    EDIT: typos
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I think the issue is that most people with say 10,000-30,000 hours in the game usually play multiplayer worlds, as you note. For what its worth I think that Neberski plays a lot of player made modules with friends, but I think that's on the Diamond version with enhancements.

    I think this game is just different to other games because it's "D&D in a box" and the main official story modules get sidelined by most of the passionate fans. That's not a bad thing but it might mean you have trouble finding the same kind of thing as other games.

    If you're looking for content you can always check the twitch directory for Neverwinter Nights, and Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition. I say check both since sometimes people only post their games to one or the other.
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    Thanks! I've got that noted for when I'm out of work... gonna follow him/her and look through past VODs! Can't do that while I'm at work sadly :(

    You're right, I completely forgot to keep an eye on twitch for this... I should've done some searches there too. I've been following NWN1 and NWN2 for some time as games on twitch, but rarely I see them appear in my "following" category.

    Of course I already watched the recent Lorerunner's Neverwinter Nights lore run and that was what got me the itch to try this game again :) But he played just for the story (it was a Lore run) so can't take any useful gameplay tips from there.

    BTW, the YT channel I mentioned in my previous post? I was mistaken... I went to check, and I could have swore he had NWN1 videos in there, but no... he just focuses on NWN2 custom campaigns and mods only. My mistake!

    ((I'm hesitant to name or link channels just to the fact that I'm not sure about the forums rules on this kind of stuff.))
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    Check out <snip>
    TY! Link grabbed for later :)

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @leeux , Thanks for that tip to watch Lorerunner. I just found his NWN videos on YouTube and have marked them on "watch later" for when I have time. That definitely looks interesting. I've also been looking for some good NWN videos to watch.
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    You're welcome @BelgarathMTH! It was definitely a time investment to watch it for me (over a span of several weeks!) but very worth it in the end :smiley:

    BTW, I started watching some of the VODs from Neberski, and I'm enjoying quite a bit his style of play! So thank you very much for that recommendation, @FreshLemonBun :)

    I'll keep the channel @JuliusBorisov recommended on standby, to watch next.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Yep, he seems like quite a friendly guy from my experience and knowledgeable about the game too.
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    Sorry for the bump, but just in case someone else searches for this same topic in the future, at least I wanted to post that I've found some videos of use w.r.t. the topic of Neverwinter Nights, not necessary playthroughs.

    First ones are these following ones, which go through the basics of systems, which I found really useful, even if I already knew many of these things, I learnt a lot of hidden details I didn't knew about from just playing the game:
    "Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition - Learning the Basics"

    "Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition - Spellcasters and Stuff"

    And also, since I made this topic, a new playthrough has been started that I personally found it could potentially be interesting to watch (at least for me, the author seem to really know the game and he started playing the OC!):

    ((I don't have anything to do with those channels myself... just in case, I'm just a viewer. I just thought they could be of use for someone else, if it ever comes to pass that someone else is looking for the same stuff I was :smile: ))
  • BalkothBalkoth Member Posts: 161
    I did a playthrough of the Aielund Saga here.

    Going to start a playthrough of the original campaign imitating my original playthrough from over a decade and a half ago (which will therefore not be optimal since I definitely didn't play optimally then...had an Elven Sorcerer who tried to melee as a backup, always had both my familiar (Psuedodragon, not the best choice) and summoned creature out, and didn't understand how to properly buff my companion (Daelen)).

    But I'll still steamroll the campaign.
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    Nice @Balkoth! Thank you for mentioning it! Strangely even if I did a search for NWN videos on YT several times, I don't recall YT ever showing me one of your videos or playlists :(

    I'll be surely watching your OC playthrough when you get to it, and I may give your module playthrough a watch too depending on my free time on the coming weeks :)
  • ElDiabloElDiablo Member Posts: 36
    Let's play of Neverwinter? Yes. expert?

  • BalkothBalkoth Member Posts: 161
    leeux wrote: »
    Nice @Balkoth! Thank you for mentioning it! Strangely even if I did a search for NWN videos on YT several times, I don't recall YT ever showing me one of your videos or playlists :(

    Interesting. Did the whole Aielund Saga as well as a few other videos in the past (several years ago).

    Here's an initial draft of the Prelude -- going to redo it to fix the cutscenes at a minimum (if I can) plus looking for feedback on other stuff (like am I going through conversations too fast or whatever).

  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    @Balkoth Looking good, watched quite a lot of the start and seems good! I think conversations and such are OK the way you're handling them, you can always pause the video and read it if the time was not enough.

    I'd suggest pointing out stuff in conversation that's important for the story, later when it becomes relevant, but the way you're handling it it's fine IMO!

    Gonna stop and wait until you release it officially :)
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