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Daulmakan item pack

Does anyone know if it is compatible with EET and BGT?



  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    From the reademe

    This mod adds several new items to Baldur's Gate II/Tutu/BGT, as well as a few item related tweaks that I find convenient. Some components require Throne of Bhaal, as well as the latest patch (26498). For BGII/BGT, I recommend having the G3 Fixpack installed, though it should work just fine without it.
  • tedmann12tedmann12 Member Posts: 128
    I'm curious if this works with Enhanced Edition
  • MrBaquanMrBaquan Member Posts: 42
    It used to work for me but recently it won't install the new items, only the other components. I really like this item mod!
  • roshanroshan Member Posts: 29
    I found an updated version of this mod on the creator's Github that might be compatible:
  • DaulmakanDaulmakan Member Posts: 2
    Hello there. As Roshan said, new versions can now be found in the Github. I've just uploaded version 2.1. Since 2.0, Item Pack should be fully compatible with the EEs. You can let me know here if something doesn't work.

  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited February 11
    I will definitely give this item pack a try for my next run; currently about to finally finish the Region of Terror mod.

    Also great to see you give recommendations on some item mod installation order; for those who don't quite want to click on the link above, the README (as of 11th February 2025) recommends at the least the following other item-modifications to be installed, prior to the mod here:

    - Tactics' Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mae'Var
    - Item Upgrade
    - Anishai One Day NPC
    - Questpack's Additional Shadow Thieves' Content

    This is, by the way, the first time (or so I recall presently) I saw a recommendation for tactics-mod to be installed prior to another item mod. Usually I went with tactics mod being one of the last mods to be installed, then tweaks and world map. (As I had to re-arrange some other things, including starting with almost zero item mods, I also skipped tactics and tweaks for the moment, until the other mod-installation is error-free. So this is quite useful information provided by the README; many other mods aren't giving a similar information.)
  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 444
    Installing new items after Tactics Remix can lead to actual issues/bugs, depending on the item. I would generally not recommend it unless you absolutely want that one item that this mod assigns to Mae'var.
  • DaulmakanDaulmakan Member Posts: 2
    This is, by the way, the first time (or so I recall presently) I saw a recommendation for tactics-mod to be installed prior to another item mod. Usually I went with tactics mod being one of the last mods to be installed, then tweaks and world map. (As I had to re-arrange some other things, including starting with almost zero item mods, I also skipped tactics and tweaks for the moment, until the other mod-installation is error-free. So this is quite useful information provided by the README; many other mods aren't giving a similar information.)

    That comment has been present in the ReadMe for a while, and was aimed at the "regular" Weimer release, which overwrote .CREs and thus the items wouldn't show up had you installed it after Item Pack. Newer mods that don't overwrite character files should be fine to install after Item Pack unless they happen to change stuff in the same inventory slot (which just means you won't see one of the items, nothing beyond that).
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