Searching for a mod named "legion of hell"
Member Posts: 1,091
Does anyone have it? It's for BG2
@001 =~Erinyes Helmet~
@002 =~Erinyes Amulet~
@003 =~Erinyes~
@004 =~Cornugon~
@005 =~Osyluth~
@006 =~Osyluth Weapon~
@007 =~Red Abishai~
@008 =~Green Abishai~
@009 =~White Abishai~
@010 =~Red Abishai Weapon~
@011 =~Green Abishai Weapon~
@012 =~White Abishai Weapon~
@013 =~Hamatula~
@014 =~Hamatula Weapon~
@015 =~Pit Fiend~
@016 =~Pit Fiend Weapon~
@102 =~Disciple Of Dispater~
@103 =~DISCIPLE OF DISPATER: The disciple of Dispater is a war-like general of evil. He is defensively minded and eager to have others fight for him. When he must fight, he does so on his terms and on his chosen battleground. Disciples of Dispater verge on paranoia and are thus distrustful of everyone. They have mystical power over iron that allows them to grant themselves even greater abilities in battle.
- May use 'Iron Hews' ability once per day for every 4 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
- May cast 'Iron Skins' once per day at 16th level.
- May cast 'Iron Body' once per day at 18th level.
- May summon an Erinyes once per day.
- Can only be evil alignmnt.
- Can only specialize in metal weapons.~
@104 =~Iron Hews~
@105 =~Iron Body~
@106 =~Summon Erinyes~
@202 =~Disciple Of Mammon~
@203 =~DISCIPLE OF MAMMON: The disciple of Mammon takes what she wants any way she can. She is quick to betray her friends and allies to get ahead, and she will put herself in an embarrassing or awkward position if it ultimately leads to what she wants. The disciple of Mammon has no honor, no shame, and no scruples. Her abilties help not only to lie, cheat, and steal, but also to avoid danger at the expense of others.
- Master Thief: Bonus 10 skill point on pick pockets & open locks for every 5 levels.
- May use 'Spell Divert' ability once per day per 4 levels (starts at 8th level with one use).
- Non-detection at 16th level.
- May summon a Baatezu once per day.
- Can only be evil alignmnt.
- Gets only 20 points to distribute between thief abilities each level.~
@204 =~Master Thief~
@205 =~Non-detection~
@206 =~Spell Divert~
@207 =~Summon Baatezu~
@302 =~Disciple Of Mephistopheles~
@303 =~DISCIPLE OF MEPHISTOPHELES: The disciple of Mephistopheles wields hellfire as his weapon, striking down all who oppose him. He focuses on all things fire-related, as is fitting with the preoccupation of the arch-devil he serves.
- Fire Adept: Bonus 10% fire resistance for every 5 levels.
- May cast 'Burning Hands' once per day per 3 levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
- May cast 'Fire Shield' once per day per at 12th and 16th level.
- May cast 'Hellfire Storm' once per day per at 17th level.
- May use 'Body of Flame' ability once per day at 18th level.
- May summon a Hamatula once per day.
- Can only be evil alignmnt.
- Can not specialize in weapons past normal specialization.~
@304 =~Fire Adept~
@305 =~Fire Shield (Red)~
@306 =~HellFire Storm~
@307 =~Body of Flame~
@308 =~Fist~
@309 =~Flame Burn~
@310 =~Summon Hamatula~
@402 =~Disciple Of Baalzebul~
@403 =~DISCIPLE OF BAALZEBUL: The disciple of Baalzebul, is a liar, a cheat, and a thief. She is more likely to kill a paladin while he sleeps than face him in direct combat. She uses deceit and trickery to get what she wants, betraying even her family and closest friends to achiever her goals. Her abilities make her an astute prevaricator and a sneaky backstabber, but she can wield her lords powerful influence with everything from devils to flies if she needs to.
- King of Lies: Charisma increase at level 20.
- May cast 'Charm Person' once per day per 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
- May cast 'Insect Plague' once per day per 5 levels (starts at 15th level with one use).
- May summon a Baatezu once per day.
- Can only be evil alignmnt.
- Gets only 20 points to distribute between thief abilities each level.~
@404 =~King of Lies~
@405 =~Summon Baatezu~
@502 =~Disciple Of Asmodeus~
@503 =~DISCIPLE OF ASMODEUS: The disciple of Asmodeus is a lordly, domineering sort who craves unlimited power. He is ruthless in his pursuits and uncaring of any who might get in his way. He uses his power and influence to gain secrets, which in turn gain him more power, manipulate and command others, and enhance his own physical aspect.
- Dread Might: Bonus +2 AC, saves, THAC0 at 18th level.
- May cast 'Command' once per day at 1st level.
- May use 'Evil Authority' ability once per day at 16th level.
- May use 'Learn Secret' ability once per day for every 3 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
- May summon a hellcat once per day.
- May summon a Baatezu once per day.
- Can only be lawful evil or neutral evil alignmnt.~
@504 =~Command~
@505 =~Dread Might~
@506 =~Evil Authority~
@507 =~Summon Hellcat~
@508 =~Hellcat~
@509 =~Hellcat Weapon~
@510 =~Summon Baatezu~
@511 =~Learn Secret~