I disagree. Larian is a european developer, they will be bought out by Ubisoft. u_u
Which is a vaaast improvement... yeah
Problems aside, like the ones with Shenmue III and other games, I´ll choose an indie kickstarted game any day of the week for CRPG.
More budget is always welcome, but not if the creative cost is too much.
I liked very much the classics "Beyond divinity" and "Divine divinity" (Survivalist FTW) Enjoy!
All of my complains against D:OS just don't apply to Divine divinity. The game din't worked on M$ Win 10, but i an playing with wine + POL on Linux. My unique complain is that i can't put spells on a hotbar and for eg let raise skeletons with an button, an healing on another and an damage on another.
At least Microsoft promised the minimum necessary creative freedom to the Inxile and Obsidian teams when they bought them (or so they say) and have rules against "crunching". EA... they are EA. Just look at Bioware's debacle.
BTW, Ardanis nice avatar
PoE 3 will be an kinetic dancing game.
About his avatar if i remember correctly is from FATE anime.
Divine Divinity, it has been years..
Fun fact: When I first heard that Larian may make Baldurs Gate 3, I hate no idea who they were..
When it was confirmed I looked it up and realized: Oh, they are the ones behind D:OS, intresting, heard about it.. Wait, they also made Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity? How could I miss this rather obvious connection? oO
..I blame it on me not staying up to date on modern games..
Ardanis avatar picture is Archer from Fate/Stay Night. Originaly a Visual Novel, the game was succesfull enough to get an anime and spin off games.
The game itself hat 3 ..episodes? Every one of these keeps the mai ncharacter, but the events change rather drastically. Archer appears in all three of them, but he is part of the main focus of the second route.
The third one is better though.
I can give this info (and the one from BG & Forgotten Realms lore) from memory, do I have to worry? =/
@Gyor I have not read the articles yet, but my guess is that he said something like "we plan to bring the races and classes of the 5th edition into the game" or smething like that.
I really doubt he really gave any concrete information, sicne he seems to believe that encouraging discussion about the idea of BG3 and our interpretation of the snippets is better than give us material to actually discuss the game itself.
I don't remember the exact wording, but he was refering to class material added over time, which means more then the PHB.
If Larian has to purchased by another company, I would prefer it be FOW studios, that way the could add FOW studios fameous Subverse style "***ty physics".
If Larian has to purchased by another company, I would prefer it be FOW studios, that way the could add FOW studios fameous Subverse style "***ty physics".
I've watched a couple of their movies after the hype hit the fan, and all I can say is
In addition to my prediction that the combat system will be something that is hybrid/new, I've predicted the perspective will also be a hybrid of third-person and top-down with fully rotatable camera(s).
If Larian has to purchased by another company, I would prefer it be FOW studios, that way the could add FOW studios fameous Subverse style "***ty physics".
I've watched a couple of their movies after the hype hit the fan, and all I can say is
The quality is out of this world, it can be dark (some them, they do have some lighter fare as well), so it's an acuired taste. I love them, they are one of the best companies out there.
But you can't deny the shear quality of their Ti***y phsyics!
Ardanis avatar picture is Archer from Fate/Stay Night. Originaly a Visual Novel, the game was succesfull enough to get an anime and spin off games.
The game itself hat 3 ..episodes? Every one of these keeps the mai ncharacter, but the events change rather drastically. Archer appears in all three of them, but he is part of the main focus of the second route.
The third one is better though.
I can give this info (and the one from BG & Forgotten Realms lore) from memory, do I have to worry? =/
There are two of us, in the case of FST. I also liked the most the third route, but I think it is like SMT, you enjoy it more when you played all three.
I know, thanks @Arcanis I acknowledged Ardanis good taste. Well, "Archer" in fact appear all around -wink, wink-
I played FST and Fate/hollow ataraxia years ago... those are the Planescape Torment of japanese visual novels. The console games were wierd but not too bad.
I know there are now a gazillon animes, mobile games, and stuff, but I do not play that much. Lots of light novels also.
In addition to my prediction that the combat system will be something that is hybrid/new, I've predicted the perspective will also be a hybrid of third-person and top-down with fully rotatable camera(s).
You can like it or not, but Larian usually tries something new in their games. Takes risks. A lot of criticism against them comes because of this, but at least they give you something new. Not always better, but innovative? yes.
I remember how they hit them pretty hard because of the differences between Beyond divinity and its predecessor, Divine Divinity. They could´ve made a successor but they decided to change the character creation and the narrative. A lot. Or when they published Dragon Commander.
The quality is out of this world, it can be dark (some them, they do have some lighter fare as well), so it's an acuired taste. I love them, they are one of the best companies out there.
But you can't deny the shear quality of their Ti***y phsyics!
I just don't trust a dedicated porn company to produce any artistic value.
The quality is out of this world, it can be dark (some them, they do have some lighter fare as well), so it's an acuired taste. I love them, they are one of the best companies out there.
But you can't deny the shear quality of their Ti***y phsyics!
I just don't trust a dedicated porn company to produce any artistic value.
I find this statement highly ironic, considering your avatar.. =P
The quality is out of this world, it can be dark (some them, they do have some lighter fare as well), so it's an acuired taste. I love them, they are one of the best companies out there.
But you can't deny the shear quality of their Ti***y phsyics!
I just don't trust a dedicated porn company to produce any artistic value.
I find this statement highly ironic, considering your avatar.. =P
In this interview, Swen is still very vague about details, but he also stood by his position about that they are going to do something innovative in combat, but you will have a recognizable setting and classes/races; the multiplayer and that the future is in cloud-only platforms like Google stadia. Just remember that right now there are no bg3 planned for consoles.
I find this statement highly ironic, considering your avatar.. =P
That just says something about your preferences, I'm afraid
PS Apparently some clarification is in order, duh. I watch Fate series because I like the plot/setting/whatever. If the first thing you associate with my avatar are some non-teen scenes from original game (and afaik the author himself never particularly liked them), then, well, I guess I can see why you'd find it ironic. To each their own, I suppose
I find this statement highly ironic, considering your avatar.. =P
That just says something about your preferences, I'm afraid
There is no shame in finding Sakura cute. Rin isn't bad, but Sakura is better, that is just an objective fact.
Also, I'm starting to think you were baiting me there...
@PsicoVic Well, I still think we will be limited by the race & classes of the PHB and maybe the Sword Coast book. Xanathar would be neat, but I don't believe we get that one.
I do wonder how they are going to work the background in the game. The feature of the backgrounds could be made useable, but I see little chance of making them playable, too many to make a prologue out of them.
About consoles.. They keep saying that "they focus on pc and stadia" which basicly means that they refuse to answer the question for consoles. If they want to keep the option open, they will have plans for it and maybe a bit of groundwork for the conversion. If they don't, then they would have said "no" to console ports.
It is possible that they wait for the launch of BG on consoles and how many people try that one out and wait for the launch of Stadia to see how many console gamers get that.
If few switch to Stadia, but D:OS & BG sales on consoels are decent, we will get the ports.
Especially since one of the first interviews has Vincke say "we do not believe in exclusivity".
I personally would like a console port, because that saves me the money to get a pc for the game..
My old office notebook will not be able to play that game.. =(
If they do the same with the DoS games, they´ll simply make an EE version with a console port some time after the original game.
Fortunately if you bought the classic they give you the EE for free, so you can enjoy both.
Arcanis, if you like RPG, i suggest to purchase an PC. Mainly because the best ones are exactly the old ones and even if you like jRPG's, with sony censorship, PC's will become better than consoles even for japanese ones.
Arcanis, if you like RPG, i suggest to purchase an PC. Mainly because the best ones are exactly the old ones and even if you like jRPG's, with sony censorship, PC's will become better than consoles even for japanese ones.
Honestly? Most of thegames I like are more or less PS exclusives at this time. The other games I play don't need a modern pc and on top of that I *like* playing on console.
PC for woking, PS for fun. ^^
I'm just annoyed that Sony abondonedd the PSVita. =/
Arcanis, if you like RPG, i suggest to purchase an PC. Mainly because the best ones are exactly the old ones and even if you like jRPG's, with sony censorship, PC's will become better than consoles even for japanese ones.
Honestly? Most of thegames I like are more or less PS exclusives at this time. The other games I play don't need a modern pc and on top of that I *like* playing on console.
PC for woking, PS for fun. ^^
I'm just annoyed that Sony abondonedd the PSVita. =/
You probably don't need an high end gaming PC to play BG3 (wait until the requirements is released) but D:OS2 require
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit or Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 550 or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 6XXX or higher
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 60 GB available space
Additional Notes: Minimum requirements may change during development.
As you can see, 60 fps is rare, but is perfectly playable.
And honestly, consoles don't have most of my favorite games. Like
RPG - Pathfinder Kingmaker (best modern RPG) and tons of old school RPG's(vtmb1, arcanum, etc), with mod support
FPS - ArmA 3/Escape from Tarkov
Strategy/RPG - Mount & Blade( i know, the new one will be available on console, but no modding) and Freeman guerrilla warfare
Strategy games - I prefer old shcool like homm3, but honestly, most Paradox games are PC focused
I an not trying to deviate it into a PC vs console thread but honestly most consoles exclusive looks like action adventures with stealth elements, i play warthunder with an 10 yo notebook and do relative well. Mainly using Bf 110.
Larian is putting too much money to just ignore the console market. So, IMO they will just launch an port after an time on PC.
There are quite the number of niche JRPGs that have no pc release, especially stuff that comes out for psv.
It really depends on what genres you like:
Strategy is pc, without a question.
WRPGs is about equal, but JRPGs are still better on PS.
For strategy, the mouse&keyboard is still king, but for JRPG you need to remember that console gaming is much much popular in japan then pc gaming.
About Mount & Blade.. tried it, but didn't find it very fun. If I want a RPG/RTS hybrid I play WBC and that still works. =D
I think a good chunk of the difference between PC and Console is atmosphere nowadays and no longer games.
Also, I'm looking forward to a new game which is released for consoles, I think its name Was Baldurs.. something. ;-)
(I'm going to get it for my birthday, jsut for nostalgias sake, since that is the way I got BG2 back in the day ^_^)
There are quite the number of niche JRPGs that have no pc release, especially stuff that comes out for psv.
I'm still hoping that the FFVII remake will be big enough that Square-Enix will port it to other platforms. XD
...I never understood the appeal of that one. I never played it when I was a child (only got into JRPGs in the 00s with Grandia 2 on pc) and when I tried playing it .. I could not get into it.
It does not have the old school charm of the (s)nes FFs and it is not as ..fun as 9 or 10.
But I guess that is taste again. ^^
...I never understood the appeal of that one. I never played it when I was a child (only got into JRPGs in the 00s with Grandia 2 on pc) and when I tried playing it .. I could not get into it.
It does not have the old school charm of the (s)nes FFs and it is not as ..fun as 9 or 10.
But I guess that is taste again. ^^
Somebody once speculated that it is so popular because for a lot of people, it was their first major exposure to the JRPG-style of gaming. (That is, the stories are mostly drama and character-driven, and the worlds and plots don't focus too much on "hard science" or "details first" that a lot of Western RPGs are built from.) FFVII wasn't my first JRPG experience (the honor for that goes to some of the earlier RPGs on the NES, but my Dad bought me various Japanese titles in an age where the lack of the internet meant that no translations were available, so I quickly lost interest after I couldn't figure out what the heck the characters were saying. XD), but it was the first that really made me "get" what the genre was about.
Despite that, JRPGs never managed to pry me away from my primary love of WRPGs, but I'm at that age now where all of the companies trying to make money off old Gen-X'ers like me by appealing to nostalgia are finding very soft targets, dangit.
I got into JRPGs after NWN1 actually. BG2 was my first "real" exposure to WRPGs and I loved it.
Played it so much that I literally memorized all lines from the main story. After some games that where ok, I stumbled unto Grandia 2 (I used to buy game collections back in the day) and palyed it out of boredom.
I really loved that game and when the development in the WRPG genre went into a direction I did not like (it became more action focused imho) I nearly completly switched to JRPGs.
Many later games had aspects of what made BG2 so great (and improved on some parts that unfortunatly don't bother me mostly) but no game really hit my tastes like BG2 did.
So I decided to focus on JRPGs till WRPGs go back into the direction that I wanted. ^^
That is actually the main reason for my optimism towards BG3: It is, once more, a chance for that game which really hits all, well most, of my interests.
Now that I write about it, I think that may be part of why I have trouble understanding @ThacoBell worries or arguments. For me, BG is not part of a glorius RPG past that Larian maybe tries to cash in. It is also not the game that opened myself to RPGs on pc. For me it is the *only* WRPG that I fully enjoyed.
Also, as someone who often playes rather linear games, having a forced canonical route -even if it is a bad or boring one- does bother me less.. maybe.
P.S I do not mean to say that ID, PT, NWN and other WRPGs are bad games. I enjoyed a lot of WRPGs. But all of them felt, to me, like something was missing. The thing that made BG ..magical for me was not there in one form or another. Thus, the only WRPG on my favorite games list would be BG2. Which is also my 2. or 3. favorite game, depending on my current mood.
This is an older interview where Swen does not say much, but we could learn that the BG3 game will use Larian´s Divinity engine 4.0 (DoS EE was 3.5) and that you will have 5e classes and subclasses (¿Kits or the new archetypes?). The game will be longer than DoS2, approximately 100 hours.
This is an older interview where Swen does not say much, but we could learn that the BG3 game will use Larian´s Divinity engine 4.0 (DoS EE was 3.5) and that you will have 5e classes and subclasses (¿Kits or the new archetypes?). The game will be longer than DoS2, approximately 100 hours.
Pretty sure subclasses are the "Archetypes". The archetypes are actually heavily inspired by AD&D2s kits, so it really boils down to the same.
More intresting is the paragraph about linearity:
He says he wants to follow to make it like BG - which are linear games.
(The differences are surprisingly minimal on who you pay the money. And doing random sidequests while putting the main quest on the backburner does not change that imho.)
Another interview with Sven Vincke, CEO of Larian and Mike Mearls of WoTC. This time they fall on how they view D&D and their future implementation on BG3, without going into detail.
1. Why are the Wizards so strongly involved in advertising the game? You get the feeling Wizards and Larian have fused their PR departments..
2. Why is Larian revealing the game? He does not seem to be ready to talk about the game, telling us that he will reveal more about it E3 2020. This is a long time. Till the release the hype can either die down or raise the expectation beyond anything Larian could make. They don't need money via kickstarter, so why not waiting 6-12 month and then say: "We are making Baldurs Gate 3. Here is some footage, stay tuned for our release in the Fall of 2020!"
Makes me wonder if it was WotC who wanted to reveal the game early and want to use the hype for something of their own.
Which is a vaaast improvement... yeah
Problems aside, like the ones with Shenmue III and other games, I´ll choose an indie kickstarted game any day of the week for CRPG.
More budget is always welcome, but not if the creative cost is too much.
All of my complains against D:OS just don't apply to Divine divinity. The game din't worked on M$ Win 10, but i an playing with wine + POL on Linux. My unique complain is that i can't put spells on a hotbar and for eg let raise skeletons with an button, an healing on another and an damage on another.
PoE 3 will be an kinetic dancing game.
About his avatar if i remember correctly is from FATE anime.
Fun fact: When I first heard that Larian may make Baldurs Gate 3, I hate no idea who they were..
When it was confirmed I looked it up and realized: Oh, they are the ones behind D:OS, intresting, heard about it.. Wait, they also made Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity? How could I miss this rather obvious connection? oO
..I blame it on me not staying up to date on modern games..
Ardanis avatar picture is Archer from Fate/Stay Night. Originaly a Visual Novel, the game was succesfull enough to get an anime and spin off games.
The game itself hat 3 ..episodes? Every one of these keeps the mai ncharacter, but the events change rather drastically. Archer appears in all three of them, but he is part of the main focus of the second route.
The third one is better though.
I can give this info (and the one from BG & Forgotten Realms lore) from memory, do I have to worry? =/
I don't remember the exact wording, but he was refering to class material added over time, which means more then the PHB.
They are rich indie, but still indie. Same CEO/Visionary
The quality is out of this world, it can be dark (some them, they do have some lighter fare as well), so it's an acuired taste. I love them, they are one of the best companies out there.
But you can't deny the shear quality of their Ti***y phsyics!
I know, thanks @Arcanis I acknowledged Ardanis good taste. Well, "Archer" in fact appear all around -wink, wink-
I played FST and Fate/hollow ataraxia years ago... those are the Planescape Torment of japanese visual novels. The console games were wierd but not too bad.
I know there are now a gazillon animes, mobile games, and stuff, but I do not play that much. Lots of light novels also.
You can like it or not, but Larian usually tries something new in their games. Takes risks. A lot of criticism against them comes because of this, but at least they give you something new. Not always better, but innovative? yes.
I remember how they hit them pretty hard because of the differences between Beyond divinity and its predecessor, Divine Divinity. They could´ve made a successor but they decided to change the character creation and the narrative. A lot. Or when they published Dragon Commander.
I find this statement highly ironic, considering your avatar.. =P
Still better than EA
PS Apparently some clarification is in order, duh. I watch Fate series because I like the plot/setting/whatever. If the first thing you associate with my avatar are some non-teen scenes from original game (and afaik the author himself never particularly liked them), then, well, I guess I can see why you'd find it ironic. To each their own, I suppose
There is no shame in finding Sakura cute. Rin isn't bad, but Sakura is better, that is just an objective fact.
Also, I'm starting to think you were baiting me there...
@PsicoVic Well, I still think we will be limited by the race & classes of the PHB and maybe the Sword Coast book. Xanathar would be neat, but I don't believe we get that one.
I do wonder how they are going to work the background in the game. The feature of the backgrounds could be made useable, but I see little chance of making them playable, too many to make a prologue out of them.
About consoles.. They keep saying that "they focus on pc and stadia" which basicly means that they refuse to answer the question for consoles. If they want to keep the option open, they will have plans for it and maybe a bit of groundwork for the conversion. If they don't, then they would have said "no" to console ports.
It is possible that they wait for the launch of BG on consoles and how many people try that one out and wait for the launch of Stadia to see how many console gamers get that.
If few switch to Stadia, but D:OS & BG sales on consoels are decent, we will get the ports.
Especially since one of the first interviews has Vincke say "we do not believe in exclusivity".
I personally would like a console port, because that saves me the money to get a pc for the game..
My old office notebook will not be able to play that game.. =(
Fortunately if you bought the classic they give you the EE for free, so you can enjoy both.
Honestly? Most of thegames I like are more or less PS exclusives at this time. The other games I play don't need a modern pc and on top of that I *like* playing on console.
PC for woking, PS for fun. ^^
I'm just annoyed that Sony abondonedd the PSVita. =/
You probably don't need an high end gaming PC to play BG3 (wait until the requirements is released) but D:OS2 require
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit or Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 550 or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 6XXX or higher
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 60 GB available space
Additional Notes: Minimum requirements may change during development.
Here you can see 5 AAA games running on a GTS 450
► Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (2015) 00:04
► Overwatch (2016) 02:00
► PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (2017) 04:00
► Injustice 2 (2017) 06:00
► Battlefield 1 (2016) 08:00
As you can see, 60 fps is rare, but is perfectly playable.
And honestly, consoles don't have most of my favorite games. Like
RPG - Pathfinder Kingmaker (best modern RPG) and tons of old school RPG's(vtmb1, arcanum, etc), with mod support
FPS - ArmA 3/Escape from Tarkov
Strategy/RPG - Mount & Blade( i know, the new one will be available on console, but no modding) and Freeman guerrilla warfare
Strategy games - I prefer old shcool like homm3, but honestly, most Paradox games are PC focused
I an not trying to deviate it into a PC vs console thread but honestly most consoles exclusive looks like action adventures with stealth elements, i play warthunder with an 10 yo notebook and do relative well. Mainly using Bf 110.
Larian is putting too much money to just ignore the console market. So, IMO they will just launch an port after an time on PC.
There are quite the number of niche JRPGs that have no pc release, especially stuff that comes out for psv.
It really depends on what genres you like:
Strategy is pc, without a question.
WRPGs is about equal, but JRPGs are still better on PS.
For strategy, the mouse&keyboard is still king, but for JRPG you need to remember that console gaming is much much popular in japan then pc gaming.
About Mount & Blade.. tried it, but didn't find it very fun. If I want a RPG/RTS hybrid I play WBC and that still works. =D
I think a good chunk of the difference between PC and Console is atmosphere nowadays and no longer games.
Also, I'm looking forward to a new game which is released for consoles, I think its name Was Baldurs.. something. ;-)
(I'm going to get it for my birthday, jsut for nostalgias sake, since that is the way I got BG2 back in the day ^_^)
I'm still hoping that the FFVII remake will be big enough that Square-Enix will port it to other platforms. XD
...I never understood the appeal of that one. I never played it when I was a child (only got into JRPGs in the 00s with Grandia 2 on pc) and when I tried playing it .. I could not get into it.
It does not have the old school charm of the (s)nes FFs and it is not as ..fun as 9 or 10.
But I guess that is taste again. ^^
Somebody once speculated that it is so popular because for a lot of people, it was their first major exposure to the JRPG-style of gaming. (That is, the stories are mostly drama and character-driven, and the worlds and plots don't focus too much on "hard science" or "details first" that a lot of Western RPGs are built from.) FFVII wasn't my first JRPG experience (the honor for that goes to some of the earlier RPGs on the NES, but my Dad bought me various Japanese titles in an age where the lack of the internet meant that no translations were available, so I quickly lost interest after I couldn't figure out what the heck the characters were saying. XD), but it was the first that really made me "get" what the genre was about.
Despite that, JRPGs never managed to pry me away from my primary love of WRPGs, but I'm at that age now where all of the companies trying to make money off old Gen-X'ers like me by appealing to nostalgia are finding very soft targets, dangit.
I got into JRPGs after NWN1 actually. BG2 was my first "real" exposure to WRPGs and I loved it.
Played it so much that I literally memorized all lines from the main story. After some games that where ok, I stumbled unto Grandia 2 (I used to buy game collections back in the day) and palyed it out of boredom.
I really loved that game and when the development in the WRPG genre went into a direction I did not like (it became more action focused imho) I nearly completly switched to JRPGs.
Many later games had aspects of what made BG2 so great (and improved on some parts that unfortunatly don't bother me mostly) but no game really hit my tastes like BG2 did.
So I decided to focus on JRPGs till WRPGs go back into the direction that I wanted. ^^
That is actually the main reason for my optimism towards BG3: It is, once more, a chance for that game which really hits all, well most, of my interests.
Now that I write about it, I think that may be part of why I have trouble understanding @ThacoBell worries or arguments. For me, BG is not part of a glorius RPG past that Larian maybe tries to cash in. It is also not the game that opened myself to RPGs on pc. For me it is the *only* WRPG that I fully enjoyed.
Also, as someone who often playes rather linear games, having a forced canonical route -even if it is a bad or boring one- does bother me less.. maybe.
P.S I do not mean to say that ID, PT, NWN and other WRPGs are bad games. I enjoyed a lot of WRPGs. But all of them felt, to me, like something was missing. The thing that made BG ..magical for me was not there in one form or another. Thus, the only WRPG on my favorite games list would be BG2. Which is also my 2. or 3. favorite game, depending on my current mood.
Pretty sure subclasses are the "Archetypes". The archetypes are actually heavily inspired by AD&D2s kits, so it really boils down to the same.
More intresting is the paragraph about linearity:
He says he wants to follow to make it like BG - which are linear games.
(The differences are surprisingly minimal on who you pay the money. And doing random sidequests while putting the main quest on the backburner does not change that imho.)
To be honest, It felt like a PR advertisement more than an interview, but they made several interesting points in the article.
1. Why are the Wizards so strongly involved in advertising the game? You get the feeling Wizards and Larian have fused their PR departments..
2. Why is Larian revealing the game? He does not seem to be ready to talk about the game, telling us that he will reveal more about it E3 2020. This is a long time. Till the release the hype can either die down or raise the expectation beyond anything Larian could make. They don't need money via kickstarter, so why not waiting 6-12 month and then say: "We are making Baldurs Gate 3. Here is some footage, stay tuned for our release in the Fall of 2020!"
Makes me wonder if it was WotC who wanted to reveal the game early and want to use the hype for something of their own.