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BG:EE & BG2:EE switched to windowed mode

pwaringpwaring Member Posts: 81
I've always played BG:EE and BG2:EE in full screen mode, but when I went to launch them this morning they both started in windowed mode. I can't work out why this has happened, as I haven't changed anything on my system (Ubuntu 19.04) other than keeping up to date with security patches.

Things I've checked/tried:
  • In game settings: Options -> Graphics -> Full Screen Mode. Enabled on both games.
  • Baldur.lua: Window/Full Screen is set to 1 and Window/Maximized is set to 0.
  • Moved Baldur.lua to another location and launched the game again. A new Baldur.lua is generated with the correct settings but the game still launches in windowed mode.
  • Updates: BG:EE is and BG2:EE is As far as I'm aware these are the latest versions, and I have Steam set to auto-update the game.
  • Other games work fine in full screen mode and haven't changed their settings (e.g. Age of Empires II).

I haven't tried removing the games yet as between them it would mean re-downloading >5GB, and I also don't want to have to reconfigure them from scratch if I can avoid that (I could backup my Baldur.lua file, but I don't know if that is the source of the problem).

Is this a known bug, or something I can fix myself? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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