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[Mod] Todd the Super Tester Guy, a new shop for oBG2/BGT, BG1EE, BG2EE, IWDEE and EET

deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
edited November 2023 in General Modding
Todd is a dunmer merchant who sells 200+ items from Morrowind and Arcanum. You can install it in a ever started game.
You can find it in differents places depending on the game on which it is installed:

BGEE: on the docks on Baldu'rs Gate

SOD: in the "Three Old Kegs" tavern

BG2(EE): on the Docks

TOB: in the "Zakee's Tavern" in Amkethran

IWDEE: In the Kuldahar tavern

BGT and EET: in all these places except those of IWDEE (and SOD for BGT).

Black Pits I & II: in the merchants square.

Languages : french and english.

The latest version (v9) can be downloaded on Mediafire or Github

List of the items:
Amulet of K'an-el
Amulet of N'tala
Dorian Amulet
"Dark Helm"
Medallion of Beauty
Necklace of Queen K'na S'ea
Medallion of Silence
Serpentine Necklace
Arcane Ring
Fated Ring
Ring of Influence
Arcane Helmet
Gloves of Dexterity
Arcane Gauntlets
Enchanted War Boots
Arcane Leather Armor
Red Barbarian Clothes
Dragon Skin Leather
Caladon Crusading Chainmail
Arcane Chainmail
Arcane Platemail
Venom-Shielded Garment
Arcane Traveler's Cloak
Arcane Robes
Arcane Shield
Shield of Strengh
Chill Shield
Arcane Dagger
Shocking Dagger
Witch's Dagger
Blade of Xerxes
Arcane Sword
Sword of Air
Black Stone Blade
Stillwater Blade
Sword of Defense
Filament Sword
Blade of Unholy Fire
Torian Kel's Ancestral Sword
The Bangellian Scourge
Screaming Scimitar
Arcane Great Sword
Sword of Sickness
Blade of the Malevolent Storm
Sword of Baltar
Arcane Mace
Crushing Hammer
Inferno Hammer
Arcane Axe
Axe of Strength
Axe of Lost Time
Axe of Dark electrical
Axe of Creeping Death
Fawn's Bow
Bow of the Chill Reaper
Bow of Damage
Blessed Bow
Ellumyn's Bow
Arcane Bow
Bow of Ecclesiastes
Bow of Terror
Hurtful Long Bow
Arcane Staff
Staff of Restoration
Staff of K'an T'au
Shaman's Staff
Staff of Xoranth
Azram's Star
Morgana's Tears
The Finger of Mannox
Pelojian's Amulet
Cassie's Necklace
Ring of Virility
Ring of Concealment
Trapmaker Spectacles
Tempered Sword
Kryggird's Falchion
Lloyd's Hammer
Almstead's Axe
Aerial Decapitator
Miracle Cure
Brain Builders
Muscle makers
Whysper's Gem
Magic beans
Mysterious Gem
Halfeling mage
Charged Rings
Goggled Helme
Chapeau of Magnetic Inversion
Mysterious Dwarven Gauntlets
Machined Gauntlets
Vendigrothian War Gauntlets
Mechanical Dagger
Envenomed Sword
Balanced Sword
Charged Sword
Iron Clan Hammer
Feather-Weight Axe
Charged Axe
Envenomed Axe
Pyrotechnic Axe
Power Axe
Tesla Rod
Pyrotechnic Bow
Envenomed Bow
Shocking Staff
Bronzed Plate
Dwarven Platemail
Elite Plate
Machined Platemail
Iron Clan Armor
Flow Disruptor
Mental Inhibitor
Knock Out Gas
Flash Grenade
Paralysis Grenade
Stun Grenade
Explosive Grenade
Hallucination Grenade
Mustard Gas Grenade

Staff of Magnus
Staff of Hasedoki
Trebonius' Staff
Silver Staff of War
Mace of Molag Bal
Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer
Fang of Haynekhtnamet
Mehrunes' Razor
Dagger of Symmachus
Black Hands Dagger
Ancient Silver Dagger
Steel Jinkblade of the Aegis
Stalhrim Longsword of Flame
Ice Blade of the Monarch
King's Oath
Nordic Silver Battleaxe
Spear of Bitter Mercy
Blessed Spear
Bow of Shadows
Cuirass of the Savior's Hide
Ebony Mail
Dragonbone cuirass
Lord's Mail
Soscean's Cuirass
Auriel's Shield
Eleidon's Ward
Goblin Buckler
Masque of Clavicus Vile
Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw
Bloodworm Helm
Fists of Randagulf
Boots of Blinding Speed
Belt of the Armor of God
Belt of the Hortator
Robe of the Lich
Royal Signet Ring
Ring of the Wind
Mentor's Ring
Denstagmer's Ring
Ring of Phynaster
Ring of Khajiit
Warlock's Ring
Sheogorath's Signet Ring
Hircine's Ring
Aesliip's Ring
Shashev's Ring
Barilzar's Mazed Band
Necromancer's Amulet
Amulet of Ashamanu
Amulet of Shadows
Amulet of Flesh Made Whole
Hunter's Amulet of Strength
Hunter's Amulet of Speed
The Skeleton Key
Potion of Heroism
Adamantium Helm of Tohan
The Icecap
Haakon's Lucky Break
Stendarr's Hammer
Daedric Dagger
War Axe of Airan Ammu
Auriel's Bow
Ward of Akavir
Deceit and Treachery
Aryon's Dominator and Helper
Left and Right Hands of Zenitha
Shoes of St. Rilms
Malipu-Ataman's Bel
Robe of the Drake's Pride
Flamemirror Robe
Shockmirror Robe
Frostmirror Robe
Ring of Equity
Caius' Ring
Vampiric Ring
Helseth's Collar
Gaenor's Amulet
Fine Spring Dart
Black Dart
Ebony Arrow of Slaying
PoisonGrip Arrow
Spell Breaker
Her Ebony Scimitar
Silver Staff of Paralysis
Elixir of the Imperfect
Ring of Raven Eye
Veloth's Judgement
Winterwound Dagger
Ring of Surroundings
Silver Sword of Paralysis
Spear of the Hunter

Note: Todd is destined to grow if I find another set full of compatible items to add to his inventory. For that i need:
1. Medieval (no laser, gun, computer technology, etc....)
2. BG2 compatible (no mana regeneration, area of effect increase, critical hit multiplier, etc)
3. A large database of at least 50 doable items.
If you have any ideas, don't hesitate.
Post edited by deratiseur on


  • BrokenkatanaBrokenkatana Member Posts: 47
    So I'm attempting to install this on a new BGEE and I get this error.

    ERROR locating resource for 'EXTEND_BOTTOM'
    Resource [SCROLL01.DLG] not found in KEY file:
    ERROR: preprocessing APPEND_EARLY [Derats_Todd/Todd/up.d]: Failure("resource [SCROLL01.DLG] not found for 'EXTEND_BOTTOM'")
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Todd the super tester guy], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 13 files for [Derats_Todd/setup-Derats_Todd.tp2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 13 files for [Derats_Todd/setup-Derats_Todd.tp2] component 0.
    ERROR: Failure("resource [SCROLL01.DLG] not found for 'EXTEND_BOTTOM'")
    Please make a backup of the file: logs/Derats_Todd.debug and look for support at: Deratiseur, at
    Using Language [English]

    Any suggestions?
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
    edited August 2019
    Oups. Sorry. the up is for BG2(EE) only. I have to change something in the tp2. Thanks for the advice.

    Archive re-uploaded.
  • BrokenkatanaBrokenkatana Member Posts: 47
    Thanks, it installs fine now.
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    I don't see any new mechant in Kuldahar's Tavern.
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
    edited August 2019
    Oups. misstyped area code. Fixed and reuploaded. again

    If you don't want re-download, simply change "AR21110.BCS" to "AR2111.BCS" in the tp2 and reinstall.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited August 2019
    Congratulations for this release!
    May I suggest you to post some images or the item list on the OP?
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    Ok got him, thx : )
  • JirkisloJirkislo Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2019
    Where exactly Todd Is in dock district ? I have searched the whole area and it seems like he Is nowhere to find. Thanks :)
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited December 2019
    @deratiseur May we get a version of this on the EET system installer?
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
    Todd is at the south of the docks, near the harper's buiding.
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
    edited April 2021
    Todd Work with EET. He is "duplicated", that all.
    Post edited by deratiseur on
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
    edited September 2021
    Todd has been updated to v9. What new ?
    Todd has now a place in the Black pits I & 2.
    Correction of the double usability texts on EE editions.
    Tood is now a true Dunmer, no more a drow (hairs and skin recolored).
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Thankee for clearly marking the intended platforms for this mod!

    May we still get this added to the EET mod compatibility list for ease of discovery?
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
    Endarire wrote: »
    Thankee for clearly marking the intended platforms for this mod!

    May we still get this added to the EET mod compatibility list for ease of discovery?

    Yes, you can. And you can also add this and this and this to the list If they are not already there.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2023
    deratiseur wrote: »
    Note: Todd is destined to grow if I find another set full of compatible items to add to his inventory. For that i need:
    1. Medieval (no laser, gun, computer technology, etc....)
    2. BG2 compatible (no mana regeneration, area of effect increase, critical hit multiplier, etc)
    3. A large database of at least 50 doable items.
    If you have any ideas, don't hesitate.

    I'm not sure right now if you can get to at least 50*, but you probably could fish an interesting selection in the Final Fantasy series. The first game was heavily inspired by tabletop games so some of the recurring equipment are equivalents of what you can already find in D&D, but it still have plenty of things you can poach: the Ribbon, the elemental and Aegis shields, the Genji armor set, the Chicken Knife, Excalibur, Excalipoor**, Defender, Ragnarok, the different Ultima Weapons, the different Relic Weapons sets... And even most of the technological equipment except maybe from FFVIII is mostly about how it's created or as a way to produce magical effects.

    *Would that be necessary? Seems like imposing a "at least this much work" rule for yourself.
    **This reminds me, if you were so inclined, it would even be incredibly easy to justify including the FF's version of Gilgamesh, as he's a multidimensional castaway and weapon collector.
    Post edited by Connelly on
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
    Why not? Tood is a mod whose principle opens it up to all possibilities. I'll see if I can find a complete wiki on all FF items combined. Thanks for the idea.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2023
    deratiseur wrote: »
    I'll see if I can find a complete wiki on all FF items combined.

    The Fandom site seems well stocked, although there might be better fanpages or wikis.

    These sections might be a good enough start , for both common and unique weapons; if you go down to "References" and open up "[Type] Weapons" you can see a load of links for each item. Most recurring items can change from one game to another, so the sane thing is probably to just pick on the most interesting version or on the overall theme.

    For example, with the FF5 Sealed Weapons we have twelve endgame weapons that should be fairly easy to translate to the Infinity Engine.
    The original FF6 Valiant Knife doing more damage the less HP the user has could be a fun gimmick for warriors and frontline rogues.
    Defender tends to be a mid-high tier sword with both passive and/or use protection in most games. Could be, what, maybe a +3 or +4 sword with AC and casts of Blink or Armor of Faith? Could be a two handed alternative to Defender of Easthaven.
    And maybe something interesting could be done with the FF6 Cursed Shield concept.

    I don't know how much the FF and D&D/Baldur's Gate fandoms overlap, but might be useful asking for opinions somewhere like the respective reddits. It could help filter the chaff and boring from what could end up being interesting or fun.
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 277
    okay. but not just yet, right now I'm super busy with my spells/store/blacksmith mod which takes a theoretically infinite amount of time ^^
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2023
    Of course, sorry if I seemed pushy, I was just wondering a bit. There's no rush at all for anything. :P
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