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Not enough experience in OC+SoU+HotU? Other campaigns maybe?

I got some very helpful information regarding weapon selection in my other thread from Sarevok57 (thank you man) in his post here , but he also says that I wont complete my character at level 40 because there's not enough experience without using some sort of mods.

Now, I don't know anything about Mods, or Campaigns outside of the stuff in Platinum Edition because that's all that I played years ago.

Do you guys know of any Campaigns that are on the same level of quality as those three that would help me reach level 40 on my 28 Cler/10 RDD/2 Bard character? I'm so excited to play him but I'd really like to get to max level.

If there are adventures out there that I dont' know about that you guys love I'd be very grateful to hear about them.


  • BalkothBalkoth Member Posts: 161
    I don't know a single campaign that goes from 1 to 40. Some go from 1 to mid-30s.

    Sands of Fate goes from the end of HotU to level 40, but I found it rather meh. Or worse than meh, really.

    Best bet for playing from 1 to 40 is an online Persistent World.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    once you complete HotU you can import your character into infinite dungeons, i believe that goes to level 40
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Savant1974 's "Saga of Aielund" goes from level 1-40. It is widely considered the best of all user-generated content ever created. When I finish running my paladin through HotU, I'm strongly considering trying a pally/Champion of Torm 1-40 in "Saga of Aielund".

    I can't praise "Saga of Aielund" highly enough. It is the best 1-40, and the best user-generated content, I've ever seen, no contest.
  • SillyfishSillyfish Member Posts: 17
    Thanks again Sarevok, I'll look into that.

    Belgarath, you've sold me. Downloading now.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Sillyfish wrote: »
    Thanks again Sarevok, I'll look into that.

    Belgarath, you've sold me. Downloading now.

    If you're playing NWN:EE on Steam, you can get "Saga of Aielund" in a few easy clicks. I suggest using "Real Skies Lite" instead of the HD version, because "Real Skies HD" causes crash issues.

    If you're playing from the Neverwinter Vault, it's all quite a bit more complicated. There are about a dozen hak packs and music packs you have to download in support of the main mod files.

    I hope you get it all up and working without too much trouble, either via Steam or the Neverwinter Vault, because "Saga of Aielund" is superior to all "developer" created, "official" content ever released. Seriously, if Beamdog ever wants DLC content that will sell like crazy, they should hire @Savant1974 to create DLC and pay him a salary! He's that good. :)
  • BalkothBalkoth Member Posts: 161
    I can't praise "Saga of Aielund" highly enough. It is the best 1-40, and the best user-generated content, I've ever seen, no contest.

    It is amazing, but it doesn't go to 40. You'll end up in the 34 to 38 range most likely. I've never hit 40 and I've played it over half a dozen times playtesting for Savant.
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    once you complete HotU you can import your character into infinite dungeons, i believe that goes to level 40

    This is true.

    There's basically no story, it's randomly generated, and the balance is awful, but it will technically take you from 1 to 40 (though it suggests you start at level 5 or so as I recall).
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Balkoth, you wouldn't happen to be the person formerly known as "Magic Master" on the old Vault, would you?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @BelgarathMTH i cant seem to get Saga of Aielund to work on steam, i've downloaded all the necessary workshop items required to do so and yet nothing is showing up

    is there some sort of weird whacky process i need to go through to get this thing working?
  • BalkothBalkoth Member Posts: 161
    @Balkoth, you wouldn't happen to be the person formerly known as "Magic Master" on the old Vault, would you?

    That would indeed be me, yes (technically "Magical Master" but that's not the important part here).

    Wound up consolidating handles across various games once I was doing more than just NWN for a while.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    @BelgarathMTH i cant seem to get Saga of Aielund to work on steam, i've downloaded all the necessary workshop items required to do so and yet nothing is showing up

    is there some sort of weird whacky process i need to go through to get this thing working?

    Hmm, I'm not sure what the problem might be. I was able to play it just by clicking "subscribe" on all the files. It's not showing up in your mods list at all after you subscribe?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    i subscribed to all the stuff, and its in the subscription folder but does not show up when i start i new game
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited July 2019
    Are you trying to get to max level by rolling through adventures, or is there some max level module that you want to get properly leveled for? There are character creation modules that will bump you right up, if that is your thing.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    i subscribed to all the stuff, and its in the subscription folder but does not show up when i start i new game

    You're looking under "Other Modules", right?

    Is there anything unusual about your Steam installation? Maybe you need a clean override folder? Do you have stuff in that?

    I guess you could try downloading all the files manually from the Vault, and put them all in the appropriate "Hak", "Modules", and "Music" folders. The CEP is pretty big, but it's not too bad if you have a good internet connection.

    You might be able to get tech help in the "Saga of Aielund" thread in the NWN:EE Modules forum.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    i subscribed to all the stuff, and its in the subscription folder but does not show up when i start i new game

    You're looking under "Other Modules", right?

    Is there anything unusual about your Steam installation? Maybe you need a clean override folder? Do you have stuff in that?

    I guess you could try downloading all the files manually from the Vault, and put them all in the appropriate "Hak", "Modules", and "Music" folders. The CEP is pretty big, but it's not too bad if you have a good internet connection.

    You might be able to get tech help in the "Saga of Aielund" thread in the NWN:EE Modules forum.

    to start i have windows 10

    when i go to "my documents" and select the neverwinter nights folder and then go to override, there is absolutely nothing in there
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Aielund is really the only module currently that goes to the cap. the expansions stop around level 27. as do most modules. swordfight may also get to 40 but it's not done yet.
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