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Rolling back latest UI update?

ZekzaerZekzaer Member Posts: 7
While I like the new mobile update, its far to difficult to use in multiplayer, especially when you have to have RP conversation which requires command useage. Is there any way to get an earlier version of NWN so I can do away with this Update?


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    It's not possible (and using an old version would have made playing on servers impossible anyway). Can you clarify why do you find it hard to use in MP?
  • WJLIII3WJLIII3 Member Posts: 3
    Where do I start? Chat is disconnected from all menu options, also WALKING, you can't walk or issue any commands if you're listening to people talk, EXCEPT clicking inside the new chat windows does offer a walk command so you're walking around uncontrolled and crazy and can't fix it without disabling chat again. You can't click portraits to send tells anymore, you can't adjust your spellbook or cast spells while engaged in conversation, or use any skills, or DO anything. It's utterly shattering to multiplayer, I found it completely unbearable to use for a language lesson, which entailed nothing but sitting still, and still I found constant disruptions in my functionality and ability to play and I will not be playing the Android edition at all anymore until this is repaired, because it is completely unusable as far as I'm concerned, for any multiplayer action.
  • WJLIII3WJLIII3 Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2019
    Talk while adventuring? Impossible. Fight while talking? Impossible. Oh, and while we're at it, the command lock that for some godforsaken reason was imposed whenever you're choosing to actually read the chat or combat log? It doesn't cover the CHAT WINDOW, so when you click inside it to use your keyboard you WILL execute a move command. Everything about it is total garbage that works substantially worse for any purpose than it did before.
  • WJLIII3WJLIII3 Member Posts: 3
    I mean for the love of God why would you make it so I cannot attack and read the combat log at the same time?
  • llTalionllllTalionll Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2019
    I agree with all the issues mentioned here. These plus not being able to see the chatlog and use the menu buttons at the same time were enough to make me quit playing completely until they hopefully get fixed. The game feels frustrating to play now when it didn't before.
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