HD splash screen override

I play nwn in standard HD 1280 x720 and always hated how nwn splash screen worked (you had to cut you image a certain way and the sizing was small in relation to screen. So I figured I had some time so looked into it and found by adjusting the mdl splash screens sizing and finding the option menu mdl naming that I could default it to HD resolution and fix the need to cut images for the splashing screen. With this override I can just grab any HD or higher image and just rename it and save it as tga file in the override and easy custom splash screens. This will save custom backdrop makers work and easy the stress of pixel line errors and allow module making to include custom splash screen with module and or players to just grab a cool image for their nwn splash screen. I will post some images later.
Here is BG2 theme GUI looks (again black is empty screen)
Here is HD tarvern scene with modified borders from BG2 theme. (Notice no black wasted space and I used the full image)
Here some other images I grabbed and just threw in fast and easy.
Thoughts on BD future update. When BD moves to full UI scaling they need to not connect it to the splash screen size or will cause all sorts of problems with this override. UI is just that for the user interface of buttons, chat bars etc... If they wanted they could just tie all the resolutions here to switch to each folder of the resolutions on resolution switching. They also could make a directory where splash screen images could be stored add a drop down selection in options for selection by players (with options of random, rotation etc.. and add other format support like jpeg) and add in .ini/.2da to point to that folder in other places(to save on space and flexibility). They could easily put in a overlay image of BD information if they want that.
@Calgacus I doing some more testing before releasing it and as mentioned about the only real problem is the UI scaling being connected to the screen resolution.
Have you shared the code for moving the buttons around too? I can't find it on the vault.
No I have not released it yet, sorry. I got busy finishing up on my next update to my base module(which was suppose to be done like two week ago) that it got shoved to the side. I should be done with my base update this weekend. I will release it then and will include a sample file for it and instructions on how to move the buttons around to your liking. Here something to tide you over til then.
I've added another one with Aribeth on my projects page on the Neverwinter Vault (there are others there too):
How about that official UI re-design, Beamdog? Has it been cancelled? I'd love to see what Beamdog could do. Animated backgrounds, perhaps.
The GUI button move tutorial is up on the vault. I just put it under the same project with the splash screen stuff. I also voted on your project, I thought I did that earlier. Great stuff.