Can't place the barrel of BWOOSH or posion the food.

In the underground river:
It seems that you have to find some kind of click-able area to place the barrel of BWOOSH. There is just some "white magic" flowing around the area where you have to place the BWOOSH.
Also how do you posion the food? If I equip the posion, and try to use it, I only posion my own party member that makes em "yellow" and flees.
It seems that you have to find some kind of click-able area to place the barrel of BWOOSH. There is just some "white magic" flowing around the area where you have to place the BWOOSH.
Also how do you posion the food? If I equip the posion, and try to use it, I only posion my own party member that makes em "yellow" and flees.
I didn't poison the castle's food supplies so I can't help you there, although I suspect it's meant to be an interactable option when you mouse over the food supplies or well.
As for the poison, you can add it to the food supply and the water supply. When you reach the basement of castle dragonspear there are two side rooms. One has a water barrel that you click on, and the other has a food barrel that you click on.
What to do?
You don't drop the barrel. walk around that little ledge with the ghost Ettin and a dialogue box will pop up so long as you are wearing the necklace.
What door are you talking about? I don't seem to recal it from your description.