Missing items from Rasaad's ToB questline *possible spoilers*

Something odd happened to me during Rasaad's Throne of Bhaal quest, where you chase Alorgoth down into the home of clan Dugdeep. There are 3 ways to get in, I chose the river, that way you end up inside in the kitchen and can immediately go down into the actual mine. So I did that, but went back upstairs for the XP and loot.
Now, there you can come across Alorgoth's study/bedroom, where you'd expect to find his journal and 3 pieces of Dark Moon themed loot. Instead, what I got were only 2 pieces of loot (a cloak and a headband) and 2 piles of ash with the description that someone deliberately tried to destroy his belongings.
I'd love to know what I did wrong here. Is it a timed section where you have to rush to the study? Should I have finished Alorgoth first? Is he still carrying the last two items on his person? To have the possibility of all the lootz, should I have entered a different way? Or is there a simple dialogue option with a guard that prevents his stuff turning to ash?
Another odd thing is that there are 2 instances of Cuddy Dugdeep. One seemed to tag along with me down into the mine, but when I went back up to clear the main floor he was also in the kitchen.
I do have mods installed, but the ash is a vanilla file.
Now, there you can come across Alorgoth's study/bedroom, where you'd expect to find his journal and 3 pieces of Dark Moon themed loot. Instead, what I got were only 2 pieces of loot (a cloak and a headband) and 2 piles of ash with the description that someone deliberately tried to destroy his belongings.
I'd love to know what I did wrong here. Is it a timed section where you have to rush to the study? Should I have finished Alorgoth first? Is he still carrying the last two items on his person? To have the possibility of all the lootz, should I have entered a different way? Or is there a simple dialogue option with a guard that prevents his stuff turning to ash?
Another odd thing is that there are 2 instances of Cuddy Dugdeep. One seemed to tag along with me down into the mine, but when I went back up to clear the main floor he was also in the kitchen.
I do have mods installed, but the ash is a vanilla file.
There are four items; the other two are the boots and a book. The book is first to burn, but as a pure flavor item it's also the least important. I picked up all four in my run, mostly by clearing the large room without triggering the alarm and then running into the room before fighting the fighter-mage Sephos.
Book: History of the Sisters of Light and Darkness, BOOK54.
Ah that makes sense, I guess I just missed the notification that it was timed. I was a little too focused on that dual-wielder by the door, he was a pita.
Tried it again and got through the door before the time was up and I was actually able to trick the woman in there to just hand me the stuff.