Few questions about Siege of Dragonspear
Heya, thanks for answering everyone.
So I only just finished the Siege, honestly its pretty freaking awesome imho, its nice to see more of Baldurs gate after such a long time and I liked the new coat of paint it had. But I do have a few questions if anyone can give me answers.
Regarding Skie, can we save her? I assumed if you do her quest she will not fail and hooded figure doesnt kill her, can you do anything about it? Since she isnt in BG 2 I assume this plot thread is never continued and she cant be revived is that true? Or did EE change something and added new quests? Id love to continue that plot thread and actually shut up all the people of BG that turned on me, especially Entar, he always pissed me off.
If there is a solution with mods please let me know as well, I do remember seeing a mod about her.
Regarding Caelar, I cant really decide whehter I like her character or not, but Id like to see her in BG2 as well, do we know anything about her fate after the gate is closed?
How come some companions have quests and some dont? What difference does it make? Is that what dictates who comes to you when you are in jail and who doesnt? Corwin came to me and told me that she doesnt believe me basically, I assume that changes if you do her quest, doesnt it?
But beside her it was only Neera that came around to tell me she cant help me.
And speaking off, how is it with romanced characters in siege? I had Neera with me throghout the OC campaign and Siege, romanced her and she only came around to tell me she cant help and she goes off to save some wild mages. I mean I sort of get it, she "couldnt" help but Imoen does, your other friends stay and do help, what the F, how come that your romanced companion doesnt even try? On top of that, unless I messed up, the final conversation with her in prison didnt even acknowledge the relationship, at least not that I noticed. Can someone clear this up for me please?
THanks bunches
So I only just finished the Siege, honestly its pretty freaking awesome imho, its nice to see more of Baldurs gate after such a long time and I liked the new coat of paint it had. But I do have a few questions if anyone can give me answers.
Regarding Skie, can we save her? I assumed if you do her quest she will not fail and hooded figure doesnt kill her, can you do anything about it? Since she isnt in BG 2 I assume this plot thread is never continued and she cant be revived is that true? Or did EE change something and added new quests? Id love to continue that plot thread and actually shut up all the people of BG that turned on me, especially Entar, he always pissed me off.
If there is a solution with mods please let me know as well, I do remember seeing a mod about her.
Regarding Caelar, I cant really decide whehter I like her character or not, but Id like to see her in BG2 as well, do we know anything about her fate after the gate is closed?
How come some companions have quests and some dont? What difference does it make? Is that what dictates who comes to you when you are in jail and who doesnt? Corwin came to me and told me that she doesnt believe me basically, I assume that changes if you do her quest, doesnt it?
But beside her it was only Neera that came around to tell me she cant help me.
And speaking off, how is it with romanced characters in siege? I had Neera with me throghout the OC campaign and Siege, romanced her and she only came around to tell me she cant help and she goes off to save some wild mages. I mean I sort of get it, she "couldnt" help but Imoen does, your other friends stay and do help, what the F, how come that your romanced companion doesnt even try? On top of that, unless I messed up, the final conversation with her in prison didnt even acknowledge the relationship, at least not that I noticed. Can someone clear this up for me please?
THanks bunches

- First thing, nothing concerning the plot will evolve in BG2EE; if you romance one of the SoD character nothing will be imported in BG2EE. The other romances will be imported only if you import the save (not che char), but like this you can keep your romance with Neera.
- Some objects will be present in BG2EE if you had in your inventory in your import save or char (no spoiler but they will not be available from the very first beginning)
- There is no way to change the fate of Skie, and as already highlighted nothing will continue in BG2EE (and there are not plans to implements a conclusion in BG2EE)
- The SoD companions quests are just secondary quests, no more no less. There is only a slight change in the end; if you are very close to Corwin, for example, she will release your character from the cage. It will eventually happen anyway, but storywise is nice.
- About Caelar, same as already wrote. Too bad they make her joinable in ToB, where you can literally summon your companion, or at least give us reasons for the summoning failure.
In the meantime, there is this mod by LavaDelVortel: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/68711/mod-skie-the-cost-of-one-girls-soul#latest It's pretty well-written and also allows for the option (as a separate component) to bring back Skie as a playable companion through SoA and into ToB as well.
Nothing more is known/heard about Caelar Argent after the events of SoD, but given that the only two options are either to kill her yourself or leave her in Avernus to single-handedly guard a planar gate against nigh-endless hordes of Baatezu, my guess is that we'll not be seeing her again either way.
The people who will come to visit you in jail, afaik, is basically:
a) Corwin, who always shows up. If you romanced her, she does believe your innocence, but basically says she can't do anything about it as the Dukes will decide your fate, and that in any event, if she has to sacrifice you to protect Baldur's Gate (and thus Rohma), that's what she'll do.
b) your romance interest, if you had one. I'm not sure if all the male romance interests show up as I haven't played through SoD with a female Bhaalspawn, but I don't see any reason why they wouldn't.
In any event, ALL of the SoD love interests basically say "I'm sorry about this, but I can't help you. Seeya!" It's... pretty painful. The only one who I could see it being somewhat realistic for is Viconia, given that at this time she still hasn't really "softened up", and given that she's a drow and all, it wouldn't take very much convincing for the Dukes to have her arrested and executed alongside you.
In any case I really hope SoD gets a continuation or implementation in some later patch of BG2EE, beamdog is doing a great work with the reworks of these older dnd games imo.
Gotta say tho, after finishing SoD the start of BG2 is all the more devastating, what with the deaths, Imoen gone and for crying out loud Neera cheating on you after she left you in prison and you were tortured for who knows how long.. yea the begining is a seriously emotional low, and Neera is a bitch
I think I probably agree that the Skie death thing is handled poorly though.
Some of the the heavy hitters on interpersonal relationships(Kotor 2, PsT,MoTB) all have great npc interaction and development, but none of those focus exclusively on romances.
So it definitely has it's place, but I consider it more a subset of interpersonal relationship with your companions.
On topic.. Post-avernus feels a bit stunted and rushed.. I've gone back and forth in my mind since SoD was first released, but I've come to the conclusion that it's not really a segment of the game I enjoy. Which is unfortunate since just 15-30 mins of more content could have changed my outlook on that considerably. I wouldn't even mind the lack of closure with the soultaker dagger if the endgame content had felt a bit more eventful and not so ''automated'' and shallow.