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PS4 Couple of Questions

Mystical_PlatypusMystical_Platypus Member Posts: 3
Hi, first off, shameful plug, I’m currently streaming on PS4 via YouTube a playthrough of Baldur’s Gate, find me at Mystical Platypus.

Second, is there an option to turn off my melee characters running away after their first kill in a fight? It’s annoying.

(Lol, never mind... I needed to rest haha) Third, Baeloth has a lot of spells memorised however I can only access 11 of them. Next to the Cast Spell icon, there are 3 similar buttons but they are greyed our, and there doesn’t seem to be any button combinations that can access these spells


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    What do you mean by your characters running away? Are they under the Fear effect? Or is it the AI setting? You can tweak those (AI scripts).
  • My bad, I should have described it more. So picture my party of 6 fighting 6 mobs. The ranged characters are stationary while the melee move toward the targets and engage. As soon as the first mob dies, all of the melee run away (I think they’re returning to the ranged party members) and yeah I’ve turned party AI off and on, tried it with pretty much all of the AI scripts. It is on the footage I recorded but it’s lengthy.
  • RoudinescoRoudinesco Member Posts: 4
    I have the same issue.
  • I’m glad it’s not just me then. I’ll link my Let’s Play just for proof that it’s happening...

  • J_DomenicoJ_Domenico Member Posts: 4
    Just wanted to add, that the same issue occurs on the Xbox One as well.
    Also, it seems to me that it happens only during the transition to the fight from analog stick movement. Like you're walking through the area using the stick, then the fight starts - the game goes into the "tactics" control scheme and melee fighters move towards the enemy, then back into formation after the first kill.
    If, however, the "tactics" control is used during non-fighting movement (like old point and click movement scheme) - there is no "return to formation" issue during the fight.
    hope it helps)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    From the sounds of it, it should be reported at as a bug.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Heard back from the team: Characters return to the formation set for them (so it's intended). If you think this behaviour is causing bugs, please report (and clarify why).
  • LegionSBLegionSB Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2019
    It absolutely is a bug, it happens always after the first kill (regardless of how close other hostiles are) and never after any subsequent kills. Experiencing the exact same issue on the Switch.

    I agree with J_Domenico, it is related to the use of direct movement control prior to entering the fight. If you are moving characters with the mouse pointer style movement, the behavior does not occur.
  • RoudinescoRoudinesco Member Posts: 4
    I have the same issue
  • ravenjt42ravenjt42 Member Posts: 8
    If this is intentional (returning to original formation), it's silly. After the first kill, if there are more mobs then the party is exposed to hits from behind. I always have to anticipate that first kill in order to hit pause and reissue orders.
  • RaithaamRaithaam Member Posts: 1
    So I realize I'm late to the thread, however I figured out this only happens if you tell everyone to attack at once (click on an enemy with everyone selected).

    However, if you issue the commands separately (one character at a time) this doesn't happen, or just move the entire party into combat range and let them attack on their own (if using AI).
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