Sequencers and contingencies in 2.5
Member Posts: 122
Anyone have the manual (not weidu) instructions for adding new sequencers. I think it required changes to some lua or ui file that got changed, my old ones no longer work.
I'll also summon @subtledoctor and @kjeron, who might be able to offer more insight.
A screen "Title", "Label" (subtitle), and "tip" (description).
You can easily copy them from an existing sequencer/contingency as such: or to use new strings: Example, using SPWI549.spl as the new sequencer spell: You can alternatively add this to an M_*.lua file instead of BGEE.lua.
I'm guessing "tip = 55373" is the tool tip text in dialog.tlk?
Thanks all!
You should be able to remove the grey overlay with this:
Anybody remember how to do this stuff by hand without the scripting language?
I take it the file in question in overide is
i searched for the string "mageBookEnabled"
here is what it has
I don't see for sure whats needs to be changed. Too many else-ifs for my fragile mind.