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The EE Mod Setup Tool

For those of you who are having difficulty using Project Infinity to install mods, RoxanneSHS is running the EE Mod Setup Tool that works similarly to the former BWS. Only thing is it has no option to backup and restore the vanilla installed game yet so uninstalling and reinstalling the modded game is necessary but longer. Works great. Major thing is during the extraction process several mods may not extract properly, especially ones from github. They are in master folders that when extracted do not extract the setup.exe files and folder with the .tp2 into the modded game folder. They have to be cut and pasted otherwise when installation is attempted the affected mods will indicate “the following mod could not be found” and stop installation until “found”. Other than that, thank you RoxanneSHS for keeping the flame alive. Not a knock on ALIENquake but Project Infinity is too complicated to use unless you know programming and order of installation.


  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    There is also sometimes some misconception about what EET and EE Setup Tool are. New players can get the impression that when you install EET you get a mega install with all these mods and all these changes. And some player may not like these changes.

    In fact, EET only let you merge BG:EE, SoD and BG2:EE, it does not alter any content.
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  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Look, I get you. You don't' want to do any extra work regarding the install order. You simply want to select mods, click install and that's all. Some people even expect that mods will be chosen for them. And that is fine. You can advocate for anything, I don't care. But if you adding a false statement like "it requires programming skills to use" don't be surprised that you will be challenged.

    PI doesn't require programming unless you consider creating csv files via Excel a programing. You can also convert and load install order from BWS or it's clone. It's all inside FAQ which I'm sure you didn't bother to read.

    Now go enjoy your game.
  • bearcattonybearcattony Member Posts: 32
    I am sorry. Didn't mean to offend you ALIEN. I guess I am just used to something I have used for years and not willing to change. Just got lucky with RoxanneSHS's EET setup tool. Yes her version has some issues especially extracting mods especially from GitHub. Several mods do not properly extract from the "master" folder and the installation process freezes with "following mod could not be found", until "found", the setup exe file in the game folder. I know head programmers have their fans and detractors. Played IWDEE just fine with EET tool.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited November 2019
    Roxanne is truly a weird case.

    On one hand, he is really helpful and when asked will provide you with help, actually help you fix stuff broken in the ee and so on.

    On the other hand, the fact that he does not mantain changelog of the stuff he changes on the unofficial versions she hosts scares me a lot.

    Add on top of that that I'm still not 101% sure she doesn't actually change dialogues and narrative text inside mods.

    I'm not even sure what was the extent of the changes she did in the past when people asked her to remove the unofficial content (I mean, was the unofficial content she added just dialogues for Sandrah or more?)

  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714

    I think you missed the point.

    The problem is not a lack of changelog. The problem is she altering other modder's work without having permission to do so or even notifying us.

    We modders devote a lot of time and effort for free to create and maintain our mods - we need to research, learn new stuff, burn our heads creating content and etcetera.

    And them a random person decides to just f*ck everything up because f*ck us, that's why. A total lack of respect.

    DoF changes a lot of other modders creations (NPCs that receive DoF's kits) but every single one of them is authorized by the authors. It is a whole different situation.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited November 2019
    @Raduziel I agree 101% with you, but you are a "exception" on these boards together with Jastey and a few others. What I mean is that you are active modders and reporting you issues is bound to have them fixed.
    There are many mods that seems to be unsupported or left as such. For example, Roxanne has a

    "personal version" of npc strongholds bundled (NPC strongholds v3, even if on Gibberlings we have only v2)
    a "personal version" of Arath, named "Rewired" because she tells the mod is unplayable in the current form hosted in SHS

    etc etc

    Unrelated note: I'm also scared about Irenicus in Longer Road: I see that after v.1.5, two more versions were released. I wonder if she actually changed the dialogues.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited November 2019
    Arthas wrote: »
    a "personal version" of Arath, named "Rewired" because she tells the mod is unplayable in the current form hosted in SHS
    That's what I'm saying - I updated Arath to EET and fixed a lot of bugs only recently. What exactly is so buggy that it is "unplayable"? Noone tells me, so I guess it's just a false accusation so she can spread her own (probably altered) version further.

    EDIT: Same for Iylos, btw. I guess she still goes around telling the official version at SHS is "completely buggy". When updating the mod to EET, I fixed so many bugs - I sincerely doubt she took the time to go through the mod that thoroughly when preparing her inofficial version. Just sayin'.

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited November 2019
    Arthas wrote: »
    Unrelated note: I'm also scared about Irenicus in Longer Road: I see that after v.1.5, two more versions were released. I wonder if she actually changed the dialogues.

    If you compare extracted folders with 1.5.1 and the latest 1.6.7 (via GitHub or locally via "Beyond Compare 4"), you will find added one, single Irenicus dialogue: "I know Sandrah" or something like that.

    That's what I like GitHub: every single change is more (dialogs) or less (items/spells/binary) visible to anyone.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited November 2019
    Does Roxanne have permission because he said so, or because Dorotea shared the permission on one of her post?

    Because I still remember when he claimed to have had permission to write Amber, until the author came back and it was discovered it was a lie.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited November 2019
    Yes, as was the lie about "abandonded" mods being ok to be taken by her, as she stated for Kaeloree's as well as Kulyoks - also just lies.

    This is what dorotea wrote in the public forum:
    I will be willing to give the initiative into the hands of another coder -- if there will be a person who is interested enough to work on the reshaping of the mod with my minimal intervention.

    Let's be honest: I highly doubt dorotea gave the mod into Roxanne's hands, so - here's your answer.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    she also has this weird mind set that a mod has to be in an eet situation or not at all as no one plays the game as stand alones according to her.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited November 2019
    I noticed that also he doesn't respect these who have different ideas from him


    Key ring mod. The author added a way to buy it from ribald but no he doesn't allow you to select the option because it wouldn't be coherent with you having just played sod

    Argent77 mod to disable ee NPCs and skip irenicus dungeon. No you cannot install them because the only way to play is never skipping sod or ee content

    Argent77 released a mod called enchant the missile but no you are not allowed to install that

    Semiticgod has a war hulk kit released but no you cannot install that

    Post edited by Arthas on
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    why do you keep referring to Roxanne as a he? when it's clear from mine and jastey's comments she is female.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    How do you know it's a female? By the fact that he told so ?
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  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited November 2019
    There's no way to know, and she hasn't specified preferred pronouns, so it seems most reasonable to go according to the displayed handle...


    I guess :P

    edit: @jastey you mentioned Iylios. What did she change?
    Post edited by Arthas on
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 93
    edited November 2019
    As someone who came a bit late to the EET party, is there an alternate or "official" EET install tool that is not maintained or modified by Roxanne? I've been using her version of the installer and mods due to convenience, and I'm interested in trying a mega mod run without her versions, to note differences and to honor the wishes of the original mod authors.

    Edit: I'm sure the answer to my question is Project Infinity, which I haven't used yet. I was steered towards Roxanne's version for the convenience. I'd like to respect the original mod authors' dignity and maintain the convenience of BWS.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Arthas I don't know, I have better things to do than search through Roxanne's inofficial versions?
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    Angulimala wrote: »
    As someone who came a bit late to the EET party, is there an alternate or "official" EET install tool that is not maintained or modified by Roxanne? I've been using her version of the installer and mods due to convenience, and I'm interested in trying a mega mod run without her versions, to note differences and to honor the wishes of the original mod authors.

    Edit: I'm sure the answer to my question is Project Infinity, which I haven't used yet. I was steered towards Roxanne's version for the convenience. I'd like to respect the original mod authors' dignity and maintain the convenience of BWS.

    Project Infinity of course. If, however, all you want to do is install EET, the EE tool is fine. You don't need to add anything other than the EET options from the app.
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 93
    southfla79 wrote: »
    Project Infinity of course. If, however, all you want to do is install EET, the EE tool is fine. You don't need to add anything other than the EET options from the app.

    I tend to like oodles of mods. Having become aware of many modders' objections to Roxanne's treatment of their mods, I was looking for something that was exactly like EET Install tool in its convenience, as it downloads and installs mods in (usually) the correct order, but without using versions that are altered without the authors' permission.

    So I guess my workaround is to use EET Install tool to run a mock install, using its install order as my guide, then proceed with Project Infinity using official versions of mods. Or I could just stop playing this ridiculous game altogether!
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  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    southfla79 wrote: »
    If, however, all you want to do is install EET, the EE tool is fine.
    I didn't check the tool, but I am pretty sure her so-called "EET Fixpack" is installed on default, which adds a tweak and inofficial changes to other mods but she insists on calling it a fixpack.

    Thinking back at the sh*t storm the BG1 Fixpack at G3 raised back in the time with people banging each other's heads about what is a fix and what a tweak (and the Fixpack did not even have personal preferred changes like Roxanne added here) I'm surprised everyone keeps so calm if it comes to EET.

  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    Angulimala wrote: »
    southfla79 wrote: »
    Project Infinity of course. If, however, all you want to do is install EET, the EE tool is fine. You don't need to add anything other than the EET options from the app.

    I tend to like oodles of mods. Having become aware of many modders' objections to Roxanne's treatment of their mods, I was looking for something that was exactly like EET Install tool in its convenience, as it downloads and installs mods in (usually) the correct order, but without using versions that are altered without the authors' permission.

    So I guess my workaround is to use EET Install tool to run a mock install, using its install order as my guide, then proceed with Project Infinity using official versions of mods. Or I could just stop playing this ridiculous game altogether!

    Whichever you decide of course will probably work. As @subtledoctor mentioned, you can use the tool to create a base install order, post it here for some feedback on changes then import into Project Infinity for the actual install. You could also browse her github page and avoid mods that have official updates. Bit of a workaround but you could manually download the official versions and use them in the installs.
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