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The EE Mod Setup Tool



  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    The best install order is the one from Bwp. The one by Roxanne works because she guarantees it working by putting fixpck and other tweaks that ensures that everything works
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited November 2019
    Another oddity:yeslick mod for bg2 is not considered a true bg2 npC mod. It is categorized under npc expansion or something of this sort. ,maybe it will get changed someday
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385

    Thank you for posts.

    Overall I get your sentiments, and we do welcome sharing info and such. This forum is a welcoming and friendly place.

    But the case of Roxanne is a sad one. Several alter egos of Roxanne have spammed this forum and Roxanne herself have taken and altered several mods without permission - and have even taken credit for other people’s work. This have pissed people off (and rightfully so).

    Convenience is something I value myself. I have tried a BWS on numerous occasions, but had to spend my limited cpu skills on ironing the many gamebreaking bugs when choosing to many poorly updated mods.

    I usually spent much time on the internet searching for solutions - more than actually playing.

    So Roxanne's idea was in it self a good one.
    Roxanne's work at first hand caught my eye as well, but I fully support the stance on Roxanne's work showcased is this thread.

    Not asking permission and taking undue credit should be an obviously no go for all - and Roxanne has transgressed greatly. Sorry to say.

    I don’t know if Roxanne can be accepted by the main modding community - and I don’t even know if this is a priority for her.

    But do note that you (Bercattony) are more than welcome here. I hope this is clear even though mentioning Roxannes name might trigger some backlash.

    I am sure that many will help you with the load order of your chosen mods, help you with understanding the install tools and help you iron out bugs.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Let me add to this that Roxanne was not banned or otherwise excluded nor at G3 nor SHS. Of course, if she'll come back to the sites we do expect a certain behavior.

    It is her decision to seclude herself in her own world.
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