Kensai type build - tips?

Ok, I'm thinking about building something Kensai like (see Baldur's Gate forums for what I mean, it's an actual class there).
I'd guess that would be a Fighter/Monk/Weapon Master? - with a Katana of course!
oh yeah, thinking about going Lawful Evil for a full OC/SoU/HotU run
Welcoming any tips!
I'd guess that would be a Fighter/Monk/Weapon Master? - with a Katana of course!
oh yeah, thinking about going Lawful Evil for a full OC/SoU/HotU run
Welcoming any tips!
Post edited by Dordledum on
Going with katana means building for strength which will limit your potential armor class but improve your damage output considerably. For such a build I'd say try to find clothing or bracers with a high +ac value, an item that grants passive Haste, and items that improve your dexterity score to get your AC to a comfortable level.
Also keep in mind that without Uncanny dodge (gained from rogue/assassin/barbarian/shadow dancer) you'll lose your dex bonus to ac if caught flat-footed.
At the very least I'd take 6 monk levels for free knockdown/improved knockdown
Unless I'm missing something, katanas don't count as monk weapons, so monks don't get their full attacks per round (up to six attacks per round at high levels) when wielding a katana. Kamas do count as monk weapons.
Shadows of Undrentide is meant to be started at level 1, so if you first beat the OC and then send your character to Shadows of Undrentide, they'll be extremely overpowered.
(Going Fighter 4/Weapon Master 8 / Monk 8 at level 20 for optimized BAB progression)
Yes, it's not a "power build" by any stretch.
But it's a totally viable build and easily playable in the official campaigns - and fun to boot.
So, go for it!
Greater swordsman belt, brawler's belt and archer's belt, which are very expensive but will definitely help you tank armorless.
For your build I would use the first 10 levels for fighter 4/Monk 6 , then weapon master for the Kai ability. You need intelligence 13 and a lot of specific feats for weapon master class, so you if need be you can do it at level 12 (fighter 4/monk 8 or fighter 6/monk 6) .
You can also have the blacksmith make you a decent katana.
For good armorless ac I suggest tumble skill at levels 2,7 and 12 (so you need to advance monk class at these levels) that will grant you +3 AC , then the monk robe of haste for another +3 AC , ring of protection (the best you can get) and amulet of natural armor. With wisdom 14 you get another +2 in AC and with dexterity 14 you get another +2 , not to mention bracers ofdexterity or bracers of defense.
That way until the end of the game you can have your AC around 27 or more. Not a powergaming AC, but doable and remember those greater swordsman belts for tanking.
I don't think that damage would be an issue, specialize yourself in katana and you get a decent damage per round. Your bab should be high enough as well.
So I guess thats it , you can create a kensai type of character who's strong enough to tank and deal damage, and is fun to play with.