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How to get rid of Jaheira

velehalvelehal Member Posts: 299
What do you think is the most admissible way to get rid of Jaheira when you are playing good character in BG2?
1) Rescue her from the cell, get her out of Irenicus´dungeon and remove her from the party. This is the most natural solution, but I hate the dialogue with her when she is complaing that you are leaving her.
2) Pretend that she is not there (she was not in my party in BGI) and ignore her.
3) Save her and "let" her die during the escape from the dungeon. With SCS and restricted resting it is easy. I also play with the tightening restrictions for druids multiclasses from The Tweaks Anthology so she can´t use metal armors, shields except bucklers and helmets. Accordingly her defensive stats are weak.


  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    I usually go with #2.

    Alternatively #4: pretend she is a stranger. I ignore the actual dialogues that come up and separate from her on friendly terms after getting her out of the dungeon.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    I normally go with #4
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    edited November 2019
    Can't imagine why you would want to do this as she is the only druid in the game who can cast raise dead, wear full plate and use fighter HLAs. But if you wanted to remove her from your party anyway, I would point out it is quite possible to finish BG1 without ever entering the Friendly Arm Inn so she might actually be a stranger to you. Or if you did adventure with her in BG1, the convenient placement of her key might indicate Irenicus wants you to free her, either because he's programmed her to betray you at some point or because she isn't actually Jaheira at all. Especially after the experience rescuing the guy from the library, it wouldn't be unreasonable for CHARNAME to decline her company despite the friendly-sounding words she says to you. Or if you didn't want to go with any of those options, Irenicus' experiments are known to cause memory damage so it could be that you genuinely don't remember her despite her story being true.
    Post edited by jsaving on
  • velehalvelehal Member Posts: 299
    In my version of the game she can´t use metal armors, shields (except bucklers) and helmets (Druid in plate mail seems weird to me) and she was not member of my party in BG1. If she was, I would never leave her/ignore her.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    Roleplay that after you do Xzar's quest that Jaheira decides to stay behind with the Harpers to attempt to correct the wrongs they've committed.
    Also, @jsaving , Fighter/Druid is just a really weird class combination with not a lot of synergy... You can wear Full Plate, but you also don't really want to front line since your spells are going to be more relevant later on. You don't get level 7 spells until 3m experience, and you only get one until 6m experience. (!!!) There's Ironskins, I suppose, but getting her AC low enough for those to matter is really difficult. She's fine until mid-SoA, I'd say, when Fire Elementals are still stupid broken and she has 6th level spells roughly on time, but she's significantly weaker by the Underdark until like mid ToB, when she actually has enough fighter HLAs to become relevant again.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Having taken a party with Jaheira in it all the way through ToB, I tend to disagree. She can tank on the front line when necessary with the right gear and buffs, and do it reasonably well. What makes her worthwhile, however, are the druid spells that make mages a lot easier to deal with. Insect swarm alone is a good reason to keep her, as it makes dealing with enemy mages vastly simpler.

    True, she will never be as accomplished a fighter as a pure-class fighter, and there isn't the same synergy as there is with the fighter/cleric or fighter/mage, but she is still a solid NPC in BG2. It's BG1 where I find myself wondering why she came along, and she didn't in my current run. (My PC never spoke to them at the FAI)
  • ReticentReticent Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2019
    Have to disagree there, Fighter/Druid has a huge level of synergy. The drought of level 7 spells barely even matters if you're playing it as a fighter the provides their own support, rather than a main caster.

    Anyway, if you want to ditch Jaheira within the flow of the story, you can always just let her go off on her own to deal with Ployer after she gets cursed. That might seem cruel, but at that point you're on a tight timeline story-wise and Imoen needs your help more than Jaheira does.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I ctrl+y her and pretend she either died in prison or is a complete stranger.
  • velehalvelehal Member Posts: 299
    With the latest version of SCS (32) druids get access to Icewind Dale spells. Then she can be good spellcaster even in BG1.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited November 2019
    Even if I don't want Jaheira in my party I'll rescue her just before leaving Chateau Irenicus and keep her in the party for the quick quests in her storyline. One of those quests nets you a handy Ring of Wizardry! You can finish the early Jaheira quests within one game-day if you want to.

    Edit: Make sure you either break the romance or are playing a female Charname though or it can take much longer...
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    usually if i dont want to use jaheira in my run, i will kick her out as soon as i leave chateau irenicus, and then after i finish the xzar quest, i bring her along just to get that ring of wizardry from galvary and then i boot her into that cave where those hidden pirates are in the docks district
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i just kick her out of the party when i get to chapter 2 if i don't plan on using her. same with minsc.
  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    Jaheira is pain. Even if you like her and want to romance her she is still pain because she is multiclass and needs a LOT of precious XP. If not for romance she is waste of xp in my opinion. Her romance is quite a bugfest btw.
    In BG1 best option is to change her into Totemic Druid single class (very useful summons).
    In BG2 if you don't want to romance her - realese her from the cage and say goodbye.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    velehal wrote: »
    What do you think is the most admissible way to get rid of Jaheira when you are playing good character in BG2?
    1) Rescue her from the cell, get her out of Irenicus´dungeon and remove her from the party. This is the most natural solution, but I hate the dialogue with her when she is complaing that you are leaving her.

    If you don't want to hear the dialogue of her complaining when you remove her from the party you can take her into a building and leave her there while the rest of the party goes back outside. You can then kick her out and so long as you never go back into the building she won't be able to talk to you. At least you used to be able to do it in original BG and I assume it hasn't changed with the EE versions.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    velehal wrote: »
    What do you think is the most admissible way to get rid of Jaheira when you are playing good character in BG2?
    1) Rescue her from the cell, get her out of Irenicus´dungeon and remove her from the party. This is the most natural solution, but I hate the dialogue with her when she is complaing that you are leaving her.

    If you don't want to hear the dialogue of her complaining when you remove her from the party you can take her into a building and leave her there while the rest of the party goes back outside. You can then kick her out and so long as you never go back into the building she won't be able to talk to you. At least you used to be able to do it in original BG and I assume it hasn't changed with the EE versions.

    Nope, that still works. You can also accomplish the same thing by putting her in a room and closing the door. (I've always felt it was weird that NPCs can only open doors when you tell them to, but whatever) However, there is one additional wrinkle - you can never sleep in that building again either. This typically isn't an issue, since you can't sleep in random buildings anyway, but if you are silly enough to do this in De'Arnise Keep or a tavern/inn, it can crop up.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    As far as the question of why a good aligned protagonist would drop her at some point - she's just lost her husband, maybe taking time off rather than seeking vengeance might be a sufficient reason from a good aligned character's point of view - just drop her off at the tavern/base and 'convince' her to take a break like a good RL boss might. :)

    Probably best to not let her wander into the Sea’s Bounty on her own
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    jaheira is only as strong as the player is able to use her, and this is true with every toon that is not so point and click as a korgan, minsc or keldorn, you don't need much brain to use his dispel magic.

    i personally find her very strong, probably not so much in the OP setting, no metal armor, helm and proper shield make her much less tanky.
    sure she needs a lot of xp, in a full party to get those 6M takes forever, but she is really useful and powerful even before that moment, also before the 3m xp point.
    boomerang dagger, later firetooth MH and belm OH and an improved haste and she has a very long lasting GWW way sooner then the moment your fighters or herself get HLA, insect plague, iron skin, wonderous recall, should i tell more?
    when she is casting from the back the returning dagger, that has bow like apr and gets str dmg bonus let her do damage any way, as she can probably manage to throw in 2-4 attacks depending on how she is hasted and how long takes to cast her spell. and with a sling and dmg and thac0 of launcher and bullet enchantment stacking she is perfect against foe that need high level of enchantment or is immune to magical weapons like rakshasas.

    but is perfectly possible to play also without her, and i agree that with some play styles and party compositions is not the strongest option, i drop in only to agree with the ones that see her true power and find her a really useful and powerful npc.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    Kill her! Put her out of her misery!

    Sometimes the hardest choices require the strongest wills...
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    velehal wrote: »
    What do you think is the most admissible way to get rid of Jaheira when you are playing good character in BG2?

    Blackbɨrd wrote: »
    Kill her! Put her out of her misery!

    if this is a good way to RP a good character i suppose that that system works... ;)

  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    if you don't mind loosing minsc and boo to find jaheira is completely optional, stay far from her cage and in your game she will never show.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    You could also "not find the key". Minsc bangs on it a few times, fails, and you just mouth sorry as you walk away. Of course, I'd argue that wouldn't be a great thing for a "good" player to do, since you don't know at that point that Irenicus won't be back any moment to administer some more torture.

    So how about cutting her loose at Waukeen's Promenade like a big boy or girl and being done with it? You got her out of the dungeon, so from a "good" player's perspective, you have done your good deed of the day already. Besides, doesn't she only leave permanently if you drop her past a certain point in her personal quest?
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Dude, you know you have to keep her right up until she chooses you over the Harpers so you can claim that nice shiny Ring of Wizardry. After that she just gets too angsty to keep hanging around with. Shed a few tears after your betrayal then start enjoying those extra spells for you or your party mage...
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    to not find the key is possible, but it mean also to start without items, to find it and pretend with her that you did not is really evil.

    it is actually possible to play without that ring, the 2 +2 protection rings (very easy to pickpocket to terminsel) and the druid only item she gets at the end, that your thief or bard can use as he gets uai.
    but the more you progress in her quest the less rp sense has to drop her.

    she make a hard choice, to side at your side instead of the faction she is belonging, i don't see how is possible to rp a good charname and drop her at that point, if it has to be done is earlier, living without that ring, or probably never.

    doing it early, like in the promenade, is not evil, while to tell her in the dungeon to find her way alone is at least rude.
    she feels a kind of relation with charname that is beyond the others npc's relations, imoen apart, and had received a task from gorion, but is possible that charname, even if good aligned, does not feel the same.
    so to tell her "sorry jah, i feel that i have to go trough all this alone, i am sorry for what happened to your husband, but find your way, in mine you have no place. i free you from the obligation gorion gave to you" is not an evil thing, but it has to be done as soon as you are out of the chateau irenicus, before she makes choices that bring her to betray the harpers.

    if we want to rp, other way is only a game, lines of code and pixels on a screen, every one is free to play it in the way he likes, using jaheira to get items (that he can also get trough EEkeeper and easily mod to be 10 time more powerful if he likes so), slaughtering every beggar in town, getting wellyn's bear and stuffing it in some container so the pour baby gost will never find his final rest and on and over.
    but then please let's not pretend that a good charname is role played...
  • 11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited December 2019
    to let her be cursed, never find a cure for it then drop her in some place telling her that she is not useful at all in that weakened state, after she has left the harpers to side with you seems to me a better choice.
    the OP has clearly stated that he is looking for a way to drop jaheira compatible with rp a good aligned charname.
    and @Blackbɨrd already made the joke of proposing instead an evil way.
    once is funny, twice is possibly repetitive and lacks of creativity ;)
    note: i have edited this post and i apologize for accusing to be a troll a person that did not deserve it at all.
    shame on me for doing it :(
    Post edited by gorgonzola on
  • RigelRigel Member Posts: 256
    On my last playthrough, with my halfling swashie Archibald Applepie (NG), I took of course Jaheira but at a moment I wanted to get rid of her. I did not have to choose a way to do it, because she was carbonized during the attack on Firkraag. It was a pity, I could even not resurrect her.
    But usually, I keep her even if sometimes in BG1 I dropped her. In my current playthrough (another halfling swashie, Reinette Swiftfoot, NG as well), I dropped Khalid and Jaheira after we arrived in Nashkel. During the ambush of Neira, Khalid got confused and slayed a poor servant in the inn. Afterwards, both Khalid and Jaheira started to complain about the act. A bit of hypocrisy to be honest, no ? My charname was a bit upset, not to say furious, and proposed to part ways. Surely we will meet later soon, I think in SoD.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @Rigel i really like the names you choose for your halfling charnames :)
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