Pre-Darkness over Daggerford

I plan on playing Darkness over Daggerford and Tyrants of the Moonsea successively. In the first place, is my assumption correct that story/lorewise there is no problem with that?
But what I’m most interested about is if there’s a module that fits perfectly as a pre-Darkness over Daggerford story and level-wise? Thanks!
But what I’m most interested about is if there’s a module that fits perfectly as a pre-Darkness over Daggerford story and level-wise? Thanks!
That being said, I'd suggest playing Siege of Shadowdale and Crimson Tides of Tethyr prior to Tyrants of the Moonsea, As those three are all chapters of the same "saga", so to speak.
From my understanding, Tyrants of the Moonsea is too. Siege of Shadowdale and Crimson Tides of Tethyr are technically the modules that come before it, being called AL 1 and 2 (TotM is Al 3). But to quote the author, "All three modules are standalone and can be played individually in any order." The only advantage to playing them in order is your character will naturally level up to the level you should be for AL 2 and 3.
However, things may change once The Blades of Netheril comes; to quote the same author: "When The Blades of Netheril eventually sees the light of day, it will be both a sequel to the AL series and the official campaign and expansions (including Ossian's D&D stuff)." (quotes from LukeScull,
- are set in the Forgotten Realms
- don't require a DM
- don't have game-breaking issues
- put you at a level not too low and especially not too high for the module you want to to play (note that 'too low' can be fixed by being granted XP at the beginning of the target module or you can find another, short adventure to squeeze in between)
- won't pose a conflict such as incompatible time-frame, killing characters who are supposed to stay alive or otherwise affecting the lore in incompatible ways
- don't impose an incompatible family or other personal background on your character
Unfortunately, I don't think a search is possible for multiple criteria.
I suggest you start from level 1 — just select a nice module for level 1 characters and see where it takes you, then look for something for whatever level you're at, just making sure you don't end up too high.
Then there are always the Infinite Dungeon or the option to level up within whatever module you want to play — or a 'hall of training' type of module — and just write your character's bio. Perhaps even use a build that is good on the level you're at but would be a pain in the side getting there (for example getting Weapon Master levels up to 5 or 7 may be less exciting than levelling up as a caster or even plain Fighter).