Switch Version - What a poor effort

So I've just seen the first 20 minutes footage available on youtube and I can see now why they have not been showing this off until a few days before release. Absolutely no effort whatsoever to improve the UI. There is no way this will be playable on the Lite and possible not even the regular Switch in handheld mode. Not unless it comes with a free magnifying glass!
Really disappointing.
Really disappointing.
That is because the servers are still using the v78/8186 version. The server admins need to update the servers to the new version. This usually takes a few days.
BD/Skybound/Nintendo has allowed the players to connect to these servers, but it's up to the server admin to decide what to do with them, on their own terms and their own schedule.
Arelith is at least looking forward to the console players (http://nwnarelith.com/index.php/news-list/arelith-comes-nintendo-switch-and-xbox) so I assume they are hard at work on making the transfer.
Have patience.
We know you can’t wait to jump into the persistent worlds of NWN:EE. Please hold on a little bit longer as both the Arelith and Ravenloft persistent worlds are updating their tools.
Depends on the platform and your country.
Nintendo Switch: Midnight PT December 3, 2019
Xbox One: Midnight PT December 3, 2019
PS4 (North America): 8 am PT December 3, 2019
PS4 (Europe / EMEA): Midnight Local Time December 3, 2019
EDIT: Don't bother with the PVP server it is rubbish. By the way, we won't have any online multiplayer now. These Arelith people can't get the latest patch to work. So false advertisement. Where is the online multiplayer and what is Beamdog going to do about it?
Is the text readable on the Switch Lite?
Thank you!
Thank you! Sounds wonderful Neverwinter Nights on the Switch!
All of Arelith's servers are full PvP servers, in addition to being roleplay enforced. You just can't attack anyone without roleplaying first (that's a rule), and after killing someone you can't interact with that person again for 24 hours.
And as someone else said, the PWs are run by volunteers that are in no way affiliated with Beamdog. They aren't obligated to fix a Beamdog patch that breaks their PW. Fixing the patch so it doesn't break anything is Beamdog's job.
So Beamdog is never supposed to patch their games unless they run it by persistent world server operators?? Exactly what percentage of people picking this up on Switch do you imagine are doing so to play online vs. the campaigns?? Because my guess is it's way, WAY lower than you think. Half the time people are using this console is when they have no internet connection whatsoever (bus, work, car).
Seems I'm not the only one dissapointed. It's a shame, NWN is such a good game and deserves better.
The server I was talking about is a PVP arena one. There was nobody playing on it and the enemy I spawned to fight against killed me in one hit. It was not an RP world, just arena rooms.
Ah, you mean the PGCC. It's not an actual 'play' server, but more of a character creator module / character test arena where people try out different builds, level those builds to 30 for testing purposes and see how they would perform in PvP.
The play servers (3) are called Surface, Cities and Planes, and Distant Shores. Don't worry too much about PvP, it's mostly easy to avoid if that's what you prefer (and if you don't walk into the wrong area with the wrong alignment). Because of the roleplaying requirement, people don't jump each other at random. Any attack needs roleplay and an IC reason.
Starting at the top going clockwise quick slots 2 & 3 on the 3rd wheel I can set shortcuts but when I try to select them they are blacked out as though I've used them but I haven't, and the Wand I tried different slots and it's always blacked out.
For a spell caster shortcuts are very important.
Something else happened while using the wheel to drink a potion, in the OC I was fighting the Sword Coast Boy in the warehouse and he hit me for 18 damage so I "tactically retreated" and when I used the wheel to drink a few options my character kept saying in text above his head "No Killer!"..???, After my triumphant victory over the zombie I left and I drank another potion outside but it didn't happen again.
I've played NWN many times and I never experienced that before.
Edit: after more testing it seems certain items blacked out on one wheel blacks out the same slot on another wheel, I found a Wand of Fire and it works fine and now the 2nd slot is fine now but not the slots sharing the Wand of Frost, any spells on the same slot as the Wand of Frost on the other 2 wheels are blacked out until I remove the Wand, it doesn't explain why the other slot is working now but if it means I can never use the Wand of Frost...oh well.