Keyholing Bug in Latest Release?

This is with the very latest retail release on PC using the Medieval Rural (aka Mountains & More) tileset by Zwerkules. In the picture below the PC is standing next to the stairs. In game it is raining (hence the vertical streaks) and the time is evening (hence the darkness of the image).

Surely the staircase shouldn't have that hole in its side. Definitely turning keyholing off. BTW anyone know if we can turn it on and off via script (essential from a builder's standpoint IMO) yet?

Surely the staircase shouldn't have that hole in its side. Definitely turning keyholing off. BTW anyone know if we can turn it on and off via script (essential from a builder's standpoint IMO) yet?
Keyholing is meant as a navigation help for players, like TileFade. You wouldn't (and IMO shouldn't) be able to control this as a builder, as it's entirely a player thing. You can suggest to players "For best experience, turn keyholing off" or similar, but it's entirely up to them whether they listen to you.
Most of NWN works this way, the player has the final say on how the game is rendered on their end.
nwnplayer.ini is not used any more. In settings.tml you can search for "keyhole", or you can press ctrl+shift+f12 in game and modify it from the config menu there.
You can disable it with the ingame debug menu (Ctrl+Shift+F12) or by opening settings.tml and searching for graphics.keyholing and setting enabled to false
Please check out the patch notes. and also available in game files.
Thanks Julianus. It was on Steam so that's why I didn't find it. I'm not a Steam guy, and frankly I'm tired of all the pandering to them. But I get it. Money, jobs, kids to feed, and so on....
Just went into NwN to get pics to illustrate this and it appears that the disappearing placeables has been fixed.
Still leaves the misplaced holes though. I thought keyholing was only supposed to occur between the camera and the PC, not off to one side.
I can't answer TR's query but I will add I've noticed key holing affecting grass, looks especially odd when the grass is in front of my character, noticeable if you're zoomed in kind of close.
Also tile sets with ceilings seem a bit off now too. Second level set to always on, key holing off. The ceilings are acting like they do when you have second level set to auto. Edit - using the new config menu and setting the second story to always on gets the ceilings working properly for me.