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NWN EE: Nintendo Switch, Infinite Dungeons post release?

Hi Everyone.

Just curious about the Nintendo switch version of NWN EE. I can see on reddit that the Infinite Dungeons module is missing from this version of the game and the other console ports but is present on android. Are there any plans to release this module on consoles post launch?

Also there appears to be an issue with the game "hitching" constantly, making the experience a little Jarring. BG:EE , IWD:EE and PS:EE are all great ports, bit disappointed that NWN:EE appears to be a poorer quality port.



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Hello! Infinite Dungeons is not a part of the console release.

    If there is a problem in the console version, don't hesitate and report at so that we could investigate.
  • ShaunSwitchShaunSwitch Member Posts: 5
    Hi Julius thank you for the reply.

    I have reported the poor performance using the form.

    Regarding infinite dungeons, is there a reason it was omitted and are there any plans to add it in post launch?

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Hi Julius thank you for the reply.

    I have reported the poor performance using the form.

    Regarding infinite dungeons, is there a reason it was omitted and are there any plans to add it in post launch?


    There are no plans to add it. Unfortunately, it's not included in the console release.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited December 2019
    If I where to guess I'd say there is some sort of problem with the module on consoles, Infinite Dundeons is a bit different and perhaps consoles couldn't handle the random world generation and maintain system performance.

    When NWN originally released there was only single core processors available and I remember having problems years later with my first quad core.

    I can understand the Switch not handling it but for the PS4 well if NWN EE wasn't able to use multi core processors properly than the system may bottleneck.

    I'm playing the Switch version and it is inconsistent with the FPS but despite the learning curve on a controller I'm getting use to it.

    I'm only guessing though.
  • JessaraJessara Member Posts: 18
    If a mobile phone can run it then surely something as powerful as an Xbox X can run it?
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    I haven't tried it on Android but yes if your Phone can handle it than it shouldn't be the performance.

    That was the only difference with the module I could think of, I don't imagine it's a licensing issue unless it was made by a third party and they wanted a bigger slice.

    I'm really just guessing but to be honest where not missing much, I've tried to play Dungeons several times and I just got bored, still the idea is good and with friends I imagine it could be enjoyable.
  • LeonDeGammeLeonDeGamme Member Posts: 32
    I know id be willing to pay a few bucks for infinite dungeons as a DLC. It really added a lot of replayability to the game. As of this posting, the page for NWN on ps4 lists it as included.
  • ShaunSwitchShaunSwitch Member Posts: 5
    Same here, I was looking forward to trying it with characters I'd levelled in other modules.

    Just seems a bizarre decision not to include it or release it later as dlc.
  • tinbluetinblue Member Posts: 18
    Hi Julius thank you for the reply.

    I have reported the poor performance using the form.

    Regarding infinite dungeons, is there a reason it was omitted and are there any plans to add it in post launch?


    There are no plans to add it. Unfortunately, it's not included in the console release.

    Really disappointing. Is this the best, most official response we are going to get on the matter? I'm sure Beamdog can communicate the issue a bit better than this.

    Everywhere I have seen this advertised mentions Infinite Dungeons as being included.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Hello! We are not responsible for Amazon. Our official information never mentioned the Infinite Dungeons DLC.
  • tinbluetinblue Member Posts: 18
    Hello! We are not responsible for Amazon. Our official information never mentioned the Infinite Dungeons DLC.

    Still deflecting the question of why.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Ok, I have managed to get a reply to questions about Infinite Dungeons.

    This module is not a part of the console release due to programming reasons.

    Infinite Dungeons save games get bigger for every level of the dungeon that's generated. One savegame for it has the potential to completely fill your allocated savegame space.

    Another consequence is that it might then refuse to let you save if you get further down in the dungeon because you run out of space. Sorry about that, but this is the console limitation.

    Thanks for your understanding.
  • ShaunSwitchShaunSwitch Member Posts: 5
    Hi JuliusBorisov.

    Thank you for the response, whilst dissapointing it is understandable that the console platforms have save game limitations. Makes perfect sense.
  • LeonDeGammeLeonDeGamme Member Posts: 32
    That comment makes sense. It would make the game more enjoyable if there was some lvl 30+ content, though. Seems a waste to be able to go to lvl 40 but there’s no content for it (as far as I know)
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited December 2019
    It's best not to release it if it can't run properly, we've had companies release a broken product and not care.

    So if consoles won't be able to handle the full Infinite Dungeons experience would it be possible for someone to create a limited form of a randomly generated dungeon experience?

    Perhaps one could be made specifically designed for consoles in mind.

    If enough people where interested...maybe.
  • JessaraJessara Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2019
    How much space could it need? As the majority of Xbox One save files are no bigger than 1 MB and under 50 for others. A massive game like Borderlands 3 has a 783KB save file on my Xbox One X's HDD.
  • slaapliedjeslaapliedje Member Posts: 1
    That doesn't really explain why it's on Android (also limited by space) and not the consoles. PS4 and Xbox should have plenty of space, and the Switch can always add a microSD card. Just include a message that says your game saves may grow large, or something.
  • Its_SyxxIts_Syxx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2020
    Ok, I have managed to get a reply to questions about Infinite Dungeons.

    This module is not a part of the console release due to programming reasons.

    Infinite Dungeons save games get bigger for every level of the dungeon that's generated. One savegame for it has the potential to completely fill your allocated savegame space.

    Another consequence is that it might then refuse to let you save if you get further down in the dungeon because you run out of space. Sorry about that, but this is the console limitation.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    This is the most ridiculous response I've ever heard. Minecraft on Switch etc uses upwards to 600MB+ per save. Are you telling me save files for Infinite Dungeons would exceed 20% - 25% of the total size of the game? Absolutely laziness IMO.
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