1.79 version questions

Hi. Please can someone assist with the following questions:
* where can I find the Full patch notes?
* How do I disable keyholing by default?
* How do I return to runnign rather than walking by defualt for the main character and the party?
* How do I return to fullscreen rather then windowed mode by default?
Many thanks!
* where can I find the Full patch notes?
* How do I disable keyholing by default?
* How do I return to runnign rather than walking by defualt for the main character and the party?
* How do I return to fullscreen rather then windowed mode by default?
Many thanks!

Also, what is "keyholing?" sounds dirty.
The game looks different now, fuzzy/blurry. How can I reset it to normal sharpness?
Currently it runs on full settings, everything enabled. I guess I should switch something off, but no idea what 3/4 of the settings mean.
The patch notes are linked in the announcement. https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/77598/neverwinter-nights-enhanced-edition-1-79-patch-released#latest
They are a very long document, please read through it, and you will find the info about enabling and disabling features, such as keyholing.
"Walking/Running with shift held down is now an invertible config toggle. This is also accessible through the Debug UI."
There is a known issue that the game returns to windowed mode but Alt-Enter can be used as a workaround.
It the patch notes confuse me as much as the different graphics / video / control options for the game.
Still not happy with the the fuzzy/blurry graphics. I know that pre-patch, I had a perfectly sharp image and now it's not. Hard on the eyes.
Is there somewhere an idiot-proof explanation of what setting in the control section does what? So I know which to switch off.
Thanks for Alt-Enter, it does help to regain control of the game (was practically unplayable without).
If I can access that, I'll try your suggestion of course!
"A debug UI for advanced users to showcase experimental new features and UI scenes has been implemented (Ctrl+Shift+F12 to access"
I guess you meant this? Kinda lost me on "debug UI" and" UI scenes" here. Digispeech, I don't do well. Just a simple D&D player trying to play a pc game.
I saw a few mentions of fuzzy/blurry graphics on TW - I think it means the resolution is not appropriate and needs to be changed. Don't be afraid to change this or that setting - you can always set it back.
* How to I revert to running (not walking) as a default?
* How do I remove the keyholing function?
I looked at CTRL_SHFT_F12, but frankly it's nonsense to me.
Can anyone help please, in simple terms? At the moment I'm struggling to find anything beneficial about the patch so far that will actually benefit my experience, or even make the game playable again.
Click the Config tab from above. Scroll down till you see graphics.keyholing THere you can remove the keyholing function
Scroll down a bit more, and you will see input.keyboard. This is for "Walking/Running with shift held down is now an invertible config toggle. This is also accessible through the Debug UI."
Thanks, it was a resolution thing indeed, my display was not set at 144 hz 9even though it is a 144 hz monitor). Now it is, and everything is fine.
It is now good playable , still a little bit lag from time to time by walking around in the town
Will now test the new things
? I was thinking that too, my mind went straight for the gutter but before now the second floor of buildings and other tall objects would disappear so as not to obstruct the camera view but keyholing...lol keeps the object visable but allows you to peer through the object in a circle like looking through an old fashioned lock.
Keyholing ?.
Bit off topic... Does this mean I get NWN:EE via the BD client AND a copy in my Steam library, all from my one purchase from the Beamdog website? I thought you only got to choose one or the other?
It should work. Try to hold the Fn key to toggle your top row of keys into function keys.
How long until Android gets a patch to be able to play on pw's that have the 1.79 patch?
We're aware of the Android situation but don't have an answer at this time.