Version 1.79 Issues and Troubleshoot
Member Posts: 26
Hello all, i want to share with the community the issues i had on both client and server side and the fixes i have adopted to solve them (when possible), after the 1.79 patch.
1) RDD characters previously created inside a persistent world can't login because they fail to met feats/skills requirements during the ELC check.
Solution: as far as I am aware, on server side you can only make them work by disabling the ELC check on login (can be done by server owner).
2) RDD and PM characters are reporting some differences into the character sheet (mostly about AC), from the character they had before the update. It can either be a real bug or just a character sheet bug.
3) Someone reported to see everything "grey" after the update
Solution: looks like that some custom content from steam workshop was causing this issue, they solved it by unsubscribing from all but portraits and soudsets
4) All servers appearing as they all NEED NWSync.
Solution: on the first install/update of the game the "nwsync" folder inside Documents\Neverwinter Nights\ hasn't been created. So create it manually as workaround.
5) Text too small to be read: on some computers a couple of users have reported to be impossible to read things after the update.
Solution: switching to full screen (ALT+ENTER) + disabling High Definition Fonts (Advanced Video Options) + Setting UI Scaling to 2 (Resolution and UI Scaling), solved the issue for them.
6) You can't turn the camera left or right by dragging the pointer to the edge of the screen after the update
Solution: not a bug, the game just starts as windowed as per default setting. Just press ALT+ENTER to switch into full screen.
7) FPS drop on some circumstances, like while into areas with "mist" (placeables) on ground (set as static), or when inside a temple (without any specific effect going on).
Solution: usually, it is caused by some custom content you have subscribed. As i said above, just unsubscribe all but portraits and soundsets. Some users have solved the problem that way, some others haven't.
8) When i load an area in the toolset (after the update), the toolset crashes (i think this is related to Nvidia users only)
Solution: disable "Threaded Optimization" in Nvidia control panel for this specific program (nwtoolset.exe).
10) Logged in by DM and got stuck on a different place that wasn't the one where i have logged out. Also i was seeing players "moving on the place but not moving forward". I could see the chat going on and logs too and i could switch area, but it was all the same in all areas. (players were not experiencing the same and server was not lagging). No solution but to reboot the game. Happened only once. Never happened before the update.
Hope this helps someone!
1) RDD characters previously created inside a persistent world can't login because they fail to met feats/skills requirements during the ELC check.
Solution: as far as I am aware, on server side you can only make them work by disabling the ELC check on login (can be done by server owner).
2) RDD and PM characters are reporting some differences into the character sheet (mostly about AC), from the character they had before the update. It can either be a real bug or just a character sheet bug.
3) Someone reported to see everything "grey" after the update
Solution: looks like that some custom content from steam workshop was causing this issue, they solved it by unsubscribing from all but portraits and soudsets
4) All servers appearing as they all NEED NWSync.
Solution: on the first install/update of the game the "nwsync" folder inside Documents\Neverwinter Nights\ hasn't been created. So create it manually as workaround.
5) Text too small to be read: on some computers a couple of users have reported to be impossible to read things after the update.
Solution: switching to full screen (ALT+ENTER) + disabling High Definition Fonts (Advanced Video Options) + Setting UI Scaling to 2 (Resolution and UI Scaling), solved the issue for them.
6) You can't turn the camera left or right by dragging the pointer to the edge of the screen after the update
Solution: not a bug, the game just starts as windowed as per default setting. Just press ALT+ENTER to switch into full screen.
7) FPS drop on some circumstances, like while into areas with "mist" (placeables) on ground (set as static), or when inside a temple (without any specific effect going on).
Solution: usually, it is caused by some custom content you have subscribed. As i said above, just unsubscribe all but portraits and soundsets. Some users have solved the problem that way, some others haven't.
8) When i load an area in the toolset (after the update), the toolset crashes (i think this is related to Nvidia users only)
Solution: disable "Threaded Optimization" in Nvidia control panel for this specific program (nwtoolset.exe).
10) Logged in by DM and got stuck on a different place that wasn't the one where i have logged out. Also i was seeing players "moving on the place but not moving forward". I could see the chat going on and logs too and i could switch area, but it was all the same in all areas. (players were not experiencing the same and server was not lagging). No solution but to reboot the game. Happened only once. Never happened before the update.
Hope this helps someone!
Hey, could you tell the not so tech-savvy among us what this file does?
That file helps in those cases when the game gives a Visual C++ error at launch.
Its needed for the standalone server to run on a new Windows system too. I had to track it down manually when I was setting up a new remote VPS.
Anyway you can add that as part of an install for it? thanks
We did add it to our Steam app, and will do the same for the Beamdog Client version.
Indeed, the palemaster seems to be responsible for this. The solution is pretty simple, all you have to do is edit a text file located in the new "ovr" directory. The file your are looking for is "cls_stat_palema.2da". In this file, the AC bonus is given at the wrong levels. If I remember correctly, the second AC bonus is given at the 5th level and the error spreads to the rest of the data. There are also bonuses after level 30 which is not consistent with the class.
Edit the file, restart the game and voilà.
-edit- Here is the content of the file with the correct bonuses:
Detailed here:
Since last update I can't open a working module on android platform. It works fine on steam.
The only modificación made after update was a Minor change in a placeable variable.
I can load a previus versión on android, but as soon as I update the mod on aurora with la test versión and test it on android it doesn't load anymore.
I know I'm replying to an old post, but it seems the most relevant I can find to my problem and I'm hoping you can help me.
I am trying to play Aielund Saga (on steam) and I find that the Pale Master's Bone Skin feat is not giving him any AC bonus on this module, despite it working on every other module I try the same character on.
I have a cls_stat_palema.2da file that I found online, but putting it (by itself) into the hak or override folders doesn't seem to help. (Assuming I've found the right hak and override folders.)
Can you offer any suggestions about where I should put this file to fix the Pale Master when I load a module that is breaking it? Is it OK to put the cls_stat_palema.2da file into a hak or override folder by itself, or do I need to find another file to embed it into? Or am I completely going about it wrong?
If you can offer any insights, I'll be very grateful. It's the first time I've tried this class.
As per suggestion on another forum, if I use the old EMS_FAKE.hak file to replace Aielund's EMS.hak file, then the module uses the original magic system and viola! the Pale Master works.
I begin to suspect that the the Aielund EMS.hak expects the Pale Master to still have his Bone Skin AC bonuses hardcoded into the class, but Beam Dog has recently moved them to the cls_stat_palema.2da file for easy modification, as outlined in the posts above. I've tried embedding this 2da file into the Aielund hakpack, but that alone doesn't work. (I probably need to do something to force the module to "call" the 2da. And as should be clear by now, I don't REALLY know what I'm doing.)
Barring any solution to getting a hakpack or a 2da to fix this problem in Aielund, I wonder...... is there any way to edit a saved character file so that a character's base AC is higher than 10? If I could, then I could set the Palemaster's AC to what it should be without having to swap out the module's magic system.
I've tried Leto, but the AC field it lets me set in my bic file doesn't stick. As soon as I load the edited bic file into Aielund, the base AC drops back to 10.
Is base AC hard-coded beyond adjustment? Or do I need a different editor?
+6 months later and it's still an issue... also just ended up using the old EMS_FAKE.hak ( -- select "Older Version" and it's in there)
Note: For anyone using the steam workshop version, you have to replace the ems file in the workshop content folder instead of just in documents/hak