I have a question about a possible character editor....

I had heard a little while back about the possibility of there being a character editor, when the player missed some item/weapon/skill/etc, that player can simply "add" what is missing to their character. I mean, if I missed an item with one of my characters, I don't want to start over again just to play through a certain part of the game. For example, I have a fighter build that missed a particular weapon in the first chapter. I don't want to have to start over again and play through the first chapter again to get that weapon. I heard there is a character editor that can give me the weapon in question. Has anyone heard about this sort of thing?
##DebugMode 1
##dm_spawnitem <resref>
where <resref> is a code from this list.
To edit your character in almost every other respect, use Leto.
When building and equipping a new character, Pretty Good Character Creator may be simpler.
In the chat window, ##DebugMode 1.
Alternatively, if you are using the tilda rather than the chat window to open the console, omit the ##.
There's also a way to edit characters that are in the midst of an actual module, although I've never done that myself, so maybe somebody else can answer that.
Before editing a character, you need to decide whether you simply want to improve the character before starting a new game, or whether you want to edit the character in a saved game so that you can continue with the same game.
The former is easier. Your character is held in a .bic file in Documents\Neverwinter Nights\localvault. In Leto, close the help window if necessary, then Menu > File > Open that file. Change the fields you want e.g. Strength then Menu > File > Save As.
If you want to edit a character from a saved game but use the result to start a new one, in the game itself, load the save, then choose Options > Save Character. Now you will have a new .bic file in localvault which you can edit as above.
To edit a saved game so that you can continue with it, read the step-by-step instructions in the help file. The character editor is the same, but the file you need to edit is different. Look in the saves subfolder (not localvault) and open the subfolder for the save in question. Don't open the .bic file in this case - the one you want to edit is a section of the .sav file called module.ifo. Sorry this is complicated, it's simply how the game works.
Click on menu (upper left corner, it will have a drop-down that has file / save as) click on the character file and it will as for conformation of changes.
Do the files look different when loaded in Leto?
Did you actually Save As after making the backup?
Ah, you want to edit a player from a saved game. You need tlkedit, open the save file, scroll down to module.ifo (click on erf along the top, click open resource in editor) this will open another tab with the modules information including your character. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see Mod_PlayerList (it have + sign by it. expand it and it will have a list of your character information) scroll down and change the numbers you want and save then go back to the save file tab and save there.
You can also use talk edit to edit a module patch version (if you wanted to try out dev builds and revert back to stable. I hope this helpful to everyone. Sorry if this old wizard keeping a few secrets here and there.
Here the latest version, I think.
1. Do you have java installed
2. Are you trying to start it with admin privilege
3. Are you starting it with the .exe or the .jar
2. No, I am not trying to start it with admin privileges.
3. I am trying to load the program application. There is a .jar file but I can't seem to open it.
Proleric is correct, sorry I did not know that and did not look into the manual more.
Here what it say:
Editing Saved Games
Leto allows you to edit a character and its inventory from within a NWN save game. The following step-by-step describes the process.
1) First, make a backup of the save game you're going to edit.
2) Start Leto 1.69. Select Menu -> File -> Open, and in the 'files of type' drop-down box, select 'from list in file'. Browse to your \saves directory in NWN. Open the folder and then the .sav file of the save you wish to edit.
3) The 'select resource' dialog will appear. Select 'Module' (type IFO) at the bottom of the list. Your save's character will load in Leto. Edit whatever you wish in the normal way.
4) When you've finished editing the character, select Menu -> File -> Save As (or Ctrl + S in the Advanced Editor). In the 'save as type' drop-down box, select 'into list from file'. Select the .sav you opened earlier. You will see a warning about making backups, then in the 'select resource' dialog, select 'Module' (type IFO) at the bottom of the list as before, and then select your character (listed by account and character name) in the 'Browse Lists' dialog that will appear. Click 'OK' to save; this may take some time if your save game is quite large. When you next load your edited save in NWN, the changes you made will have taken effect.
Important Note: Simply editing the player.bic file in your save game's folder will not have any effect. The steps above must be followed to successfully modify a character in a save game.
Additional Note: Importing item entries into a save game character's inventory may cause the imported items to be invalid (and not appear or behave strangely), or at worst, cause the game to crash upon loading the edited save game. See Advanced under the Advanced Editor section of this document for further information and a fix for this issue.
Have you tried advanced option or the gif editor that come with the game?
Have you tried dropping all items and then picking them back up?
I think it will only adjust current. So if you give your character 2 more points of constitution, you gain 1 hp not 1 hp per level. You might if you de-level and then re-level. This is speculation, do some testing.