What do people know about Mystara?

in Off-Topic
So apparently Mystara was once an actual D&D setting. I thought it was just made up for the arcade games that Capcom put out (turns out they really worked hard to keep stuff legit).
So what's up with this setting? Are there books I can check out to learn about it? What video games use this setting?
So what's up with this setting? Are there books I can check out to learn about it? What video games use this setting?
Check here: http://www.pandius.com/index.html
Indeed, Mystara was the default campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons back when AD&D and D&D were separate things. I think AD&D was whatever campaign setting you were running since there were many choices. By 3rd edition D&D was discontinued so AD&D became D&D and the default was Greyhawk, but changed to Forgotten Realms in later editions. Now Ravenloft has been retconned into Forgotten Realms and that's just about the only setting except the Eberron materials that are scarce.
I think it may have been the setting for the Princess Ark articles featured in the Dragon magazine as well.
Waitwhat? O.o Did you mean that Ravenloft actually got put somewhere IN Abeir-Toril or that Ravenloft is once more a supported setting by WotC?
It's in the Shadowfell. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Barovia
As far as I can tell, the only source book for Ravenloft in 5th edition is the Curse of Strahd. The introductory adventure, Death House, is available free.
That was my introduction to roleplaying many, many years ago, and I have fond memories of the Dwarves of Rockholme, the vikings of Soderfjord, the nomads of Ylarium, the mages of Glantri, the elves of Alfheim and so on.
Ah, right. So it's in the FR setting, but not actually ON Faerun. That makes more sense. Although... Now it makes me wonder if the Dark Powers of Ravenloft might not actually be one or more of the evil deities of Faerun. (And if so, who?)
Oh, and did the other domains of Ravenloft come along for the ride? Or is it just Barovia? (I saw on the wiki that other domains that were created by Faerunian natives are also present, but I wonder what happened to all the other noteworthy realms that came from other D&D settings, like Sithicus, Darkon, Falkovnia, Har'Akir etc.)
The first basic D&D set was an introduction to AD&D and not connected, however.
Adventure (AD&D 2nd)
Campaign (AD&D)
Monstrous Compendium Appendix (AD&D 2nd)
The Gazetteers: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Known_World_Gazetteers
This is a list of D&D modules. Search the page for Mystara, Basic, Expert, Companion, Master, and Immortal. Those are all Mystara. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dungeons_&_Dragons_modules
The Hollow World was the interior of the Known World, aka Mystara. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollow_World_Campaign_Set
This was an entire line in the mid-late 80s and early 90s.
Oh, google the BECMI (Basic, Expert, Companion, Master, Immortals) boxed sets and the D&D Rules Cyclopedia as well.
I'm really interested in making a low-level NWN adventure that uses Mystara but Savage Coast stuff would require more work than I can put into it. For now, Karameikos looks like a good spot to start any adventure. They really encourage creating and adding your own stuff but I want to see how much of the original content I can use before having to make things up.
The book I'm using refers to Karameikos as a kingdom. Thyatis was dealing with some kind of internal problem and couldn't stop Stefan from declaring independence in A.C. 1006. Now in 3.0 terms that's an impressive AC but remember that this book was written for 2nd edition so this means that my blind grandmother could hit Karameikos from a mile away.
I'm joking. But anyway the module would likely take place sometime after that. If you're wondering what book I'm getting most of my info from it's called Mystara - Karameikos, Kingdom of Adventure.
You might find this Mystara fan site to be of interest too.