Tyrants of the Moonsea: Shadow Dragon Gormfang
My PC becomes immune to the shadow Dragon Gloomfang when I have the fighter Astor in my party. I can't even touch the dragon when I am alone so i thought I would try it with a party ( which I normally avoid as I am greedy for XP ). So I can either get blocked by the dragon or wipe it out with the help of this bug.
But after a few more tries and asking various npcs to join and leave and join my party again the problem is gone.
But now when i enter his area he is right there and my party gets instantly afraid and we all get slaughtered. Are there some items, besides that too-expensive-sword with keen and immunity to fear, that give immunity to fear I can find? Potions of clarity do not help as the dragon is on top of the area entry point when we get there so there is no time to administer.
My pc build is Sorc 1/RDD 4/ Monk 10, my best weapon is the +3 staff Striker.
I can just cheat and spawn in some items but i'd rather not.
But after a few more tries and asking various npcs to join and leave and join my party again the problem is gone.
But now when i enter his area he is right there and my party gets instantly afraid and we all get slaughtered. Are there some items, besides that too-expensive-sword with keen and immunity to fear, that give immunity to fear I can find? Potions of clarity do not help as the dragon is on top of the area entry point when we get there so there is no time to administer.
My pc build is Sorc 1/RDD 4/ Monk 10, my best weapon is the +3 staff Striker.
I can just cheat and spawn in some items but i'd rather not.
Top that off with the fact that my pc frequently got tired and needed to rest and as that meant going back to some safe area the game play was way too slow. Why do modders even after all these years still deliberately slow down the game like that?
PS: OK found how to defeat it on a youtube video like so -
I was about to suggest that AL2 (Crimson Tides of Tethyr) might be the answer and the needed gear was in that, but considering this should be playable stand alone, that doesn't seem like the right answer.
Another problem is that the cut scenes do not play well, the camera swivelling around is not smooth but very jerky so much so it looks as if the game is likely to crash.
Also I get hardly any XP for killing some very tough bosses but then huge gobs of XP for some very trivial quests like talking the gambler into breaking his gambling habit.
The alignment choices could be expanded on. I play Neutral Good, but I wasn't given appropriate choices to play the neutral part, and one or two dialogue choices didn't clearly represent lawful, at least to me.
This is turning out to be a great game though. A bit linear, but I enjoy it aside from a couple of mechanics quirks and balance issues.
My favorite things about the mod were the very nice new tile-sets and monster models and the look of the area design. The area design, especially the cities with those new tile-sets/place-able objects looked great but path-finding and finding the best camera angle was often a pain. The interior area design was also very nice looking though in the world-map room, on the ship, getting my character to the map was hard as my party was blocking me in that tiny room.
The new monster models also looked great.
The toughest battles for my Monk/RDD were;
1- Gormfang (see above) I think I ended up cheating by spawing in a few pairs of Dragon Slippers
2- The *something* of Darkness, the most frustrating battle in the game for me, which I defeated by
5- the Demilich which I defeated by
So basically almost all the battles were either too hard or too easy. For example, I killed
My character was so loaded with loot that my party:
I often sold so much loot that the merchants ran out of gold and I ended up with a bloated inventory.
In the place
My biggest pains were the constant path-finding problems and the fatigue system which meant trudging
back to a rest area ( Inn ) frequently.
If I had it to do over again I would try a different character build as my Monk was really not that useful as I eventually stopped using my unarmed attacks as I often felt I needed to use certain special magical weapons. The main benefit of the monk was his disease and poison immunity.
Trying to play this game/mod on my mac-book air without a mouse was very frustrating - I was constantly fighting with camera angle and distance and path-finding pains. Need to tweak my key-holing setting to help but the way the game still suddenly zooms the camera in and out needs to change.
But from the sounds of it, if you do wield her from the start she can never be turned back into a companion, which kinda sucks. Her character concept is pretty neat, and her spell selection is practically entirely buffs for herself, or debuffs for foes, which actually works really well with my party build since it frees me to focus my spell slots on pure offense.
Did people ever find a use for the Misty Cave in the River Lis, btw? I went exploring inside but all I found were a few Water Mephits and Water Elementals. There's a pretty pile of loot on a seemingly unreachable island, but it's also non-interactable so I presume it's there mainly for flavour.
I have to say that Tyrants of the Moonsea's map and level design is top-notch though. The maps feel VERY well fleshed out with lots of placeables that make every area feel very lifelike. The downside, as you pointed out, Calgacus, is that the pathfinding is also kinda wonky and I have frequent problems getting stuck on terrain.
EDIT: Also, did you guys also notice that Sharalyn does not seem to level up? She seems to be stuck as Ranger 5/Bard 7/Harper Scout 5, despite me now being level 21. (And Lyressa is also a level 20 Rogue, following the usual convention of being 1 level behind me. Beirmoura is also not levelling, but I'm guessing she's a rather special case.)
I don't remember anything odd about Sharalyn's levels (though I do remember her getting killed much more often than anyone else) but I remember that Lyressa became an uber rogue/assassin about level 30 or so after a certain encounter even though I was only around 20 or so.
Can confirm, Sharalyn does not level somehow. Not that it's an issue, I can roll on the mobs alone
For the Misty Cave, it is
As for Beirmoura, you can indeed enchant her at the Temple with everything, and then get her back as a companion (When you equip her as a longsword in your inventory, there's two different menus to cast spells from her since there are too many possible, and on the second menu you have a special action available that brings her back as a companion).
Also, if you missed that nice detail,
Overall a very nicely made module, with an enormous plus for the ambiance of the various cities, it's very refreshing. However I found it way too easy, especially the end fight. Literally killed everything without using any supplies. I used scrolls for the fun but really didn't needed them. They could've given some KD immunity I think !
Anyhow, does anyone know if another module will feature the rest of the story ?
I'm not sure of its current status, but the creator of this module does have plans for the fourth in the series (AL1 and AL2 come before Tyrants of the Moonsea which is AL3, but they aren't connected much story-wise, aren't as polished, and won't be getting an Enhanced Edition revival).
You can find out about AL4: The Blades of Netheril here:
The second is the unmarked house in Mulmaster with the trio of vampires that also leaves a note from a "K", which after reading some lore books, I take to be Kauvros, Orcus' vampiric lieutenant. Again, thus far I haven't encountered any follow-up to this.
I also went through the encounter that can potentially boost Lyressa to epic levels, but I decided against advising her to undergo the ceremony. I think that having a Chaotic Evil undead rogue at my back, especially given the hints that we'll be facing Orcus at some point, would just be asking for trouble. XD
@Battle2104_Ecthelion: That's very interesting to know, thanks! Can you provide instructions on how to turn Beirmoura into a wieldable sword when she's already a companion though? I can't seem to find any dialogue option that lets me do so. Or is that something you can only do the very first time you meet her?
EDIT: And finally...
As for Lyressa,
For the drow encounter :
Could you detail a bit more about the K note ? If you speak of the warehouse south of Mulmaster, I did rest in it and got attacked by a few ghosts but that was all, I don't know if there's more.
Does someone have any idea about Lady and Lord Derlson in Mulmaster ? The former's in a house and the latter in the Temple of Loviatar having his fun, but I couldn't find any dialog option or things to do with them beyond that. Maybe a reference I didn't get ?
And I left Lyrassa as she was aswell, so no clue about that.
I remember that line too, but the trouble is that the line only appears the FIRST time you talk to her. Once you've accepted her as a companion, there doesn't appear to be any way to turn her back into a wieldable weapon again.
Regarding the drow encounter, the first time I encountered the drow was at night anyway. (It was just one Priestess and a Weapon Master.) Was there a second encounter with new/different NPCs if you wait around till night time?
I'm a little fuzzy on whether the vampire encounter takes place in Mulmaster or Melvaunt. (It's definitely not in Thentia or Zhentil Keep.) Basically, you enter an unmarked house and get attacked by 3 vampires. On the corpse of one of them you find a note saying "The time is almost right to strike blah blah blah", that's signed by a "K". I actually remember that haunted warehouse (it's actually in Melvaunt, not Mulmaster), although I didn't think to try resting in it. I just walked around the warehouse with Search mode on looking to see if I could find anything, but nothing came up.
Near as I can tell, Lady and Lord Derlson are just flavour NPCs to help provide some lore/humor about the Church of Loviatar. The Church has a potential role in Elf's quest in the same city, provided you saved him back in Hillsfar, but that seems to be it. (And while on the subject, the journal entry for Elf's quest seems to suggest that you can seek out "allies" to help free the slaves, but I couldn't find anyone in the city to help out. It's possible you have to talk to someone OUTSIDE Melvaunt, but talking to Kettia or the captain in the inn both turned up nothing. The only avenue I could take was talking to the Loviatar priestess to obtain blackmail material against the slave trader.)
There's nothing more to the drow encounter I think, there's nothing but the note if you come during day and at night you find like a Priestess a WM and one or two other random drows if I remember correctly.
Seems I missed that vampire encounter ! And you're right about the haunter warehouse, it's Melvaunt.
Yeah, I didn't find any other way of freeing the slaves than paying 100k or going to Loviatar's Priestess. But I didn't seek help outside the city either.
If you finished the module, any insight as to which allies you can get for the final assault ? I got
Hmmm... I wonder, when you first encountered her, did you select the option to wield her first, or did you straight up take her as a companion (like I did)? Maybe the bug depends on whether or not you opted to wield her first.
As far as allies goes:
EDIT: Come to think of it, I'd have really liked it if you could convince Dragoth the Necromancer to send his undead troops, as well as himself, to assist in the siege of Kur-Tharsu, most likely by convincing him that this is a way for him to make amends.
The idea about the troops would've been interesting indeed !
I couldn't wield her either at the beginning, and I got her as a companion at the beginning. It turns out the option won't appear if you are not able to wield longswords (elf or martial feat). I deleveled my character and gave her a fighter level and was able to wield and enchant her.