I still love nwn2 a lot. Has it been asked for? If I've asked before, please forgive me I may have forgotten.
The graphics look a bit more modern then nwn1. The toolset is, from my experience, far more complicated then nwn1, so that may pose a challenge.
I know the Beamdog people have already said they wanted to focus on non-EE titles, like games they made from scratch, which I respect but still ...
But it would be awesome to have nwn2:ee. I'd buy it a bunch of times; for all my friends and relatives that game - which is a lot.
The graphics look a bit more modern then nwn1. The toolset is, from my experience, far more complicated then nwn1, so that may pose a challenge.
I know the Beamdog people have already said they wanted to focus on non-EE titles, like games they made from scratch, which I respect but still ...
But it would be awesome to have nwn2:ee. I'd buy it a bunch of times; for all my friends and relatives that game - which is a lot.
I believe there are practical issues in licensing and I vaguely remember hearing that no one knows where the source code for nwn2 is.
But those aside, Beamdog has definitively said they are not doing nwn2.
Much of the NWN audience was let down by the sequel and I'm not sure they would be too excited about an enhanced edition. If I look at the multiplayer numbers there are also fewer people actively playing NWN2 than there are people playing NWN Diamond Edition. On the other hand NWNEE itself doesn't seem to have been a resounding success so given all that I imagine it would be hard to justify developing NWN2EE.
That said I imagine Obsidian Entertainment would be a better place to ask for NWN2EE than Beamdog since they actually developed it.
but thats all it really had going for it. unlike nwn 1 it's 3d has aged worse doe not looks as charming and somehow looks worse then kotor despite being on the same engine. it also has alot of tech issues. long loading times ,a camera that hates in door areas, etc.
the custom mods are also not really there. you can find a ton for nwn 1 but for 2 there are at most like 6 worth playing.
There are a few gems for NWN2 PW modules available, I enjoyed the "Wizards Apprentice" part 1&2 but 3 fell short a little.
Vordens Hero Creator was perfect for planing your next character.
It would be nice if NWN2 had more support but I'd be concerned that it would be more of what we have now, a rerelease but no new content from Beamdog.
When NWN EE was released it was clear they weren't going to change the OC so I was hoping they would make new modules as they stated previously the Infinity Engine was too expensive so I told myself they have a better toolset to work with and I kept waiting for news of new modules... I've lost hope ?.
The toolset was too complicated to make new content but the story for nwn2 and its 2 expansions were the best dnd stories I have ever seen.
It still is a gorgeous game.
I found the Prologue was a good FPS check for my settings, most areas in the game ran ok but in some areas the drop is noticeable.
If someone ever took up NWN2 obviously the toolset should be looked at and certainly the performance, also there are a few bugs remaining just like most games but one gets me everytime I play, there is a major battle towards the end of the game that has you holding an entrance way against waves of enemies, if I use area of effect spells before the boss arrival cinematic plays the cinematic shows but the boss doesn't appear and you can't continue, I have to hold back until the boss arrives.
From a personal perspective a revision would have to add something major if not a complete rethinking and restructuring of how NWN2 deals with area data and character model customization, and forced persistence of animations, and a new animation system to replace Granny/GR2 but with better animations too. Otherwise you're still just polishing something up which continues to have severe modding limitations.
An easy to use toolset is only half of the problem. If the modding for NWN2 wouldn't fundamentally change with an update then Obsidian or whoever makes a hypothetical enhanced edition should just stick to improving the single player official campaigns.
we got a finished version of daggerford and tyrants of the moon sea so we did not get nothing.
I really enjoyed Daggerford but I haven't got around to much of Moonsea yet, I was really glad for something new...well new for me but those projects were unfinished from back in the day and finally Ossian Studios got the recognition they deserved but I had myself really hoping Beamdog would make...something new for NWN.
It seems like they've almost abandoned NWN, I probably had unrealistic expectations.