Knights of the Old Republic Remake Might Be Back in the Cards

"According to one, the previously mentioned Knights of the Old Republic remake is back in development. My other source added to that saying they felt it wasn’t so much a remake, but a “sequel” of sorts. It would be a Knights of the Old Republic project that would integrate elements from the first two games in order to bring certain things into the current Star Wars canon. Not necessarily a remake, so much as a re-imagining."
Post edited by SorcererV1ct0r on
The last star wars games for then isn't bad. Is just not good as Kotor or force unleashed.
when i enjoy fan made modules made in nwn from like 2004 more then current games there is an issue.
Did you tested SWTOR? My guess is a new Kotor will be similar to SWTOR.
I was watching to a SWTOR video and looks like WoW. Felt more like i an working with a spreedsheet to use game mechanics that doesn't reflect anything about the game's universe in my favor INSTEAD of being immersed in my character's skin... A swtor video in spoiler. Not talking about mechanics that i already criticized a lot here but the game is nothing like KOTOR and i believe that a possible "Kotor 3" will be more in common with SWTOR than to kotor 1/2...
This is what i love about KOTOR 1/2 (more screens on spoiler)
The unique alteration that i would make in KOTOR 2 is to remake is to remove parts like Mira's part, where you need to fight using Mira, not your MC. Was by far the hardest part of the game by far. Even putting the game on easy, was harder than on hard for my main sith lord... Hell, i spended like 80 medkits and 50 advanced medkits in that part...
Me too. I have a lot of fun playing conversions from PnP to NWN1....
IMO the greatest sin that a RPG can commit is what a lot of modern games(mostly mmos) are commiting "Ludonarrative dissonance or disconnect between narrative and mechanics"
If they maintain the D20, would be a huge incline.
And fixing the bug where you get stuck in place after every single combat in the first game on modern systems.
@SorcererV1ct0r never played or even looked at the MMO, since it's well an MMO and your description pretty much describes them all.
I would play a star wars mmo as longs it uses the D20 or other similar system, not the WoW system...
Anyway, i completed Kotor 2 for the first time today. had played kotor 2 some years ago but could't pass the part where you are forced to play with Mira. For her another fight near the end game
The final boss in other hands, i found too easy. Mainly if you have high WIS and high DC for your force powers. You can literally prevent then from moving while you nuke then... Force Crush deals D10 force damage per your caster level... That is insane high damage. IDK if there are any power more powerful in raw damage.
If Mira was giving you trouble I would have just went with Hanharr. He's a monster stats wise and is one of the more interesting characters.
There's a fix for that bug. I don't remember what it was off the top of my head, but IIRC, it was a pretty simple fix.
I don't remember either, but I think I remember it not working for a lot of people.
The solution for me was quicksave and quickload after each battle
That's a pain in the ass to do every single fight, though.
Anyway, one other thing that i really wish in a "kotor 3" is be able to be a Sith Pureblood and other races. SWTOR allows it but i can't play...
One (potential) positive thing would be that the story beats are all pretty much established. So while the Bioware of old that created the game is mostly gone, the story wouldnt need to be changed much.
The MMO is by far the most story-driven game in it's genre. In fact, it's probably worth playing each class archetype and expansion for that reason alone. And that's the problem with KOTOR 3. As far as this series is concerned, absolutely everything in The Old Republic is direct sequel canon.
Now, I understand WHY people hate that the next entry in this beloved series was an MMO. I'm sure alot of Warcraft 3 fans felt the same way in 2004. But the cat is already out of the bag on that. And even subscribing for a month or two will give you access to story-content that is actually really high quality and easily the equivalent of a 100+ hour RPG. And you will never need to group with anyone.
Turning a series into a MMO can mean two things >
A ) Pick the game and make it multiplayer
B ) Make another WoW clone
99,9% od cases is "B", not "A", Ultima Online is the unique "A" case that i know. Sure, they had to remove few spells like Armageddon by obvious reasons but the UO is mechanic wise and lore wise, Ultima. If they had maintained the same D20 system for SWTOR, i would pay a sub fee happily.
And is not only mechanic wise that people hate mmos. One of the most common complaints against other games. Many people said that DA:I felt like a mmo ( ) and i agree. There are people who criticize Gothic 3 because G3 hasa lot of "mmo quests'(note : You don't need to do all quests to become ludicrous powerful and godlike at end game) The story of SWTOR at least is better.
Even ESO, i had the feeling that there are very little difference among the players and ESO is one of the most originals mainstream RPG's. The game gives way less freedom with spells AND archery than any other TES game, skyrim included. Mainly if you consider Skyrim shouts.
I'll never recognize its canon for those reasons alone.
I'm afraid to ask what it did.
thats due to since disney bought star wars they had a tighter control on the canon then when lucas was involved where he just let people do whatever.
Death and mind...stuff (mentally broken/dominated). What, exactly, varies a bit depending on your story path. Hope you didn't get too attached to the characters you spent all that time playing as.
Yeah, having anyone other than Obsidian continue kotor after 2 just doesn't gel.