Multiplayer Patch for Xbox One NWN:EE is out

in News
Straight to business— the Xbox One multiplayer patch for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is finally here!
At long last, Xbox players can join forces with friends in the classic adventures of Neverwinter Nights! Today’s patch adds online multiplayer support for the core game and expansions, cross-platform play, plus access to the persistent worlds of Arelith and Ravenloft. Check out our blog for details, or visit the Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition FAQ.
At long last, Xbox players can join forces with friends in the classic adventures of Neverwinter Nights! Today’s patch adds online multiplayer support for the core game and expansions, cross-platform play, plus access to the persistent worlds of Arelith and Ravenloft. Check out our blog for details, or visit the Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition FAQ.
How is this possible with Xbox keys?
?Multiplayer bug fixes
?Online menu alignment glitch fix
Read on for patch details.
Thanks to everyone for your patience, feedback and reports since release!?