Member Posts: 33
Can I change my portrait on my already existing save file and charname? Wondering if its possible without using the bg ee keeper.
For some reason, the portraits I have only load on the character page but not on the side character bar. That show up as a (?) face. In v1.3 there used to be an option to select default pics for the small panel for chars but that was removed in v2.5. Any idea how to fix it?
i've seen this problem as well and i think it could be a couple of reasons;
your portrait is not in the correct dimensions ( 210 x 330 )
you have too many letters in your portrait name ( i think the game likes 7 at the most )
make sure to have a large "L" at the end of your portrait name
im looking at my portraits folder and one thing i noticed is that all the portraits of less than 7 characters in their name, and lots of them end with an "L" and i believe all of mine work now, so try the above 3 steps and see if that works