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Sanity check before reinstall

CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
edited February 2020 in BGII:EE Mods
Hey folks, getting ready to reinstall again. Just wanted some other eyes to look at this list of mods (kits, quests, tweaks) (niinus the client) and let me know if you see any problems. Any suggestions on installation order are welcome also.

Normally I do

1. Quests, then BG1 NPC & UB
2. NPCs
3. Kits
4. Tweaks (RR, S&S, aTweaks, Tweaks Anthology, SCS, Item Randomizer)


I've never used 'New Travel System' or BG2EE GUI to BGEE, so not quite sure about those.

Any help is appreciated, lest I just go "Charging blindly on."



  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,796
    Thanks for having Brage's Redemption in there! (And any other mod from me, of course).
    If you install bgqe before BG1NPC Project, then putting Brage's Redemption after is ok. If you do not install bgqe, Brage's Redemption should go before BG1NPC.
    I have no idea about kit and tweak mods. :(
  • jastey wrote: »
    Thanks for having Brage's Redemption in there! (And any other mod from me, of course).

    I am excited about the possibility of Brage as an NPC! I will almost certainly take him with my Paladin's.
  • @jastey , I was just trying to install Brage, but there is no executable that I see. All I see is a file folder called c#brage, a ReadMe, and something called .gitattributes. What am I missing? Thanks, CT
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,796
    Yes, I forgot to upload the actual mod package, but I fixed it yesterday or so. If you go to the download now, you'll find the mod package attached to the release.
  • @jastey, Thanks. Got it.
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