BG with mods is absolutely better

Guys I'll be honest. I was waiting for this game since the announcement. Yesterday night I was able to download it 1 hour after official release hour and that's not so important for me as far as I find the game good. BUT:
It really sucks and I have my reasons:
1- It's so normal to have bugs but not that obvious ones. It seems there was no testing even the simple things like tooltips (when you hover your mouse on the '?' icon, the tooltip says 'rest' instead of 'help'). How the hell you didn't even check that simple things?
2- The graphics and zoom feature is really bad. It's like using Windows Magnifying Glass on the game. So why announce it like an improvement? The new interface feels amateur, like a cheap mod that changes UI color. Those who played BG in old times knows how it feels to have a stone UI and how it merges with the game ambience. This new UI doesn't give the same feeling at all. It's like a bad cover from a highschool band. If you want to change the UI, you must do it without loosing that feeling.
3- The cinematics... It's horrible. Why you did this guys? Is there no one around you to tell you that somethig wrong with these cinematics? It would be even better if you do them without any animations, just like a comic book page with chat bubbles.
You just use BGT or TUTU with some modes fixing old bugs and adding enhancements and widescreen mod: you surely will have a better BG experience than this one.
I'm so disapointed, so disapointed.
It really sucks and I have my reasons:
1- It's so normal to have bugs but not that obvious ones. It seems there was no testing even the simple things like tooltips (when you hover your mouse on the '?' icon, the tooltip says 'rest' instead of 'help'). How the hell you didn't even check that simple things?
2- The graphics and zoom feature is really bad. It's like using Windows Magnifying Glass on the game. So why announce it like an improvement? The new interface feels amateur, like a cheap mod that changes UI color. Those who played BG in old times knows how it feels to have a stone UI and how it merges with the game ambience. This new UI doesn't give the same feeling at all. It's like a bad cover from a highschool band. If you want to change the UI, you must do it without loosing that feeling.
3- The cinematics... It's horrible. Why you did this guys? Is there no one around you to tell you that somethig wrong with these cinematics? It would be even better if you do them without any animations, just like a comic book page with chat bubbles.
You just use BGT or TUTU with some modes fixing old bugs and adding enhancements and widescreen mod: you surely will have a better BG experience than this one.
I'm so disapointed, so disapointed.
1- the fact it is known doesn't make this right.
2- if it is the only way to this so don't do it or don't announce it like enhancement.
There are more naturally...the bugs can be fixed but the other things not so much. The opening cinematic to me was ok....a bit out of place regarding Baldur's Gate though. Personally I think they tried to "Improve" it too much to the point where it was too many bugs to handle in a short time. I wish they released a "beta" beforehand to the general public who have already paid to hear their may have prevented some of this.
Anyway is there a way to make the tooltips bigger? I can barely read them as they are so small, and zooming in doesn't change their size. Also is there way to make the interface smaller? It takes so big portion of the screen even on high resolution.
E: 30minutes later and It doesn't feel as bad, I guess it was mainly the opening cinematic that threw me off.
(graphics were lost, ya know? so they can't do high res rendering of original stuff)
Cinematics are nice, but it's probably down to opinion.
When my hand wants a rest from clicking i press the "help" button, to check some interesting reads.
That's probably the reason it's like that. Yeah!
Meanwhile, modding community of BG makes awesome entity that has had almost 14 years to mod the game they love. In what world is it strange, surprising or disappointing the latter outperforms former?
If and when I manage to recover from severe disappointment of STILL not being able to talk to them charmed NPCs. my 1st impression of BGEE is highly positive one.
..Opening vid was terrible tho.
BG was released in 1998. Give it (some more;p )time. Wait for 1.x and various fixes and improvements made by devs and the community. Wait for couple of nice mods to pop up. If it still looks shitty game then, come back and do your complaining;p
Who knows, maybe the Enhanced Edition is better suited to Android and IPad versions instead of PC. But at least there is an option. Everything is a little chaotic at the moment, so let's see how things are when the dust settles.
The game is working fine, it's playable and most of the bugs I have heard about are not game breaking or stopping people playing.
If a tooltop saying the wrong thing is the biggest problem than I think I can live with that! Not sure if you had a chance to play Sword of the Stars II on release but THAT was a game which was a bad release.
For shame !!
Frankly speaking, the modders will win. LOL.
To those who are having issues, please be patient. Overhaul is a small studio that worked hard on this and will fix the issues. It's not hard to see the love they put into BG:EE.
Then again my game works totally fine, no bugs whatsoever thus far.
Remarkably I'm still having fun, possibly because I don't have unrealistic expectations of a bug free environment, or the capacity of a small team of beta testers to discover the same volume of bugs in code as the odd hundred thousand people stress testing it.
I also really like the zoom feature, if only to zoom all the way out to see more.
With that in mind -- and because there's no possibility of changing the art models of the game -- I'm actually thrilled, alleviated and thankful for the zoom feature. You certainly don't need to use it, if you don't want to.
This is mostly a matter of taste and you should at least have acknowledged that much before speaking too rudely of an art direction choice. I understand it may come as a shock to those of us used to the old art style, but honestly -- while I'm still getting used to it -- I'd never think of mentioning this as a major issue with the game. It's something that, personally (hence being a matter of taste), I can get used to and doesn't feel so wrong to me. And then someone(s) would complain how could they ruin the game by doing a comic book out of the cinematics. There's no pleasing everyone.
I don't particularly fancy the cinematics either. Not because I don't think they are badly made. I think the art style is awesome and give my congratulations to the artist(s). The issue I have with them is simply because I'm not used to it from my experience with the BG games. I'd really love that in the future we could get the old cinematics back and simply move between one or the other from a setting on the Options screen. I'm getting tired of this argument. BGEE doesn't exist as an improvement over BG + mods that have had 15 years(!) to mature. It's you making that comparison. BGEE exists to bring the game into the modern era of technology and computing and, with an even better support for mods, to spawn a new generation of mods. BGEE exists to help Baldur's Gate I (and hopefully soon II) stay current and in the minds and hearts of its fans.
. zoom (gadget, no? but work)
. inventory & journal (better)
and ?