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Saving throw bug?

MWOMWO Member Posts: 214

I'm currently trying out to see if the specialist mage saving throw bonuses actually work.

I'm casting hold person with a -1 to saving throw. As an enchanter I get additional -2. With the Greater Malison additional -4, equals a total of -7 to save vs. hold person cast from an enchanter with greater malison applied first.

EE Keeper tells me that Illasera have a saving throw vs spell of 6, meaning she has to roll a 5 to actually fail and get the full effect of a spell. With a -7 to saving throws she should get affected by the spell if she rolls 12 or less (60 % chanse to fail her saving throws). When does the actual saving throws bonuses/losses apply in the game?

I thought it applied *before* the actual number showed up in the text box. But then she would never be able to roll a number 16 (16+7 = 23) on a d20.

Please, enlighten me!



  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited February 2020
    Greater Malison, as with all non-conditional saving throw modifiers, increases the targets saving throws (as seen on record screen).
    Conditional modifiers, such as the penalties specific to Hold Person and specialist school, directly affect the saving throw roll (the number displayed in the combat log includes this value, but it is not displayed elsewhere).
    Illasera's save vs. spell is 6, Greater Malison would increase it to 10, so she will save against an enchanter's hold person with a displayed roll of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, or 17, having actually rolled a 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20, respectively.
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    edited February 2020
    Aha, I see! There's a two step procedure here. With a saving throw vs spell at 10, it would mean she will fail the saving throws of my hold person at 12 (9+3) with my specialist enhancement. Correct? Ingame it wouldn't show the actual numbers, so ingame it will fail if shown 12 (having actually rolled 15 then).

    With, say a chaos spell or a hold monster Illasera would have to save vs spell Rolling a 15 or 13 respectively?

    Thank you for the reply!

  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    MWO wrote: »
    Aha, I see! There's a two step procedure here. With a saving throw vs spell at 10, it would mean she will fail the saving throws of my hold person at 12 (9+3) with my specialist enhancement. Correct? Ingame it wouldn't show the actual numbers, so ingame it will fail if shown 12 (having actually rolled 15 then).

    With, say a chaos spell or a hold monster Illasera would have to save vs spell Rolling a 15 or 13 respectively?

    She would fail with a basic die roll of 12 or less against the hold person - in which case the roll would not be displayed, as only successful saves are displayed. If her basic die roll had been 15 the game would display that as her saving and show only the net roll of 12 after the specialist and spell specific modifiers had been applied.

    The minimum saving throws required against chaos and hold monster would be 16 (6+4+4+2) and 14.
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