creating a chain projectile
Member Posts: 122
Anyone know how this is done. I assumed you would have to start with chain lightning. However I'm playing Kjeron's Warlock kit and it's Eldritch chain looks to use opcode 328 to create the effect. But I've tried to duplicate just that and not been able to get it to work.
You would be better off looking at the Chain Lightning spell in IWDEE.
The op328 effect just sets a spell state on the target, which the projectile will ignore, so that the "chain" doesn't double-back and hit the same target twice.
The initial spell uses a single-target lightning bolt projectile.
The subspell uses an area-effect projectile with:
Ignore targets with Spellstate "Chain Lightning" set.
"Single-Target" AoE flag
Explosion Projectile = Lightning bolt (same projectile as the initial spell)
The subspell is cast up to 11 times, hitting a different target each.